User ImageBonds : Nagisa awakens her dark side. Kagerou is there with popcorn.

Title: Bonds
Information: Call it friendship, call it camaraderie, call it a legal obligation. The nurturing of relationships is one of the most fruitful types of narrative. Helping a friend out in a kitchen, helping keep their business alive, being there for them after a bad break up, building new friendships...building new rivals...building new nemesis's. Confronting those nemesis's and exchanging conflicting beliefs in fierce wholehearted heated debate and getting to know the other through their opposition on a new level.
Every post made strengthening an existing relationship with an rpc, rewards Ac equal to one's body rank plus [1], maximum . Those interacted with may also be considered to be running this narrative with you albeit their posts are separate from your own. The narrative is considered completed once the parties part ways for another day.

Nagisa's last strands of sanity seemed to slip away as she saw and touched the first of Kagerou's spilled blood. At first, it did seem like she was putting up a hell of a fight, but the fight was soon lost when she saw the blood of her teacher on her own hands. Trembling, in an impossible to control and painfully slow movement, the bloodied hand was raised to her lips and the first bite of the forbidden apple tasted. A mixed, indescribable hunger filled her eyes and her distorting mouth turned into a hard to describe expression, some cross between a hungry snarl and an ecstatic smile. She gave a feral roar as the petals that had already spread across her bodies blossomed even more densely, all but changing the color of the skin in some places.

Unperturbed by the apparent cannibalistic desires that crossed her student's expressions, Kagerou stood silently, relaxed yet ready for when Nagisa gave her next strike. Her red orbs, carefully observing, were impossible to read and the smile with no meaning lent even more of an air of mystery to the teacher.

Nagisa struck out, leaping forward and hands out like claws. Kagerou moved this time, seeing that she could not continue to passively take attacks. She swept aside the dual claw attacks with one arm, pressing them aside from her vitals but at the sacrifice of her arm instead. Nagisa gripped this arm hold tightly, nails piercing ecstatically into flesh, and used the new hold to anchor her body as she pushed forward into a lunge, teeth aimed straight at where the arteries collected at Kagerou's next.

It did not escape the medic that Nagisa knew exactly where to strike to draw the most blood. It appeared, that within the madness, that was the raison d'etre. Her other arm raised to block the bite, and Nagisa bit down on the substitute, teeth piercing flesh until the two sides connected, severing a part of Kagerou's flesh that was ripped off of Kagerou's when Nagisa pulled her head back with great energy, blood spurting in copious amounts for a short second before the wound was, like all other wounds Kagerou had taken so far, summarily healed.

"Nagisa, come back," Kagerou encouraged, blatantly ignoring the large chunk of flesh that was just torn from her arm, that was currently rolling around and curling in Nagisa's bloody red tongue. The perspiration that coated her forehead was the only signs of her physical distress for she continued to smile blandly.

A guttural cry erupted from the still chewing Nagisa, one that sounded like a "WHY?!" but extended and so distorted that it was hard to tell.

Kagerou chastised like this madness was totally normal, "And do not talk with your mouth full. It is impolite."

With mouth still full, Nagisa shouted again in defiance. This time, no trace of logic could be heard in the sound. Seeming to learn from the past mistake, she didn't simply approach Kagerou. Instead, she started with a massive upheaval of earth, a doton technique, to throw Kagerou off balance before closing the gap with a scythe prime to cleave away the flesh of her beloved teacher.

It appeared Kagerou was unimpressed. Her face, stuck in the same bland smile for so long, was unreadable. However, her words clearly set that Nagisa had failed to reach the standards she expected, "If this is all you can achieve alone, then I'm afraid I will have to intervene. I'm sorry, I was hoping you would learn how to control your curse mark on your first try, but that seems unlikely to be the case."

To back her words, her body moved deftly, blocking the rise of the earth and avoiding Nagisa's surprise strikes as they appeared suddenly through the rubble that had been raised into the air by the clash of their techniques. Her chakra aura manifested, and a deadly dance between red head and red eyes was held amidst a flurry of swirling green leaves of condensed chakra. Inscriptions appeared from time to time, some showed immediate effects in order to help the physically weaker Kagerou successfully duel Nagisa while others remained inert for the time being.

In the moment her dodges and deflections created the opening she desired, Kagerou stepped forward into the opened arms and hugged Nagisa tight. Her arms wrapped intimately around Nagisa's back, hands gripping tightly into her hair and waist. Bells rang serenely with the hymn-like lullaby that hummed through Kagerou's lips in that short initial instant of her hug, and as if awakened with the melody, the ground around the two lit up in a brilliant green light as a seal formed upon the earth.

The soft glow of the gentle light did not blind, but it covered the two completely. When it faded, it revealed a collapsed Nagisa held bridal style in Kagerou's arms. They will have a long talk later about everything Nagisa had said and done to determine the depth and source of such feelings. However, right now was the time for comfort. Even though Nagisa was unconscious, Kagerou assured, "You did well. Let's get you some clothes and rest now." [41 sentences]


Chakra: 2070
Stamina: 2150

Sentences: 346
Paragraphs/Times Completed: 86
AC per Completion: 3,200 AC
Total AC: 275,200 AC