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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[Tea Clutch - Rider] S'eran of Green Fujiath [Approved]

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:31 pm
Name: S’eran
Age: 23.
Sex: Agender.
Sexual Orientation: Demiromantic.
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Kitchen staff.
Physical Description: Short, stocky, and well-built, S’eran stands at an underwhelming 5’4”, although they certainly don't seem to mind. They’ve got plenty of chub on their frame, which only serves to mask the sheer muscle they carry. Their hair is blond, streaked with white, and they prefer to keep it long--it’s almost always swept back into a braid, sometimes with little charms folded in if they're feeling fancy. When it's loose, it reaches the middle of their back in gentle waves. Their skin is a deep golden brown, save for the scattering of white across their features; they have vitiligo, and this is most prominent on their face and forearms where it forms almost symmetrical splotches of pale pink. S’eran’s eyes are a bright green, seemingly always twinkling with an unspoken joke or quiet humor--they have some small flecks of gold in them if you look close enough.
Usually, they wear pretty casually-fitted clothing, with little concern for much other than their own comfort. They prefer looser shirts these days, sticking with less restrictive tops to keep their injured shoulders from having to fight against much fabric--they have fairly significant patch of threadscore across their back, almost as if they bore a clump of it on their shoulders. One side is almost shaped like a wing, and they’ve been known to joke that they need to go earn the other one still.

S’eran feels like the personification of a nice warm cup of klah in the morning: warm and welcoming, but with a little bit of a bite to keep you on your toes. They're a genial, social sort, and take to new interactions like a fish to water, especially if there's any new faces in the crows. It's rare for them to be out of their element, or at least to be visibly caught off-guard--S’eran knows how to cover their bases well, and in the event that they might not have prepared adequately, they at least know how to spin it into a humorous situation to hopefully relieve some of the oncoming pressure. They're quick with their commentary and can usually think of something to lighten the mood, and take particular joy in finding someone who's just as willing to go back and forth as they are.
S’eran prefers to keep things friendly as a rule, but that completely depends on who happens to be involved--if someone they know they don't like decides to show their face, all bets are off. They find it incredibly difficult to hide any ill will they've got toward the unfortunate few that have earned it, and don't see much of a reason why they should. If they have a problem with someone, there's no reason to beat around the bush with it, is there? Ideally, this would point them toward trying to resolve the problem and getting on good footing with the other person, but S’eran takes a very different approach. Instead, they latch on to their grudges once they're fully formed, and it takes a significant amount of effort for them to be convinced to let things go.

With either their friends or acquaintances in the making, however, S’eran easily falls into something of a parental role, whether they mean to or not. They're quick to do what they can to boost people's confidence if they see anyone flagging, and are very insistent on ensuring everyone is properly taken care of. They will quite gladly do anything for just about anyone, provided they get to come along and carry on a good conversation in the meantime--getting to go places and do things with others is all they really want in life, and they absolutely adore getting to know the people behind a new face. They're constantly amazed by the skills, talents, and quirks of others, and are completely genuine in their praise, even if it's quite frequent.
S’eran isn't just astounded by people, though. Everything around them is incredible in some way or another, and they waste no time in acknowledging it. They love doing things just to do them, even if the results may seem like unfortunate consequences--waking up super early just to see the stars fade into sunrise, snacking on their lunch before it's cooled to feel the burn on their tongue, coming just a bit too close to hurting themself during their day to day tasks, or digging their toes into the sand at the beach and trying to avoid the little crabs they disturb in the process...it's all absolutely wonderful, and S’eran finds these moments far more precious than anything other than their dragon. They aspire to live fully and earnestly, and if they can manage to show someone even a fraction of the wonder they find in the world around them, they’d be happy to say they've led a life worth living.
Positive Trait List Supportive, quick-witted, attentive, charismatic, confident, eager.
Negative Trait List Impulsive, short-tempered, mercurial, holds on to grudges, overbearing, tactless.
The only child of a pair of master healers in Southern Boll, Satheran knew from an early age that they had absolutely no intention of following in their parents’ footsteps. It wasn't that they didn't find healing interesting--it was, of course, but they just didn't feel like it was the perfect fit for them. There was so much to choose from out in the world, and it felt like an incredibly poor decision to limit what they could do so soon just because their parents had found their calling. When they were old enough, they bounced from apprenticeship to apprenticeship whenever they were able to, picking up a wide variety of knowledge and skills along the way--as well as somewhat of a reputation for being a flake, but that was a small price to pay for what they got out of it all in the long run. They were able to travel a bit and meet so many captivating people, and they quickly fell in love with the world around them in such a way that it became difficult to convince themself to settle for just one thing.
It took them a few years before they found their calling--cooking. While they've always had a knack for the culinary arts, Satheran still didn't know if they should go all in on it, dimly worried that they may be boxing themself into losing their passion for it by making it all that they did. With some gentle reassurance from their friends and parents, however, Satheran began pursuing their talent more earnestly, and eventually wound up becoming kitchen staff at Western Weyr through the help of a rider friend they'd picked up along the way--and they quickly learned how much they truly loved what they did. Satheran adored the way food connected people, and life at the Weyr was so new and exciting, even if they got to view it through the somewhat limited scope of the kitchen. They worked hard to earn their place in their new home, and became enamored with both how Western was and the presence of dragonriders, growing even more fascinated with them once they were put into such close quarters. Satheran held no dreams of joining their ranks, but they couldn't help but stand awestruck whenever they saw a dragon and rider take flight all the same.

And then Thread returned. Things changed very suddenly after that.

Satheran found themself caught up in a blur as life at the Weyr began to rapidly accelerate, the quiet comforts and small wonders they loved being subsumed by the magnitude of the disaster that had returned to ruin it all once more. Although confused and even outright scared, they put their nose to the grindstone as best as they could, feeling less and less like they'd made a good choice in their profession once faces began disappearing or coming back injured--maybe if they’d learned more of the healing arts, or even gone into it themself, they might be more useful than they were right now. A good stew wasn't going to convince Thread to stop falling, and a cake couldn't heal a rider’s wounds. Their uncertainty brewed behind closed doors, and with everything else going on, it largely escaped notice, with Satheran easily dismissing it in favor of keeping attention where it needed to be.
The next baffling change in their life came when they Impressed. They’d simply been on hand to help with the post-Hatching feast and nothing more--they'd been glad to return to their home even for such a short while, but the thought of seeing what might have happened while they were gone terrified them. Satheran did their best to stay out of the way, rushing this way and that with the rest of the staff to get everything set up in time--they’d been asked to go to the Sands and relay a question, although they couldn't tell you what it was now. They’d turned away to get back to work when a precious little Green, newly hatched and unsteady on her feet, broke away from the gathered Candidates to press her nose into their hand so gently, so delicately, and their world would never be the same. She’d waited, waited, waited for the moment Satheran would come, holding out as long as she could until Hers was close enough for her to reach--and when they'd started to leave, she'd bordered on outright panic, fighting tooth and nail to free herself from her shell to let Hers know that she was there--Fujiath was there, their Fujiath, and they needed to stay with her, please, please. Would they stay with her? She knew they had responsibilities, had a job to do, but she’d waited so long for them, and she couldn't imagine leaving her S’eran--but could they picture leaving her?
No. No, no, of course not, not now, and not ever. They would protect her, and they'd be there with her every step of the way.
S’eran idly wondered if they'd get in trouble for not coming back to the kitchen, but one look into Fujiath's eyes whirling rainbow completely overtook any concerns they might have had. They'd found their other half they didn't know they were missing, and if the people in charge of the feast couldn't see that, then that was their problem.

