Name: Z'von
Age: 23
Nameday: 3552.12.12
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: ;D
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Assistant Weyrlingmaster
Previous Rank/Craft: N/A
Physical Description: Tall, dark, and handsome. Always wears a ridiculous, cocky and yet endearing grin when he can help it. If he's looking serious, beware. Something is definitely up. Pale blue-green eyes. He's the image of his father, with his mother's hair and skin - slightly paler than hers, but still dusky. As a rider, he has a certain je ne sais quoi, along with a very fit form. Sometimes has what his father's weyrmate has dubbed his 'crazy eyes'.

Personality: Bold and audacious, Z'von fits the role of Weyrleaders' son very well. He has a quick and agile mind, and is more than used to getting his way. Even before his parents were the Weyrleaders, they were people of importance. As such, he has been a little spoiled over the Turns. Nevertheless, he does understand that he cannot have everything that he wants, even if that's a hard lesson to learn. Intelligent, with a quick and agile mind, Z'von has always been an able learner. He eagerly ate up all of his lessons as a child and a weyrling, Turns ago, and has discovered in himself a talent for instruction. The bronzerider truly enjoys teaching students, for all that he's only been at it for a short while, and has a passion for finding new and creative methods.

Z'von is very protective. If he thinks someone is being mistreated, he will swiftly rise to their defense. He is particularly careful of the young white, blue, and greenriders, knowing very well that the Weyr at large is less kind to them. He is absolutely ready and willing to interpose himself between one of his young proteges and any Weyr rider who dares to mistreat them. That, upon occasion, has included a few members of the teaching staff who will remain unnamed. Given his connections, he has very rarely faced true consequences for such behavior. As a bronzerider, he has a certain amount of built in protection, as well, and uses it to his advantage in those situations.

Although weyrbred, he's trying to learn the sort of courtly graces that holdbred children expect. It hampers him quite a bit in some respects that he has a very straight forward approach. Therefore, he's taken great pains to learn everything he can about how they expect to be treated. He knows it can be a bit of a shock to the system for some of the new weyrlings to be suddenly immersed in Weyr culture, and he does what he can to ease the transition. Not to mention, he's learned that it seems to go over well.

One of his less attractive traits is his tendency to be possessive and jealous. He doesn't share well, and that not only applies to his personal belongings, but also to any loved ones that he might have. A rather common trait among bronzeriders, it is nonetheless not pleasant to be on the receiving end of such a thing. Although he's aware of it, it doesn't show any signs of going anywhere. He's tried, but some things are just ingrained. It doesn't help that his dragon encourages that sort of behavior.
Positive Trait List Charming, bold, clever
Negative Trait List Possessive, arrogant, spoiled

History: Once upon a time, Weyrwoman Zheria evidently thought she'd like to try the whole 'motherhood' thing. She tried it twice. Apparently it wasn't much to her liking, as she stopped at two children. However, she raised the son that she had with D'mon in a loving, albeit detached manner. Admittedly, D'mon and his weyrmate Y'mar had more of a hand in raising the little tyke. As a child, he was bright and curious, and full of seemingly endless series of questions. This didn't seem to bother them too much, nor did it bother bronze Thistreth that he liked to climb all over him.

Zherivon's childhood was fairly normal for a weyrbrat. Nothing especially exciting happened, right up until his little sister Zyamel was born. That, in the little boy's opinion, was the most excellent thing to have ever happened. He was less excited when D'mon had another son, for little Zyamel was the light of his young life. His brother was, to say the least, an unwelcome member of the party. Nevertheless, Zherivon found it in his heart to love him, too. However, he did ask his Dads why they had to have another boy.

Their answer left much to be desired, to say the least. But by that point the boy was in lessons, and easily distracted away from such unfortunate events. He had already decided that he would be a dragonrider like his parents, totally obstinate in his refusal to believe that there could be any other fate in store for him. After all, how could he be anything but a dragonrider? In time, he would prove to be correct, as he Impressed at one of the first Hatchings that he Stood at.

This led to a rather amusing quandary, however, as he was barely fourteen when he found young Dhremorath. At the same time, the Flight that had produced his beloved bronze also placed his parents in charge of the Weyr. This was a most unwelcome change, at the time, as he suddenly found their days occupied with duty. It was fortunate that he was totally in love with his young dragonet and could not begrudge them the new order of things. He passed several Turns in this manner, graduating in due course and joining a Wing of his own.

He was still young enough when Thread returned, a young man with a few Turns of experience under his belt. Dhremorath and Z'von took to Thread fighting readily, and made quite a formidable pair together. Ultimately they decided to try their hand at assisting V'mel when it became clear that the clutches were appearing more and more frequently now that Thread had returned. Delighted to be given the opportunity to prove himself, Z'von has had his nose to the grindstone ever since, trying to help prepare Pern's newest defenders for the danger they were soon to face.

Other: Z'von possesses a mellow, rich singing voice if he can be coaxed into using it. He learned how to play a guitar from his father and uncle, but practices rarely at this point. Does not yet have a flit, but would very much like one.

Name: Dhremorath
Age: 9
Color: Bronze
Size: 46'
Physical Description: An immensely large, devilishly handsome fellow with a broad wingspan. Elegant of tail and neck, and sharp of claw.
Personality: Basically a God in dragon form. He is fully aware of the splendid gift that he presents to the ladies and gentlemen of the Weyr, and has no bones about making it known. A supremely arrogant beast, he nonetheless excels at overseeing others, and he sharding well knows it. As a Bronze it is his responsibility, nay, his duty, to ensure that each and every one of the weyrlings is prepared to face the ancient menace. He is a courtly type, albeit more in the style of a swaggering knight than some sniveling nobleman. Although he might chase others, he is a cunning beast, and will not rise to the occasion if he thinks that he might benefit from lying in wait.

Wise beyond his Turns, he will play out possible scenarios in his head as one would while playing chess, and choose the actions that he deems most likely to result in his desired outcome. He is not infallible by any means, but quite canny, and with a knack for adapting present circumstances to his advantage. He has been known to stalk a pretty green or blue like a hunting feline if he should decide he wants them, and will not hesitate to use truly underhanded means to achieve his wants. However, let it not be said that he is completely without moral character; in his hearts, he believes himself to be merely looking and waiting for the right dragon with whom to share in domestic bliss. He can be kind, although his kindness is likely somewhat self-serving.

Once he has found and secured the object of his true desires, he shall be as devoted as anyone might wish, and shall shower them with endless love and affection... in his own style. Until that day, he will continue on his prowl. His hearts will be difficult to win, and impossible for many. This bronze has the soul of a romantic buried deep beneath layers of steel and shards of razor sharp glass. A dark, handsome fellow with surprising depths. Make no mistake, he is a true prize, the product of Eveleth and Thistreth... and how could he not be, with such illustrious heritage?
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Nameday derg! TBC.