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Jinrai Seinaru

                  Illusions were not the first line of offense Jinrai chose for combat, but he was versed well enough to have defense against them. He let out a sigh, a secret was to be revealed now and one he utterly despired showing to anyone - even Yoko and those in the family. The dust did not settle, the fog was clear... yet not. Jinrai was agitated at the mounting stubborness of Sumire, he had to push the edge just a little bit more and it seemed he could not hold back.

                  Morabi was busy with her own problems as she took to the air with creatures coming from either angle to both her and the clone. A bestial screech came from her as the wind picked up once the clone also took flight and right into the first boar headfirst. It erupted into a howling gale as the air pressure in the dojo suddenly dropped as a squall pushed both boars in its airstream to push the creatures into the wall on the farside of the dojo. The clone Morabi was dispersed upon this move as the actual bird only hovered in the air as she sent a gust of wind toward Jinrai's left side as a sudden wind blast collided with the burst of chakra from Sumire's blade.

                  "Jin..." She said in her flight, "Hold back."

                  Jinrai was clutching the blunt spear as he heard Morabi, annoyed with the echoes of Sumire but he used her as a reference point. The grey eye was now shining bright with a crimson hue, he had activated his sharingan and the world was cleared of the phantom influence. Jinrai swept his weapon around his body with a flourish as he met eyes with Sumire, his red eyer catching acting confident in his supposed blindside and a smile came from him. There was no echoes or dust anymore, it was shattered and cleared away like a bright flame in pitch dark.

                  The Oni that was meant for him, Sumire would see instead while the echoes of her own voice would assail her senses along with the dust technique she had used. Jinrai moved like a serpent as he stepped into her attack, positioning his arms to weaken the swing to where it was harmless while he used the shaft of the weapon to attempt to wrench the weapon from her hands and send it fifteen feet over and behind himself. The entire move would seem as though the Seinaru was veiled by the oni as each limb would feel like fire, several spikes shooting through her limbs from the ground. The sense of freedom would be robbed his illusion worked, moving would cause aches and a loss of feeling akin to a numbness.

                  "Your pride is a downfall as it is my own. Making me use my mother's eye for you." Jinrai hissed through gritted teeth as he would purposely made the illusion brutal. "I say I needed not the seal, not to flood this place to kill us. We're meant to learn how to fight together, not against each other." Jinrai's playful tone was gone as he gave in to the anger he felt and it flowed so freely. Morabi looked at him in concern, hovering close but not intervening. "Always Yoko, it is always her that is preferred! I hate it."

                  "Jin. Stop. Don't give in." Morabi spoke, referring to their uchiha inheritance and its curse. Yoko would know exactly what the creature referred to as her brother was almost close to shouting, an opposite of his normal cheerful ways, it was quite uncharacteristic of him.

                  Sharingan Lenses
                  • Piercing: Can view chakra vibrantly against the environment, able to see through any and all clone techniques. In addition to the increased defense against sight based genjutsu, the user may choose an additional sense [chakra] to have a rank increased defenses against. This is a one time choice that can not be changed as it is specific to how the user's eyes develop.
                  • Hypnotism: The user is able to, through direct eye contact, control the actions of freed bijuu that are in the wild While less prominent, this effect may also affect summons albeit to a lesser extent. By spending an activation, S Ranked summons are afflicted with tier four paralysis as an image of the user’s sharingan is imprinted over their eyes. A summoner may kai this effect at one rank below the summoned creatures body rank.

                  Activation 1 -
                  ▰ Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change [ Magen: Kyō Tenchi-ten ]
                  The user detects a genjutsu that has been applied onto them and casts back a technique with identical effects onto the opponent. It's a form of illusion reversal, but in order to instantly read through a technique and cast it in return, the Sharingan's power is necessary. This requires the user realize the target is utilizing a genjutsu, and the Piercing Eye to be active. As the target is thrown into their own genjutsu unwittingly, their Kai function is disabled during their next post. In addition, the genjutsu carried the overwhelming property, that property is also reflected back upon the target. This technique is cast at the rank of the illusion cast upon them. This technique has a three post cooldown.

                  Activation 2 -
                  ▰ Disarming Strike | Rank B | Simple
                  This technique is a quick assault at the enemy while they are making an attack at you. The user will circle the shaft of the pole arm around the opponent's weapon/arms to entrap them. The user will then force the target's weapon away five feet per rank of the technique. In addition, this technique must be used at the rank of a technique using the weapon being disarmed.

                  Activation 3 -
                  ▰ Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique [ Magen: Kasegui no Jutsu ]
                  Firstly, this technique requires the Hypnotism Lens. The opponent is caught in the illusory world created by the user, and the victim is tormented with the sensation of having spikes driven through their limbs, taking away their body's freedom. At the same time, the physical pain accompanying the illusion reveals that the greatest use this technique has is torture Disables all forms of pain as a method for escaping from illusions, during the duration.

                  Morabi Clone Activation 1 -
                  ▰ Violent Whirlwind [ Ressenpū ] | Rank B
                  The user performs a simple hand seal and blows across it to produce a powerful stream of wind from their mouth. If this stream of winds lands, in addition to dealing with it’s rank in damage the resulting attack is capable of lifting people or similarly-sized objects up into the air and preventing escape for single activation worth of time and allowing for a follow-up attack to find it’s mark. It is important to be noted that the opponent is by no means paralyzed and is capable of preforming ninjutsu to defend themselves. As with most techniques, body flicker is also able to escape this technique.
                  Morabi Activation 2 - xxx

                  Morabi Activation 1 -
                  ▰ Explosion [ Bakuhatsu ] | Rank C
                  The user gathers a large amount of wind into the lungs and expels a highly explosive three-foot-wide ball of wind. This wind forms a torpedo shape when launched and is nearly invisible and denies opponents their agility stat when attempting to dodge it.
                  Morabi Activation 2 -

                  • Fire Lord | Uchiha Fire & Moraibi's (tamer pet) techniques can benefit from Jinrai's Seinaru Flame Types. Additionally, the effect of Amaterasu's Cloak PA can be willingly 'turned off' for normal flames, letting Jinrai be capable of using either normal or black flames at will.

                  • Inferno Blood | The ninjutsu slots gained for Katon slots through the PA: Inferno Mastery are considered both Bloodline and Ninjutsu for purposes of system interaction. These additional ninjutsu and all current bloodline ninjutsu can be performed with Somantic Gestures.

                  • Inferno Mastery | The user gains four additional ninjutsu slots to be used specifically for katon techniques per body rank. Additionally, hand signs may be executed with one hand. The user's fire techniques all cause an additional post of burning while adding an additional tier of burning/burns to fire based techniques.

                  • Fanning Flames | The user's fire based techniques may be doubled in size for no additional cost. This does not effect the strength of the user's fire based techniques. In addition, should the user's fire ninjutsu or clan techniques interact with another fire based technique, the user's technique steals one rank of chakra from the opposing technique. If this overpowers the opponents technique, this technique continues on it's path normally.

                  • Amaterasu’s Cloak | All fire based techniques produced by the Uchiha are considered bloodline techniques.The flames are turned black and fire based techniques are reduced by 5 chakra per rank with a minimum of 5 chakra to be paid for a technique. For each rank of a technique, it's flames burn actively for one post or one additional post if a limit is given.

                  • Flames of Salvation | The user's effected fire based techniques effected by the active flame are reduced by 5 chakra for every other rank of the technique. ( D, B and S Rank ). In addition, fire based techniques are considered one rank lower against the user.

                  • Melee Prodigy | The user obtains a [1] point increase to agility while their sharingan is active for each body rank they have obtained. In addition, the user's first physical offensive activation every three posts gains a [1] point increase to speed per rank of their body, also requiring the eyes to be active.

                  • Another form of Fire | Jinrai acquires the Lightning Element.

                  • Heart of the Spear | Jinrai's polearm skills are performed with extra finesse with unique improvising and adaptation to new forms. He is able to utilize Bladed Polearms for Bukijutsu techniques meant for Single Medium swords through his own adaptive ways.

                  • Hunter's Art | Jinrai can make use of the Kyoukan Ya & Honshi Art styles with thrown Polearms, adapting the use of the basic technique principals and instead replicating them with throwing his Polearms. Techniques reproduced with these polearms do not detract from a technique's efficiency. Techniques that involve throwing multiple projectiles are supplied by the Expansion seal and Unsealing Technique when performed while Shuriken Hunter training of Honshi Art is reduced to [40] and the word shuriken is replaced with polearms.

                  • Never Ending Javelin | The Fuuinjutsu Expansion can store Polearms in its seal and be treated as [Projectiles], summoning these follows the usual rules of the Unsealing technique. Expansion remains the same in everything pertaining to the technique.

                  • Moraibi's Calling | The Call and Dismissal of Moraibi, Jinrai's animal companion, is treated differently than a traditional summoning, Moraibi's Calling alters the Summoning technique to bring her forth through to Jinrai's heed at will of his voice. When called, it takes of one Moraibi's activations instead of Jinrai's own but dismissal is considered a supplementary action. Moraibi's summoning cost still deducted from Jinrai's resource and his own body rank is the scaling for the summoning.

Lady Caprinet

Jenni Deer