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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[Rider] I'ar of Brown Rouleth [Approved]

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Otherworldly Plague

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 4:35 pm
Name: I'ar
Age: 20.
Nameday: 3556.01.04
Sex: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual.
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description:
Short and thin, I'ar seems like the kind of person who'd blow away in a particularly strong breeze. He only stands at 5'3", and it seems as though he could still have more room to grow, provided he took somewhat better care of himself. Really, there's just not much in the way of meat on his bones, and he has a constantly drawn, morose look to him that seems out of place on someone so young. He's pale, enough to be concerning, with black hair kept short and neat, barely brushing the tips of his ears if it's out of sorts. His features are soft and gentle, with an upward tilt to his thin eyebrows that makes it appear as though he's constantly worried--which isn't inaccurate, really. The most notable thing about him is his eyes: his left is a muted brown, and the right an ice blue. He considers it to be a frustratingly distinctive feature, and tends to look down as much as possible in a halfhearted attempt to hide it.
I'ar doesn't seem like he's quite ready for all of this. He's still reeling at the thought of being good enough to be a dragonrider, let alone actually becoming one--as a result, he's far less sure of himself than normal, considering the fact that he's having to reassess himself quite suddenly. Rouleth has done wonders for his confidence, really he has, but I'ar is still a withdrawn, sad sort of person, reluctant to reach out and attempt to make connections for fear of being a disappointment or otherwise lackluster. He has problems with recognizing his own self-worth, not to mention that he's even worth much in the first place, and has a frustrating tendency to compare himself to others specifically to tear down his own progress and achievements. He's an anxious sort, prone to getting caught up in his own head with little concern for the reality of the situation--when he gets an idea of how things are in his head, sometimes, it becomes as good as truth to him, even if he's vastly misinterpreted things.

He's an earnest, emotional kid who's still trying to gain his footing, and he feels far more deeply than he lets on. At his core, I'ar is an astoundingly loving person, but the problem is that he doesn't feel as though he's worth being loved himself; this makes it incredibly difficult for him to open up to anyone, meaning that he keeps on isolating himself without realizing it. He's become so accustomed to holding others at arm's length that it's his default means of dealing with people, and he has to forcibly stop himself and try to act differently in order to make any changes.
I'ar earnestly wants to be recognized as an individual in his own right, someone worthy of the attention and care that he's so desperate for, but he's terrified of all the what-ifs that go along with the thought. What if no one thinks he's worth it? What if he doesn't get any of those things? What if, all along, he never really had it in him at all? Rouleth does everything possible to shake him out of these ruts when he starts digging himself into them, but it's a learning process, and I'ar still has a long way to go in that respect. If he's feeling particularly low, his anxiety turns into envy, directed at others who have everything that he wants--how come they're able to have it all so easily? Why couldn't that be him?

I'ar truly hates being caught in that kind of loop, though. All too often, he throws himself into every available distraction he can get his hands on, putting every bit of his attention behind what he does until it's done in order to get his mind on something other than his own failings--or what everyone else has. On the plus side, that makes for an excellent work ethic and a commendable attention to detail, but it comes at the cost of his personal wellbeing. I'ar is prone to running himself ragged if he's not too careful, but having to keep tabs on Rouleth's shenanigans has ensured that he takes at least some of the proper breaks, fortunately enough. He'll get there eventually.

Positive Trait List: Sensitive, focused, attentive, methodical.
Negative Trait List: Pessimistic, guarded, skittish, envious.
Idaar was used to being someone all too often hidden in the shadows. The youngest son of a pair of Brownriders, he always thought he was something of an afterthought, a third kid that hadn't really been intended, but had happened nonetheless. He was handed off to the creche as his siblings had been before him, and never really managed to get much of a connection with his parents; his brothers were far more close by, but then both of them grew old enough to become candidates, and they two were removed from his little corner of the weyr. Idaar had trouble standing out among the other weyrbrats, particularly with his siblings still in recent memory, and his anxiety about being left with no one familiar made him withdraw into himself all the more. He went to watch the Hatching his brothers were standing at, and got front row seats to his siblings both Impressing Bronze, a lovely pair of hatchlings that were clearly going to grow up to be something great.

And all the while, he began to feel less and less like he should be here. He couldn't think of much he brought to the table that his brothers hadn't already, and he found it difficult to make friends among those his age. More often than not, Idaar felt as though he was simply on the sidelines, watching everyone else go about their days with a quiet kind of envy, bottled up and turning his desire to make himself known into venom. As a result, he didn't have many close friends, instead preferring to avoid deeper connections--the idea of anyone getting to know him enough to see the mess of feelings inside of him was one he couldn't stomach.

By the time he'd started to mature, he'd already grown up feeling overshadowed his older brothers, and had long since consigned himself to a life of--well, ultimately, not much, especially not within the context of his family. How could he compare to his brothers, after all? They had been star candidates, star weyrlings, and now were star riders. Idaar, however, was just...Idaar, which is to say a kid who had had little opportunity to show himself to the world. He was used to being skipped over in favor of what he thought of as more appealing options, and quickly developed a rather pessimistic view of life and what he thought his place was in it. He wasn't even sure he was really worthy of being a candidate, but he took his birthright when it was offered, not wanting to rock the boat enough to draw any kind of negative attention.
From there, he...just blended in again, already resigning himself to being a footnote, or even worse--completely forgotten. He became so consumed by the pessimistic idea of the world that he'd created that he believed it to be true, and while the efforts of others in the creche did plenty to ensure he was at least sociable, he initially met them with resistance. Still, the creche wasn't about to leave him to isolate himself forever, and with these constant gentle efforts, he slowly began to think that maybe things might be better, at least in that respect. People did care about him, even if he hadn't seen it so much before; without his brothers around, there was no one to compare him to, and Idaar felt better being his own person, even if he still remained more on the withdrawn side.

His first Hatching came and went. Then the second, the third, and fourth, all blurring together into an ever-expanding chain of disappointments that he couldn't help but feel like he'd never shake. While he felt somewhat better now that he knew he had a place in the creche, being passed over by so many dragons took its toll on him--his brothers had Impressed immediately, but here he was, still waiting. He didn't intend to start comparing himself to them all over again, but it was such an easy spiral to lapse back into, an old habit that died far too hard. Before he could even hope to pick himself up out of the pit he was digging for himself all over again, Idaar suddenly had to deal with the worst possible event on top of everything else: Thread had returned. The Hatchings became far more earnest now, far more important--and Idaar felt so much less like he deserved to be there. Surely there was someone else, someone more capable, someone more--just more who could take his spot? Why did it have to be him? What had he done to earn this place on the Sands?

All of his doubts and insecurities had wrapped him up in so much internal conflict. He tried to put on a brave face for that fifth Hatching when it rolled around, but it was just so hard--not to mention the fact that he hardly thought it was convincing. It really wasn't, and he almost walked off the Sands outright to try and smother his own emotions enough to where he might be able to convince his brain to let him calm down for just ten minutes. Was he going to have an anxiety attack? It sure felt like there was one looming on the horizon, complete with the start of a spiral of self-doubt and uncertainty that he knew he shouldn't have dared bring to the Sands--

Rouleth's voice hit his mind like a sack of bricks. Less than two seconds later, Rouleth himself hit him, also like a sack of bricks.

Idaar was fully convinced that he was being mauled when Rouleth tackled him, and simply allowed it to happen. That would be just his luck, wouldn't it? Being taken out like this--and then Rouleth rested his head on Idaar's chest, gently nosing the boy's chin. If His was so content to be on the ground like this, well--his Rouleth would be down here too, so it looked intentional. He was here now, and all those dark thoughts had better go away, because he had so much to do with I'ar! How were they gonna get out there and--and--get him some food because he's starving if His I'ar was so sad that he'd just lay down like that?

With some reassurance and gentle convincing, I'ar sat up, brushing as much of the sand off himself as possible. Little Rouleth was right--they had much to do, and he had to get to it sometime.
Other: sad weyr boy name of i'ar....please help him

Name: Rouleth
Age: 1
Color: Brown
Are you a gambling man, by any chance? Rouleth hopes you are.
Cocksure, confident, and at times a bit of a sleaze, Rouleth oozes charm and charisma--at least, he thinks he does. In reality, while he's quite good at putting up a smooth image, he's not quite as convincing as he's told himself he is. He loves high-octane thrills and the rush of adrenaline, and has made something of a name for himself as an almost foolhardy dragon who's all too willing to push the envelope in just about any situation. He wants things bigger, better, and most importantly, faster--Rouleth has no intentions of slowing down for anyone or anything, and his goal is to take himself (and whoever else is bold enough) along for the ride of his life. What's the point in living if you don't truly live? What good is it to sit there and let it all pass you by? That seems like such an unforgivable waste to him, and Rouleth wants nothing to do with that kind of talk.
He has a tendency to bowl over others with his desires, particularly if they're not as vocal about what they want as he is, and often has to be blatantly reminded to chill out and remember that other people exist, and will indeed be affected by what he does. Rouleth can be rather selfish, and doesn't usually consider the feelings of others in his plans to achieve high-flying thrills; at the end of the day, he simply loves to roll the dice, and there's very little that can stop him when he gets the itch to press his luck. He's always appropriately apologetic if somebody winds up getting hurt, but unless the people in question are at least somewhat close to him, he finds it hard to truly care about what happens to them. He has so much to do and see, and if he spent all his time worrying or getting to know everybody, he wouldn't have a minute to himself, not to mention to do anything he wants to.

Just as he's bold and brash, he's also perhaps a bit--or rather, a lot--short-tempered. Rouleth reacts often before he's really thought about things, and his tendency to feel so strongly without much consideration for what comes after often comes back to bite him in the a**. He very much lives in the moment, for better or for worse, and doesn't dwell on things for long, instead preferring to keep it moving. He has a seemingly boundless store of energy at all times, and it's often turned toward all manner of shenanigans. Rouleth never seems to slow down, and to actually make him stop takes something truly severe--much as he wants to live fast, life does, in fact, come at you equally fast. Even if he doesn't seem to completely understand that there's a possibility of terrible things happening, especially not as a direct result of his own actions, to his credit, Rouleth does spend some time thinking about the potential worst outcomes, although he's not the type of dragon to dwell on them long. Why should the specter of terrible things stop him, especially when they're not guaranteed to happen? Things could be fine! Who said they wouldn't be? His optimism carries him all sorts of places, and this, combined with the fact that he's convinced himself that the odds are always in his favor means that he won't shy away from any kind of a challenge, no matter how intimidating it may be. He can handle it! He's Rouleth--of course he can!
Size: 32'.
Physical Attributes: Rouleth is a chubby, stocky dragon, with short limbs and a sturdy build that's well-padded. He hardly seems like the athletic type, but he's far more capable of acrobatic maneuvers and high-flying tricks than his physicality may suggest; he loves being something unexpected, and takes great pride in how he looks, even if he's far from handsome by some people's standards. Why should he listen to them, though? He's none other than the inestimable Rouleth, and he's wonderful. He carries himself with all the swagger and presence of a Weyrleader's Bronze, albeit condensed down into a significantly smaller package.
Additional Notes: He finds bugs fascinating, and his favorite sunning sessions are the ones where he gets to settle in and get visited by anything flying around looking for a warm perch. His absolute favorite insects are crawlers, however, and if I'ar let him, he claims he'd find a way to keep some as pets. Or snacks, either way.

