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A Hokage's Boring Forge-work

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Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:48 pm
Making legendaries and custom weapons.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:36 pm
tab Lahlil ran into the market far more behind schedule than she would have liked to be. This is one of the few days off she had gotten in such a long while after being named Hokgae and she spent so much of it already sleeping in! Marbles there really isn’t enough time in the day! Feet skittering across the cobblestone pavement from her flight ninjutsu the young kage squeezed her way through the crowd that had found in the commons square. It was an unfortunate coincidence that a celebration sale had been lined up on this same day but that wasn’t something that could be helped.

When the committee had come to her to get approved for the sale Lahlil had whole-heartedly stood behind it. It was good that the people here had something good to look forward to after enduring such hardship. Thankfully she also had a small enough frame to slip her way through the jostling crowd and in no time flat the girl made it to the shop she had been searching for this whole time, a small wooden shop made for selling only the finest crafting ingredients. It’s front lay mostly untouched, more than likely due to it not partaking in the sidewalk sales. The owner probably couldn’t afford such a decision which was fine by Lahlil anyway. She need quality not quantity and the kage had more than enough money to spare.

Pulling the curtain aside there was a chirping ring followed by an “I’ll be right with you!” of a little old woman. Lahlil patiently waited inside, mindless browsing the countless lines of fine thread. It was really quite beautiful as there were every color one could imagine in the sweatshop. Eventually the pitter patter of little footsteps signaled to Lahlil that the owner had returned to whatever project she ad in the back and indeed she had. A thick pair of bifocals lay resting on her angled nose that left Lahlil wondering how she even got around. I wonder if she can even see my face? “Hello! Sorry to bug but I was wondering, might you carry any fine thread? I have a project of a… well a legendary proportion.” ”hm..I think I have something along those lines. But I’m afraid I can’t part with it for cheap…” “Oh that’s fine! I have plenty so money is no object for me!” Her words doing enough to state the old lady’s worry the two of them made there way to the back of the shop were the older woman retrieved a threading kit. It’s spot on the shelf left a dust mark that made Lahlil cringe. Just how poor were these people?

”Will that be all dearie?” “Mm would it be possible if I work on my project in your shop? It would be nice to stay where I can easily buy crafting materials and the crowd outside is monstrous.” ”Oh, I suppose that will be fine. Just ring this bell if you need anything dear. My hearing isn’t what it used to be.” With her approval Lahlil immediately set off to work. Nearly falling backwards on a far too small stool, the kage first prepared the needle she would use. The kit may have been dirty but there could be no denying the kind of craftsmanship it was meant for. While it undoubtedly took her hours of work to knit her starting point, the time flew by. It wasn’t much longer until the suit was at it’s completion. Looking over the shining colors Lahlil was truly proud of how well it had turned out. Her own chakra woven into every fiber of it’s creation it was without a doubt the greatest creation she had ever made. I just hope that he likes it…


Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker

Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:57 am
- Taking Place in the Konoha Public Forge-
- [1] post-reduction per grandmaster title (Forge) -
- [1] post-reduction per grandmaster title (normal) -

tab Lahlil entered the forge with her hair tied back in a ponytail. If she was going to start this project then she didn't need the distraction of errant hairs falling into her face. A table seat with arm's distance, Lahlil threw whatever work was left on its surface aside and claimed its surface as her own. The process was disrespectful but needed all at the same time, the scroll took up every inch that was available. Written in black ink all, were the hasty scribblings of a plan layout. Utterly incomprehensible to anyone trying to make sense of the work. Except of course, Lahlil herself. [1]

So let's see here, it looks like I'm going to have my work cut out for me here if I want to make this battery a reality. Fuchsia eyes observed the device that was meant to save her people, a device that would help power the barrier that protected Konoha. After visiting Arashi, the young Hokage had taken inspiration from the flying city. It was a marvel, but more importantly, it had shown her the future. T/his world was changing and if she wanted to keep her people truly safe, it meant that she had change with it.[2]

Before she got into all of that, however, she would have to work herself up to. Lahlil was by no means a master mechanism or even a beginner! She lacked even the most basic understanding of the subject. It was almost ironic, she had spent so long seeking mastery over the ninja arts, and in the end, it wasn't even what she needed to get what she wanted. Thankfully, the Arashikage was more than gracious enough to provide Lahlil with plans that many had used before her in order to learn the technical craft. [3]

