Name: James Rising Dawn

Nickname: James or Dawn

Age: 21-32 depending on the roleplay

Race: Latino

Gender: Male

Personality: James Dawn is a kind man who hides a lot of his emotions behind a veil of stoic grace. He has quite a few passions and they bring him excitement which he tries to conceal for the basis of professionalism. This makes him come off as cold.

When with students, James allows himself to relax and let his passion excite his students. This allows him to connect with them on a more personal level, and one of the things that makes him a fantastic teacher.

With friends and relatives, he is generally light-hearted and positive, and yet he still seems cold at times. This is known by all his family and friends to take him as he is. His boyfriends have generally been patient with him, and overtime he has been able to open up to them the way that he had intended.

With anyone who doesn’t know him, James can seem like an a*****e. He comes off as a loose, cold, and callous at first, (as a result of his father's attitude) and it can make new friends turn away if they lose patience waiting for him to come around.

James also relies on three primary coping mechanisms: retreating into himself, his little space, and drugs.

James is quite talkative, to the point that when alone he sometimes talks to himself. This is mostly a quirk that happens when he’s trying to concentrate, or when he’s working on a large project. It’s not a super common thing, and he doesn’t just talk to himself out of the blue. It helps him work out problems and entertain himself when he’s busy, likely a mannerism he picked up while high

Looks like: see image attached

Bio: James is a professor at Cambridge University, teaching history of while he performs his morning and nightly duties alone at home. He struggles with a heroin addiction and finding his place in 1800’s Britain.

Born into a wealthy family, James found it easy to succeed in school despite the pressure put upon him. When both his parents died shortly after he was appointed as a professor of History, he found himself drawn to drugs, which he now struggles with.

Seme, Uke, or Seke: Generally Uke

Note: Please pm or comment if you’re interested, I’m just barely coming back to the community after being away for so long!

Pic: Jan 30, 15 51 07.png?dl=0