Name: S’tehl (Sanatehl)
Age: 25
Nameday: 3551.02.23
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Opportunistic
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Apprentice Harper (Artisan/Painter)
Physical Description: S’tehl stands a solid 6’3, with a solid, toned build. He’s got a slightly stretched out appearance, being more tall than he is broad. He’s not built-like-a-brick but he is more than capable of standing his ground and holding his own. He’s an attractive man, with large hands, large feet, a mischievous smile, and bright blue-violet eyes. His hair is a mix between white and silver, kept long enough to be tied back from his face into a small tail. He sports a small amount of scruff around his jaw, and a few scars from escapades of his youth.

Personality: You won’t find a more friendly rider than S’tehl--or one that can get you more in trouble! He’s not at all shy and is more than happy to reach out and introduce himself to any new face. New to Western Weyr? S’tehl will happily take you under his wing and show you the ropes, paying little mind to whether or not his intentions are appreciated. If ever you need a hand, have a question, or just want someone to talk to S’tehl is happy to be whatever is you might need. He never seems to lack friends, and would easily be dubbed a social-butterfly, flitting from one group to the next. His company is usually quite welcome in groups--though some of his escapades are not.

S’tehl is the sort of rider who tends to do as he pleases, consequences be damned. He isn’t particularly serious about much of anything, and has a tendency to be irresponsible. Not, of course, because he tries to be--but he has a flippant attitude about most things. He’s rarely in a true rush, and can be distracted from some task or mission. Oh, if it’s something truly dire, hell be all over its success, but small things (or things he considers small) can sometimes get pushed to the wayside should something more interesting or appealing occur. This has, of course, gotten him into no amount of trouble over the Turns. He wouldn’t consider himself a flake, but some of his friends and acquaintances well might. A missed engagement with friends because he found himself with a date instead, late to a wing drill because he’d been wrapping up a good conversation, disobeying the healers and showing up for drills despite still well into recuperation. He’s the sort of man who would stop taking medication simply because he feels better instead of following through.

S’tehl doesn’t always think things through, and has a tendency to simply do as he pleases. When he’s not distracted from a goal, the man can be known to take risks, or go against the grain. During Threadfall, while he and his blue are capable and competent, they are prone to taking risks or not-abiding orders if they think they know best. Sometimes the results work--other times, they cause nothing but headache and trouble. He has a stubborn streak a mile wide, and his dragon doesn’t help temper that; when the two put their minds together, nothing tends to sway them away from the chosen path.

It’s safe to say S’tehl is a confident man. There’s little in life that ruffles his feathers or keeps him from believing in himself or the best-possible-outcome. He’s not the sort to get-up-in-arms or lose his head, at least not when it comes to temper. What S’tehl well can be is a flirt, and he has no trouble putting on the charm. His friendly nature goes hand-in-hand with his flirtatious one, and getting to know a new face is something he loves. He’s had his fair-share of lovers, and could be committed to the right one, but for now the young-man is here to enjoy his life.

Positive Trait List Friendly, Confident, Flirtatious
Negative Trait List Distractible, Flippant, Irresponsible
History: Sanatehl was born and raised in Western Hold. He has no idea who his parents might be, and was raised by the local creche. He never had much by way of parental figures, but he was taken under wing by some of the older women and men, aunties and uncles, who watched over the young of the Hold. Just because his parentage was a mystery didn't mean he was without guidance, love, or support.

His youth wasn’t anything to write home about. He had various foster-siblings, he went to lessons to learn the Teaching Songs, and dreamed of the day he’d be old enough to get his own firelizard. His days were filled with the usual childhood dramas--making friends, losing friends, struggling for acceptance, finding no end of trouble. For Sanatehl, life was meant to be explored, and he spent much of his time trying to get out of the “boring” stuff like lessons or chores, and used to dream of stealing away to Rivercrest. Surely, those across the river had much more fun! These dreams, of course, would never come to pass. His attempts to dodge the responsibilities of youth went about as well as expected, and Sanatehl was given as bright an education as any within Western Hold.

No craft truly appealed to the young man, despite his fosterers encouragement. It wasn’t that he wasn’t skilled or capable--he just much preferred to be doing than to sit in lessons. Without having the marks to be sent to a Hall, and having no natural talent to be invited or welcome, Sanatehl remained at Western Hold as he aged. He was given chores and responsibilities of a general worker. He helped assist those of the Fishcraft hauling in the day’s catch, chopping, salting, smoking, and cleaning up; whatever work was assigned him, Sanatehl didn’t usually mind it. He began earning his keep, and while he wasn’t given much by way of actual marks (for the Hold kept him fed and gave him a cot to sleep in at night) his life was far from unpleasant.

It was at Turn 15 that the most unusual thing occurred. A large, blue dragon landed in Western’s courtyard and his rider announced she’d come on Search from Western Weyr. There were many within the Hold who came out to get a better look at the beast and his rider--Sanatehl included. Much to his surprise, he was found on Search, along with two others from the Hold, and his life turned upside down.

He hardly had time to be a Candidate. After about a sevenday of lessons, the eggs on the Sands began to shake. Sanatehl hardly knew what to do, much less think, but before he knew it he was standing before the eggs. One after one, the eggs spilled forth their contents, the dragonets moving among them. Sanatehl was getting out of the way of a rampaging brown when a creeling blue fell across his feet.

One moment he was helping right the handsome creature, and the next, he’d fallen to his knees overwhelmed with feeling.

Impression had been made and Sanrienth entered his life to stay.

It was the first time in his life S’tehl had felt comfort, security, and purpose. Never had he thought much about his life or his goals--but Sanrienth now consumed his every moment. They were like two peas-in-a-pod, likeminded, equally stubborn, and both always on the lookout for fun. Weyrling training was equal parts fascinating and dull; they excelled at the physical activities, but S’tehl struggled with the hidework and studies. Somehow, they managed to make it through to graduate and both rider and dragon chose to stay at Western Weyr.

Without Threadfall to fight, the young man instead became a local courier. E’d take the weyrfolk where they needed to go, or would be assigned individuals all over Pern to fetch or deliver to some location. The marks were enough to keep him comfortable.

Life hasn’t changed much for the bluerider, even with Thread’s return. Threadfall was horrific, and he lost many friends and loved ones from both Western Hold and Western Weyr--but Thread also gave him something to focus on, a new passion. While he always took his duties a bit lightly before Thread’s return, now, he found a purpose renewed.

Other: He has a few flits, a long line of exes, and the potential for at least one or two creche kids (unknowing to him).

Name: Sanrienth
Age: 10
Color: Blue
Size: 29’
Physical Description: Sanrienth is on the larger side for a blue. He’s strong, capable, and while he might be less agile than some of his smaller kin, he’s hardy and knows how to take a hit. He has a long tail, and a long neck, but short limbs. He’s slower on the ground than he is in the air, and once skyborn, can put on quite a show. His wings are large and broad, which aids in his stamina during Threadfall. He does have more than a few scars from Thread.
Personality: Like rider, like dragon, Sanrienth is here for fun! He’s known to be sociable with his fellows, and will happy admire and flirt with any who might show him a lick of interest. Confident oozes from him, and sometimes he’s known for his charm. Unfortunately, he’s not known for his commitment--and until his rider settles, there’s a good chance Sanrienth will be as opportunistic as they come. He’s not malicious in his affections, but while he might have favorites to flirt with or cozy on up to, he’s yet find one that truly steals his hearts. Similarly to his rider, Sanrienth tends not to think ahead and is more than happy to encourage his rider to follow his ambitions or ideas--even if it goes against orders. You only live once, after all.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:
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