Name: E'sul
Age: 18
Nameday: 3557.11.01
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Haha
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat/Candidate
Physical Description: E'sul stands about 5'11", with broad shoulders, a trim waist, and a fit-enough physique. He's not overly muscular, but there's strength enough in his build when he wants there to be, or when he actively works on it. His dark, black hair is kept short, and his bright, blue eyes are often alight with mischief. His skin is pale, and it's quite clear he's a High Reaches native with how easily he burns in the summer sun.
Personality: E'sul is definitely his father's son, and is the sort of being who lives to light up the room. He's an extroverted individual with a happy-go-lucky attitude. He's positive, and is the sort of young man who looks at the world with a glass half-full view. Sure, hard times can effect everyone, including this greenrider, but E'sul is the sort who believes that good things are always just around the corner. He's resilient with his optimism, and not the sort to let many get him down. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and you can be he can find joy in just about any situation. It's rare to find E'sul affected by negativity, though he certainly has his moments and the odd mood. Usually, though, this green rider is happy to bring on the good cheer.

Like dragon like rider, E'sul loves a little bit of danger. He likes to live life on the edge, and seems to feel as if he can't be touched. He's always the first to volunteer in his Wing when it comes to some mission, and he's also gotten himself in more than a little trouble when he and Nioweth refused to listen to an order, or pulled off a dangerous stunt. So long as no one gets hurt, E'sul doesn't see what the big deal is--he knows his limits, and Nioweth knows hers. He would never risk a fellow wingmate, or passenger--but if he thinks he can pull something off, he will.

This has caused him no amount of trouble, but the boy just refuses to learn.

Can he be irresponsible? In one word: yes. Though he might be loyal to High Reaches Weyr, and everything they believe--though he might uphold the creed of a dragon rider--he also is still young. He's the sort of young man who is great at delegating tasks to others. While he is responsible when things are actually important, such as ensuring he's properly visualized his leaps Between, or making sure he's ready to go during Threadfall--other things he might forget about in favor of other, more amusing hobbies or entertainment. He can be late for Drills (though V'mel certainly broke him of the worst of that), and he might put off a task for another day for fun. Again, if it's not that important, what's the big deal? Part of this might be because he's well aware that he's not expected to do much--he's just a green rider, and as such, he has a tendency to be a flakey as the stereotype. In a way, his father did raise him as such. The minute he Impressed a little green, all expectation went out the door.

E'sul doesn't mind in the least.

To make matters worse, this rider tends to treat most people with affable informality and an easy-going way. He's almost too easy-going. Things tend to fall off his back, and punishment has never made him learn or think twice. He's known to be a bit flippant during serious moments, and can treat those with rank, or strangers, with more familiarity than is appropriate. He usually means no offense, but growing up as the son of the Weyrleader left him a bit more bold than others might. As far as E'sul believes, the Weyr is he rather treats everyone in it as if they're his best-friend or comrade. Oh, he knows when to show respect, and he'd never actually shame his father, but he also knows how to toe the line.

Utterly shameless, E'sul is a good-hearted man, and doesn't get embarrassed often. Maybe things don't go the way he planned, maybe he winds up getting dressed down by someone with more rank--but it doesn't bother him. Life's too short to worry, and he's old enough to know better, but too young to really care. Maybe he'll mature in another few Turns, but for now, E'sul is simply happy to live his best and happiest life.

Positive Trait List Jovial, Daring, Loyal
Negative Trait List Irresponsible, Shameless, Flippant
History: Emonsul was born and raised in High Reaches Weyr, and was raised as a traditional weyrbrat. His mother was a woman of the Weyr, and his father, the randy bronzerider, D'mon. This meant that the boy grew up around many half-siblings--and though his closeness with each varied--Emonsul looked at them all as family. When they weren't around, given how busy his father was (and how many other children vied for his attention) Emonsul was significantly closer to his mother, and others in the creche.