Weyrling training was rougher than they could've expected, and even though they understood the necessity for such strict supervision, S’eran still found themself chafing under the yoke all the same. Fujiath, although skittish and uncertain, helped them keep their temper in check, encouraging them to last just a little longer for her. This tactic worked to their advantage, as the pair were able to graduate with no real hangups despite the occasional disciplinary action due to S’eran snapping at the wrong time. They were riders now, fully fledged and ready to fight--at least on paper. Fujiath had learned to compose herself and project a shockingly convincing guise of cool confidence and poise, but S’eran knew her nerves were still plenty present, and although S’eran themself had a ways to go on learning how to keep their tongue in check, they figured out a better time and place to let it loose; for the most part, anyway.
At this rate, they might be able to grow into a genuinely excellent pair with a little more experience. Who would have thought?
Other: They can make a mean crepe, and if you say you're even slightly hungry around them, they’ll fix that. That is a threat.

Name: Fujiath
Age: 1 (at least, i think! correct me if i'm wrong bls ; v;/)
Color: Green
Size: 19’
Physical Attributes: Slim, wispy, and almost shockingly leggy, Fujiath’s build can best be described as bordering on frail. She would prefer to be described as ethereal instead, however, as it's much more of an evocative term. She takes particular pride in her wings, and her wingsails have an almost translucent quality if they're in just the right light--she's incredibly fond of how she looks in the sunlight as a result. It's not uncommon for S’eran to make her small flower crowns for one of her headknobs when they're not busy, and she loves the contrast of bright flowers against her hide.
Quiet, understated, and serene, Fujiath is a calm ocean whose temper moves at an absolutely glacial pace. She carries herself with carefully cultivated poise and elegance, moving through social interactions with such a light touch that she almost seems to be simply observing it all as opposed to directly being involved. It would be incorrect to assume that she's aloof or intentionally detached, however--she cares deeply and intensely, even if it's so often hidden behind her guise of composure. Fujiath is far more emotional than she lets on, preferring to keep her true feelings only to herself or her close confidants--she's a very private soul, and the intensity of her emotions can easily spook her. As a result, she has a tendency to bottle things up until they're almost too much for her to handle alone. She's not overly fond of the idea of relying on others, and, as a result, puts a lot of effort into minimizing her problems so that no one but Hers can call her on it.

She's a gentle dragon, but it's wise not to mistake her delicate nature for genuine weakness. While she may not be counted among the fiercest dragons of her weyr, she has more bite than is expected, although she’ll without a doubt feel terrible about having to use it. Fujiath will do whatever possible to avoid coming into any kind of confrontation, bending over backwards to find ways to try and make everything work out in everyone's favor. She can be easily bowled over by others that are more forceful or opinionated than her, and tends to fold under personal pressure--to a point. When she's finally backed into a corner, Fujiath has much less qualms about lashing out, although her anger has much less direction than she'd like. If stressed enough, her composure flies out the window, and whoever’s unfortunate to be near enough could very well find themselves under fire, even if they haven't done anything to deserve it. Once she's done, she's likely to isolate herself until she feels comfortable approaching people again, and her ‘apology phase’ comes with a much more genuine, if desperate, view of how she really is instead of the calculated version she puts up in public. She wants to be liked and maybe even loved, and she's always afraid that she might ruin her chances of that whenever she pushes herself too far.

Fujiath has a bit of an icy demeanor at first glance, but once those outer layers begin to drop, it becomes evident that she's still the same nervous dragon she was as a hatchling, albeit bigger and with more flight capability these days. She doesn't like the thought that her nerves can be so easily recognized, or the notion that others absolutely still remember her from before she learned how to act--she especially walks on eggshells around her clutchmates, afraid of what they might say should she slip up and prove herself to be much the same even after all this time. She dreams of truly being the elegant, graceful Fujiath she presents herself as, rather than simply faking it in the hopes that she can fool even herself into believing the act to be her most genuine self. She's prone to melancholy and is particularly self-conscious about both her own image and whether or not she's seen as capable--S’eran is good at shaking her out of these ruts when she digs herself into them, but all the same, she longs for the day when she might not be so worried about these things anymore.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: [ The Girl...... ]  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 5:31 pm

Approved. Note that all dragon wings have a somewhat translucent quality to them.


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