The first of which, was understanding the basis of the chakra battery. She had some idea of how they worked based on what she had seen and heard fo Sadayo's ramblings. The director of the Konoha defense forces had displayed a very fined tuned understanding that had always impressed the Kage. This, however, was something that Lahlilw couldn't have ever excepted. the inner workings were complex and from what she could tell, revolved solely around the idea of changing your chakra into a type that could safely be used by other devices, as pure lightning formed by many ninja techniques were much too powerful and prone to causing lasting damage. [4]

Were she honest with herself, Lahlil didn't quite understand why it was that she couldn't use the chakra type outright without proper training, but who was she to argue when the results were already made so clear to her? Rummaging around through a box that she had purchased from the marketplace, Lahlil set herself towards finding the correct pieces necessary to build her first battery. many of the tools that she threw on the table were so finely crafted that Lahlil wondered how they were ever made to begin with. Their tips all formed into thin points that she suspected one would need a doujutsu to see clearly. The delicate instruments easily slipped through the tiniest holes and cracks made by metal to allow for the rearranging of the wires beneath the surface. [4]

Lahlil was awash in the work, losing any track of time she would have kept beforehand. This sacrifice wasn't in vain, however, and soon Lahlil held her very first creation within her palms. A tiny thing, no bigger than a bunny. although Lahlil would wager that's insides were no less complicated. hundreds of thin cables all interlinked with each other to carry a loop of repeating power into whatever device it was connected to. The perfect conductor to convert chakra into a useable energy source. [5]

Now all she needed to do was actually be able to create the device that would be powered. Uhhmm probably best if I just practice on something smaller... it looks like this outlines the blueprints for a... cooler? Hm. Lahlil's bright eyes set to work on deciphering what knowledge she could glean from the paper. A bead of sweat rolling off her forehead from eh work she did earlier, it didn't seem like fate would be any kinder with this project either. She would need to get more metal if she was going to attempt this. [6]

Coming back from the market for what must have been the with time today, Lahlil tossed her metal to the side, the sack that was holding it slumped against the leg of the table. The kage wasn't too concerned over the treatment of her materials, they would all be melted down soon enough. From over by the forge, Lahlil picked out the needed casts to make the tools she needed. The first step for her would be to create a set of casts that could smelt the items she needed to build the exterior. It was a good thing that she was already well versed in weaponsmithing, as it cut down the amount of time greatly. [7]

It was a few days later when Lahlil returned to her work, a=having to let the metal cure was along the process and one that she had no intent on rushing. If she was going to do this, then she was going to do it right. Once she was satisfied with the turning out, the Kage began building her very first device. the outside took only a few minutes to set up, but the real trouble would be the inside, having to adjust on the fly for size restraints, Lahlil did her best to place the batteries snugly in their place in order to properly configure her cooing device she had made while the metal was curing. After some calculations, the kage was able to place each in a way to cool every inch of the cooler. [8]

Technology Grandmaster obtained!

- Taking Place in the Konoha Public Forge-
- [1] post-reduction per grandmaster title (Forge) -
- [1] post-reduction per grandmaster title (normal) -

Returning nearly a weak later, Lahlil finally felt as if she had the courage to work on another form of crafting, this time scrolling. a useful ability for a funin specialist was to be able to create their own scrolls as needed. That and the kage had always had an interest in the craft. Even going os far as to look into how they were made by performing hr own research beforehand. It was that research that she would be calling on today. [1]

Pulling some fresh materials from the shelf that were free use, Lahlill first used her wind chakra to rip hundreds of paper into tiny pieces. the process was tedious but necessary. She wanted them as torn up as possible in order to reform them into the shape she needed. once they were all small enough, she created a small localized windstorm of razorblades that minced the paper beyond all recognition. The only thing left int heir place was a fine mash. [2]

Taking large clumpful of this mash by the harmful, Lahlil carried the pile by hand into a large container that was pre-filled with water. Only once the pile became too large that the mound of sticking out of the top like a small mountain, did Lahlil start mixing it in. Like a whirlpool, its contents were dragged around and down into the center were after reaching the bottom of the spiral were they pushed out of the vortex by the new, only to start the process over again. For hours Lahlil did this until she started to lose feeling in her arms. [3]