Emonsul was a happy child, but he certainly found himself in his fair-share of trouble, even from an early age. He wasn't a bad kid, he just tended to go along with ideas that seemed fun. From climbing things he shouldn't, attempts to sneak out of the creche, or shirking work to play, he found himself with a bit of a reputation. Though he never seemed to learn his lesson, his penitence was usually sincere--even if he'd be right back in the thick of it soon as he was set free.

Boys would be boys, after all, and though there were times he did go too far, and crossed lines he later regretted, most of the time, his trouble was relatively harmless. With a gaggle of good friends, and half-siblings to get him in (and out) of trouble, Emonsul couldn't imagine a happier childhood. When he wasn't running around with his friends, or stirring up some sort of trouble, the young man found himself dreaming of the day he'd get his chance to finally be a Candidate.

This was High Reaches, after all, and he was sure he'd meet his match. Dragonriding was in his blood, after all. Though he dabbled in some hobbies, and of course helped out the Weyr with the usual assigned chores, he didn't worry much about his opportunities . For surely, he'd have a dragon. Never mind that many weyrbrats aged out and never found a match, surely, all he'd need was time.

So, having just turned 14, Emonsul stood for his very first Hatching. Thread had returned a few months prior, and though everything was chaotic, and the loss of life had been overwhelming, Emonsul was more determined than ever to find His. Surely, Pern needed riders--and he was more than willing. Thread was devastating, but it wasn't a threat he was going to take lightly!

Stepping on the Hatching Grounds, he was excited beyond words, and had (sort of) prepared himself to be overlooked. But lo and behold, just as the Hatching was beginning did a little bundle of joy spring from an egg with a happy trumpet, and declare him as Hers! EmonsulMine! I knew you were mine, from the very first! We're going to have such a good time together--and we'll get to meet so many cute boys!

Impression was, without a doubt, the most thrilling thing to have happened to him. Just as E'sul knew he was destined to play the role of a rider, Nioweth was destined to play the role of a stereotypical green. They were a perfect match--too perfect, really. They supported one another when times got hard, and entertained each other when lessons got dull. Thankfully, E'sul was dutiful enough to know when to keep Nioweth on task when she wanted to do little more than talk to boys--and the little, flirty green was aware enough to know when Important People were watching.

Four Turns have passed and E'sul has grown up as a young rider of High Reaches. He can't ask more from life and is eager to prove himself every Threadfall. He doesn't chafe over the fact that Nioweth and him are often looked upon as just greenriders, for his dragon is the best green to have ever hatched--and the most beautiful! Though they both might still yet have a bit of growing up to do, they're happy, they're willing to fight the great Fight, and live every moment as if its their last.

Other: His father is D'mon. His mother was kept vague on the off-hand someone would like to claim her either as a general worker of the Weyr, or a rider.

Name: Nioweth
Age: 4 Turns
Color: Green
Size: 24'
Physical Description: Nioweth is about average for a green and is about average in shape. She's more delicate than brawny, but also a little bit more bone than muscle. She was always thin and is a light eater--while she's not quite underweight for her size, she could do to eat more and talk (or flirt) less--but it's not something that's been an issue. Her headknobs are long, and thin--just like the rest of her. She does sport a nasty scare on her hip from her first Blooding. It kept her grounded for a few sevendays.

Personality: Nioweth is cheerful, happy, and a flirt. She matches her rider in just about every way--at least in terms of how they get along. They are a bit like fire-and-oil, and it's a surprise neither has wound up dead due to their antics. But that's just it--though Nioweth loves to have fun, and is always sighing over the boys of the Weyr--she loves E'sul more than that. She can be protective and terribly possessive when she wants to be--and should she feel E'sul ever starts to pay too much mind to someone too long (i.e. a long-term relationship) she might not be so easy-going. And Faranth help anyone who breaks his heart.

It's easy to think Nioweth doesn't have a single deep thought in her head--but she's actually far more clever than she lets on. Like her rider, if the expectation is to be nothing more than a derpy green, than Nioweth will play that role. She can be surprisingly insightful when she wants to be--but primarily prefers to go-with-the-flow and simply have a good time. She's here to be friendly, flirt, and be nothing but a cheerful green.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: User Image