Why Me:
I'ar was--just sad, really. Rouleth took one look at him for who he truly was and saw someone so very much in need of a drive to live, to go out there and be instead of simply letting it all pass him by; he knew he could do something about it, and he wanted nothing more than to take this kid and show him that not only was there things to really enjoy in this world, he didn't have to do it alone. Rouleth understands I'ar's tendency to isolate himself or otherwise set himself separately from others, but he knows it's really only hurting His in the end, no matter how much I'ar thinks it's the safest way to live.
Together, they can be so much more than they'd ever be separately, and they both know that. Their relationship is completely about balance, with both sides coming together to make each other stronger. I'ar's calm, measured way of thinking lends a critical element to Rouleth's...well, everything--thinking. Without someone to help him slow down just a bit, Rouleth is liable to burn himself out, but I'ar needs that burning enthusiasm as well to keep from freezing over. Rouleth draws out the best in I'ar and does whatever he can to ensure His doesn't wind up a sad old hermit living in a dark weyr, while I'ar just wants to make sure Rouleth doesn't die doing a nosedive into the Bowl or something like that.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: [ double clutch npc giveaway!! ]  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:09 pm
Hey Zaikt!

We really enjoy the concept but it does need some tweaking here. To start, right now I'ar's history is reading like he was a neglected child. The fact he even grew up feeling bitter and overlooked doesn't entirely fit with how the Weyr works--especially in how it handles creche kids.

At the end of the day the Weyr makes sure every child is basically given attention and that their needs met. He might be more shy and withdrawn but there would have been crecheworkers caring for him. He wasn't just a kid who got to sit on the sidelines because the Weyr would make sure he had ample playmates and things to do. Additionally, if he seemed particularly aloof, they probably would have tried to foster him with a worker or rider. There are plenty in the Weyr, particularly the creche, who have no problem caring for kids. As riders are devoted to their dragons, the Weyr sort of raises all the children.

You say he was skipped over for more appealing options--is that just his view of the situation or did that really hapen? I feel like you're going to have to rework it just a little or explain where that came from. It's fine if he feels overshadowed by his brothers, but especially making him a creche kid, that actually opens him up to a world of all sorts of people and caretakers. No one in the creche would treat him like he was a nobody. It's fine to try to get those feelings from his family, especially if his parents were of the type to really praise metallic riders -- but right now it reads like it was his time in the creche that did it, and that he never had any friends, or anyone to lift him up. And that is something the Weyr, even at HR, wouldn't do.

I think you can certainly write a character in the Weyr who feels like I'ar does, I just think the source of all that pain needs to be adjusted a little bit. Maybe more on his family's clear treatment of him as an afterthought and less of it being the entire creche life. Obviously, if his brothers were his parents favored children (intentional or not), that could certainly play into it; it's also possible his brothers just seemed to charm others in the creche, or somehow steal the limelight around I'ar.

For Rouleth, just one tiny tweak: Not all terran animals made it on Pern. :3 Could switch the mention of butterflies and centipedes to any of the following: VTOLs, spinners, crawlers, trundlebugs, grubs (though most grubs in EoP are dead/extinct). You could also just generalize it as an enjoyment of Pern's insecets. Additionally, dragons don't really have an inclination for pets. They're still more animal than they are people. Just stating it cause I wasn't sure if that was a serious desire in the dragon or not. gaia_star

- - -

This bit here doesn't have to be added to the profile, but is just something I want you to keep in mind when you do write him/plot with him/RP him. Weyrlings wouldn't graduate or get perks if they remained isolated. It's okay if he's more aloof or quiet, but similar to the Big Cats who just grew, there should be a handful he is on friendly terms with (think of coworkers or schoolmates IRL) and possibly even a few he would just as well prefer to avoid. It's OK to not dive into deep relationships with them, but keep in mind he spent an entire Turn basically being around them the majority of each day.


Shy Mage


Otherworldly Plague

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:30 pm
adjusted! i meant it to be more like his own views of the situation, but realized. that i really didn't make that super clear ; v;a hopefully that got cleared up, tho!
(also tweaked that bit on rouleth b/c i have no idea what the pern equivalent to a butterfly would be and at this point i'm afraid to ask fksjdhg)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 8:11 pm
Approved! Thanks for clarifying, sorry to make you afraid to ask. ;0;

Butterflies...honestly, I'm not even sure tbh. Could maybe just make a generic interest in the flying insects of Pern cause what animals they do and do not have is always up for debate. LOL


Shy Mage

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