Original Profile

--Aged up based on current IC age
--Change in primary location
--Rewritten personality based off playing her
--Addition to her history to reflect that she is leaving the Weyr and will no longer be there always and often lmao.
--She'll still be a standidate

Name: Niika
Age: 27 28
Nameday: 3547.13.16
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Aged Out Candidate Healer
Rank: Apprentice
Location: Fort Hold - Healer Hall
Physical Description: Niika is not delicate in any definition of the word. While not considered tall, her broad shoulders and strong build give her the impression of being larger than she is in presence. She has almost golden red hair that is constantly braided (and her braid game is strong) and dark blue eyes that almost look black unless in the right lighting. She has several scars from overly eager dragonets.
Personality: Niika may know more about you than you do about her - she is a quiet individual who is easy to miss unless she wants your attention and more often than not...she doesn’t want it. She may not be a shrinking violet, but she spends more time taking everything in than she does trying to stand out. Niika is very pointed with her observations and when she shares them, they are worth being listened to. These can be strong opinions about the things she sees, or saying things that polite company would bypass. But not all opinions make their way out of her mouth. Her filter is strong, but only as long as she herself decides it needs to be - nothing she says is by accident.

However, Niika struggles to think very highly of herself, quick to find the things that are wrong with herself through some lense she has guessed other people look at her through. Clearly there is some gaping flaw she has she just can’t find to fix to be so unwanted in her life, or so she sees it. This same low self-esteem also makes her prone to envy other people for the things they have that she wishes she could have for herself. Why can’t she have it too?

That said, she is the kind to suffer through her sadnesses after simple glimmers of hope - even if her heart is trampled all over she is capable of picking up the (envious and grudging) pieces to try and move forward - even if she has to climb over a large pile of fear and sadness to move on. While she may take it all with her, she is at least still moving forward - always.
Positive Trait List Reserved, Observant, Persistent
Negative Trait List Quiet, Low Self-Esteem, Envious
History: Niika was born in High Reaches Weyr to a couple who would put their daughter into the creche and leave her to be raised like many children - under the feet of everybody else. Life was mostly uneventful - the same scraped knees as any kid, and eventually the same candidate chores as any other.

However, like many candidates, no dragon would come to her. After years of waiting - and hoping - she would move out of the barracks and have to find another niche for herself. At first, this was in the kitchens. However, over the last few turns she has found something she treasures more highly in the world than her broken dreams - and is leaving the Weyr she spent her life in to find a better way to serve it. While perhaps older than those she will be learning with, she has made the choice to become a healer.
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP?No (Aged out Candidate)
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Yes still! She has means and reason to be at future hatchings still.
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching