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Avalanche chose an out of nowhere location with supplies for a legendary item. The reason why they had to get away from the population was two fold. The first was because of the incredible power which was going to be experimented with. It was no hyperbole to admit that the wrong application of this power could level a section of the village. The second reason was, after the pantie thieves incident, their name was rather hot topic at the moment. Avalanche had to wait until the conversation died down before they showed off their truly to the village. Before they showed their true power to him...

The supplies were set, and Avalanche merged them into a seal. Not just any seal, however. Nature chakra was stolen and corrupted by the sheer mastery of Avalanche's enchantment. This was a power known as the forbidden seal; a perversion of the beauty of nature. Such power was usually resorted to monsters whose lust for power allowed them to ignore the damage that they imposed upon themselves. Avalanche had no such lust, however. Their only sin was the gluttony they had for justice. Because they could not get enough of it, they crafted their seal and then slammed it onto their shoulder.

For a moment, there was nothing. Avalanche initially wondered if they performed the seal wrong. However, just a few moments later Avalanche felt something crawl under their skin. They pulled their tunic by the collar to see the lines of their forbidden seal crawl along their skin. Avalanche let go of their tunic when they saw the same strains of curly lines crawl along their hands. The sensation was unnerving, but it caused no pain as the scroll described. Rather... it felt good.

Avalanche decided to swing their arm. As they designed the seal to enact, they felt their movements enhanced in strength. They could feel their muscles throughout their body amplify too in order to enhance their strength and reflexes. Avalanche felt elated as their body was blending with the curse mark without any consequence. It assured them that they were correct to use this power, as power cannot corrupt those who would use it for a just cause.

"Of course power cannot corrupt you. You are Arashi's last chance for salvation."

A voice echoed in the back of Avalanche's head. Initially they felt the urge to panic, but then took a deep breath. The scroll expressed this as a consequence of a forbidden seal, as the siphoning of power usually resulted in the will of that power being able to affect one's psyche. This will either comes from the one who created the seal, or from the very essence of nature itself. Since Avalanche created their own seal, they knew that nature was going to respond to its power being stolen.

"Whoever you are. I am not afraid of you." Avalanche said as they readied a combative stance. This caused the voice to echo laughter in their mind. "Who do you plan to fight? I am already within you dear child." The voice said. This did admittedly make Avalanche feel a bit silly. "Call me Erebus. I am one of the lesser gods of this world." The voice said, which was distinctly masculine. Avalanche scoffed at the name. "What? Was Evergreen too busy to deal with me directly?" They said sharply. "To call out the name of the Goddess so brazenly. You must not have the sense to fear the one who would smite you without hesitation for stealing even a fraction of her power."

Avalanche admittedly felt nervous at the idea of confronting Evergreen. Although they wanted to impose a strong facade, to fight the entity responsible for Kenshin's divine powers was a fight they knew they could not win. "Were your thoughts on Kenshin just now? My, what powerful feelings you have for him." Erebus said condescendingly. "Stay out of my thoughts!" Avalanche scolded him. "Oh we're way past your thoughts. I have full access to your emotions, your ninjutsu, and your memories..."

At that moment, the environment around them became scorched by flames. The buildings crumpled and Avalanche once again found themselves in the place of their worst fears. Their eyes teared up with horror as they looked up to the sight of Sandayu; The God of Vengeance, disassemble a wave of villagers into blood and guts with just a wave of his hand. "This isn't real. You can't make this real." Avalanche said, half convinced of the words coming out of their mouth. "I don't need to make this real. I just need to make you feel like it's real." He said in a sinister tone. It was then that Sandayu, with the judgment of a fallen angel on his face, turned his floating body toward Avalanche. His right hand rose above his head, and tears fell from Avalanche's eyes.

"STOP IT!" Avalanche shrieked as they forced themselves to look away. Both hands clenched their head as the environment suddenly flashed back to normal. There was a brief moment of clarity as Avalanche's heavy breathing tried to calm her. "Stop? Oh baby we've just begun." That was then Avalanche experienced the worst pain their body could possibly endure. All of their muscles convulsed at once as the pain was beyond the realm of sound. Cursed chakra radiated from the mark and started to alter the very body Avalanche inhabited. Their clothing was replaced with skin which appeared like cloth. Their cape became tarnished and akin to a pirate's flag. A large blade grew from the bone on their right arm. Finally, their mask shattered, and their eyes glowed bright blue while their tunic rose to cover their mouth, and continue to shroud their identity. They looked unrecognizable as Avalanche. They looked like an abomination.

"What happened?" Avalanche thought as they tried to move. However, they found themselves no longer in control of their body. They then rolled into the back of their mind, where they found themselves bound by the same black tendrils which crawled along their skin in their awakened state. In front of them manifested the same shape which appeared as Avalanche on the outside. It stood and looked Avalanche direct in the eye. "You succumbed to the temptation of nature chakra. Now your body is mine to move. Observe." Erebus said as his arm rose. Avalanche then felt their arm rise on their real body. Avalanche was horrified by their body's movement outside of their control, but as they tried to fight the bindings of the seal, their movement was futile.

"You live now only to serve my will. May we never meet again." Erebus said as he turned away. Avalanche continued to struggle but there was no hope. However, just as Erebus took ten steps away, he heard a snap from behind him. They turned to see Avalanche, who managed to snap their own neck on the bindings. Panic overwhelmed the god as he removed the bindings. With the body dead they lost their host. It was at that moment, however, that the genjutsu faded, and Avalanche delivered a devastating wound to their torso.

"Agh!" Erebus shouted as light erupted from their opened wound. They turned around to see Avalanche, whose sword was imbued with a demonic looking aura. They turned and readied their sword once again as Erebus brandished the sword which was his right arm. "Wretched child!" He shouted as he blurred to close the distance between himself and the one trying to foil his plans. Avalanche rose their sword to block the strike as the clash of blades allowed the aura around Avalanche's sword to twirl around the clashing blades and seep into Erebus' wound.

"You're nothing more than an amalgamation of nature chakra. Drain the chakra, and the illusion fades." Avalanche said through gritted teeth. "I am MORE than an illusion!" Erebus said as he threw enough force into his arm to knock Avlanche back. The masked vigilante skidded back several feet as they threw their sword into the air. As soon as he was free Erebus fired off a blade of chakra toward Avalanche with a swing of their blade. Avalanche dodged the strike by leaping into the air. They then grabbed the sword they threw and brought it directly down on Erebus' head.

The entity was cleaved in two as his body dissolved into dust. Avalanche lowered their head as they sheathed their weapon. "Not anymore." They said softly. It was then that the battle of the mind ended, and Avalanche awoke back in the real world. They were naked, but they were themselves. As they unsealed a new pair of clothing and got dressed, they knew now that the power they chose to wield had dire consequences. While they were sure that they would be in control the next time they used it, there was no doubt that Erebus would return to take back their body. Still, Avalanche would be ready. Arashigakure needed this power to make sure Justice was served. This village needed Avalanche.

Out Of Context≎

×TITLE: Genin】○【RANK: S-Rank】○【STRENGTH: 12 || 】○【SPEED: 12 || 】○【REFLEX: 12 ||】○【FORTITUDE: 12 ||】○【CHAKRA: 2,340 || 2,340】○【STAMINA: 2,250 || 2,250

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