After the clump turned more into a giant paste, Lahlil lifted a large grate to which she could filter out the water. Slowly shimming back and forth until a perfect square of the new paper was left in its place. The perfect length to rolll into a scroll as well. Lahlil took this paste and carefully placed it on a block of the same dimension as the grate that allowed for the old to be broken away. From here it was a simple task of just pressing any folds that were leftover with a large metal brick. the metal brick was actually one of Lahlil's inventions and had a heated bottom. A convenience, as it allowed her to skip the step of having to use fire to heat treat the top. [4]

Scroll Crafting Grandmaster obtained!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:07 pm
- two paragraphs for [4] customs gained -
- one paragraph for [1] PA gained -

Lahlil set back to work in her forge, her goal being to start work on the new devices to power Konoha's defenses. However to that, she was going to have to work on her own sealing array Jutsu first. Tossing a scroll out over the table Lhll started writing up plans on her new Jutsu. These plans included detailed information about how to cast said Jutsu and preform any upkeeps nessacary. Motions, handsigns, etc. All would need to be taken into account while the age created the birth of an entirely new way of funin magic. [1]

Once that was completed, she started to work again to mimic the effect on another scroll. The difference is that with this one, her forces were more on how to alter altered cast seals. She was mainly interested in hiding them from view as she was now fairly confident in the power of her array. She started out by writing a jutsu that would allow her to hide the seals from the physical sight of any enemy in the area. An easy task, as she had plenty of sources to draw from, such as other known Jutsu. [2]

Idly the thought crossed her mind as to just who the people were who had created the basis for her work in the first place. Or even to who had crated jutsu at all. She had never paid much attention to religion but from what she recalled the art of ninjutsu had come from a god, oh what was his name? And that funin was a specialty of the Lady Evergreen herself. Curious, Lahlil wondered if that was why she had become so well versed in the arts herself. But that was a thought for another day. Right she needed to find a way to hide a seals chakra source from those who pick it up. The Hokage was a sensor herself and thus knew their prowess. Yet... perhaps that was the answer? [3]

- Making the new approved Konoha tech! -

This was it, her plans were finally coming to fruition! After this Lahlil would set to work towards completing the seal array for her village. the only thing that remained was to build her projects that would help support the village in the case of an attack. Eyes gazing intently over the blueprint before her, Lahlil continued once she was certain that she hadn't somehow made any mistakes in the plan somewhere. It was a complex machine, there could be no doubts, but more than that Lahlil wouldn't take any chances when it came to her home.

Since the devices were all meant to work in tandem with each other, Lahlil left her space cluttered while she worked. Choosing instead to juggle all four at once than to work on a single one at a time. It was easier on her mind when she could compare and make adjustments all at once. Tinkering with the metal works, Lahlil first builds up the outer shells of each. The headband is the hardest as it required a more fine hand to control its delicate workings. It was the first of its type and the kage couldn't have been more proud of her work. Once it was completed she would take it before a council to get it approved for mass production.

the ultimate device that would allow a ninja to move through her barrier seamlessly. It left less avenue of faults than a traditional gate since it would allow for hit and run tactics on enemies at the gate and even block out the trauma from the seals she had planned to place throughout the village. Of course that all hinged on getting the barrier up first. Not a hard task by any means but why should she stop improving where she found faults? The destruction of Uzu had happened because people had become complacent. Well, Lahlil would make sure to never let that happen here.

The drive pushed her forward, kept her on her feet and she was grateful for it. In a strange sort of way that is. Witnessing it like a reality check. The spark of electricity snapped her attention back from her daydreaming, however, and Lahlil chastised herself for letting her thoughts wander, delving back into her work the kage finished up the first of the K. S. B. U units this one would serve as a battery pack to the next two. They would need it in a drawn-out fight since one could not supply chakra forever. Also with the first model complete, it would take no time at all in order to copy its design for the larger models.

Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker

◄ 時║𝓜𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 ↬ ᴀʟᴛᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇʟɪɴᴇ ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ ʀᴘ

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