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Name: Orryxa/Orry, (R'xa)
Age: 18 turns
Nameday: 3557.08.12
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual, biromantic (slight male lean)
Craft: N/A
Rank: Candidate
Location: Western Weyr

Physical Description: Orry takes strongly after her father O’dyn. At 5’11”, she’s tall for a girl of her age, with a sturdy, stocky build. Although she has spent more than half of her life at the Weyr, she has never quite developed the sort of musculature common to weyrbrats. There is a distinct softness to her build due to a natural tendency (and a sweet tooth), and she doesn’t care to alter it in the least. Often seen in clothing that displays her love of rich patterns and fabrics, Orrxya nevertheless has adapted her fashions to the warm weather at Western. Still, that hasn’t stopped her from indulging in a few frills and fripperies, and she’s quite proud of the pieces that she does have. Her hair is long, dark brown in color, and often kept in a loose braid or bun. She has a matching dark complexion, with striking pale green, brown flecked eyes.

Personality: It would be perfectly fair to describe Orry as a bit childish. Perhaps that’s because she’s attempting to make up for the trauma of her early childhood, or perhaps she is simply just a somewhat immature 18 turn old. Whatever the reason, Orry has cultivated the persona. Stubbornly optimistic in the face of terrible tragedy, she refuses to give up on those around her. No one is all good, or all evil, and she doesn’t believe for one moment that it’s possible that they might be so. In her view, it’s far more likely that they just don’t know their full potential, and maybe Orry does. Or maybe not. Either way, even if it’s simple naivete, it’s difficult for Orryxa to ever truly give up on someone. This has led to a number of pitfalls in the past, but she has been able to make her way through so far. After all, were she to compare any of the situations she’s endured at the Weyr to certain events best forgotten, they certainly would come up smelling of roses.

One thing she misses about her life on the road is the abundance of natural beauty around her. Although Western is a lovely Weyr with beautiful vistas, living in the Weyr is not quite the same thing as seeing a new horizon nearly every day. Part of Orry might wish to chase that horizon and explore the beautiful world that’s just waiting for her, but in her heart she’s a bit of a homebody as well. At least… she wouldn’t like to leave her father behind, as she harbors an unacknowledged fear that were she to leave the proverbial nest, he might disappear. She will never, as long as she lives, forget the scene of such loss, and can’t abide the thought of being truly parted from O’dyn. This fact runs a bit contrary to her general nature, which borders on independent. It’s as if she wants to spread her wings, but is afraid to ultimately fly. Nevertheless, she can be fairly self-governing within the Weyr, so that’s where she’ll stay.

A young woman of deep feelings, Orry is inclined toward what one might almost call obsession. She becomes enthralled easily and often, pouring herself into activities and interests with a passion that to some might seem exhausting. To Orry, it’s just life. She wants very much to live every moment as though it were her last. After all, mightn’t it be? Yet she also possesses a natural tendency to become fixated on a given subject or hobby for an extended length of time, and has a number of broadly ranging interests. One personal favorite is reading, and she’s more than delighted over the fact that the Weyr has ample reading material for her young and agile mind. Her depth of emotion does not stop at mere hobbies, however, and she finds herself feeling everything quite… well, alarmingly strongly. Very determined to keep her emotions in check, she outwardly does not display the storm within.

When it comes to others, Orryxa can be a highly empathetic girl. Having endured suffering in her own life, she cannot bear to see it in another and not lift a finger to help. Of course, her assistance is not always welcome, a fact that is very hard to swallow. Fascinated by romance as many a teenager, she does have a tendency to interfere in the lives of others if she thinks it will help them. Much to her dismay, that meddling tendency has blown up in her face more than once. She’s not a gossip or a busybody, she’s just… very invested. She would give anyone the shirt off of her back if they needed it. That coupled with her propensity for impulsiveness can get her into trouble. Going with her gut isn’t always the right choice, especially as she’s more than a bit naive about the intentions of others.

Positive Trait List Passionate, loving, optimistic
Negative Trait List Immature, naive, reckless

History: When Orryxa was very small, life was simple and unhurried. Her earliest days were spent surrounded by family in the traveling caravan she called home. Her parents were loving and supportive, and the tale of their love awed the small child. For bronzerider O’dyn had left his life at Western Weyr behind to join her mama, harper Denyna, who traveled the world with her own kin. It was like a harper’s tale… and in fact, it was a harper’s tale, in a way, for Denyna would sometimes tell it to the child who was eager for stories. How she and Orry’s papa had met at a Gather, and how he had given his entire life up just for the chance to court her. It had seemed very romantic to young Orryxa, who demanded to know more and more, until her mother assured her that there was nothing else to know. Still, she knew that somewhere out there, there was a place where her father had been from, but it didn’t seem all that important. After all, here was where he was.

Carefree and a bit wild, Orryxa enjoyed playing in the big wide world that was open to her. She had acquired a little brother, whom she was very excited to welcome as a playmate. Although initially the idea of sharing her parents hadn’t seemed a wonderful one, it didn’t take much convincing for her to see the situation in a new light. Between the love of her parents, her little brother Dennox, and her grandpa Deskyn, Orry’s life was very full. It was a time she would later remember with nostalgia, for it was not soon to last. For during her eighth turn, everything was to change forever.

On a day quite like every other day before it the caravan was ambushed. What followed has been seared to her memory so vividly that she still awakens to this day in a cold sweat, haunted by nightmares full of blood and fear. How could any child forget the sight of her mama’s lifeblood spilled out on the forest floor? Or her grandpa’s body sliding to the ground as he tried, and failed, to protect her? Orryxa had been fortunate - small and dexterous, she had ran away and hid, shaking, until the fighting had stopped. If one could call it fighting, anyway - her family had been unarmed, and unprepared for the attack. Only her papa had been able to truly resist them, returning from his scouting duties to find the chaos that had unfolded.

Among the dead were many Orry had known, many faces that she would not forget. Her papa had been forever altered by the tragedy - heartbroken, and missing an eye - and she was, too. It was the greatest fortune that little Dennox was among the survivors, and Orry felt terribly that she hadn’t thought to grab him when she ran away, but it seemed that luck was on their side. To have lost a mother and a grandfather was enough; losing her baby brother might have crushed any hope that the girl would bounce back from the horror of the event. The days and months that followed were blurred. She doesn’t quite remember how the caravan all got to Western Weyr, or the names and faces of the people who tried to help her. Her papa had begged aid from the Weyr, and the Weyr had given it.

But Orry hadn’t been ready for the creche and all that it had meant. She hadn’t been ready to give up her old life (for how could she leave her mother behind? Her grandpa?) but life nevertheless moved on. It seemed like months, and perhaps it was, before Orryxa came out of the fog of deep depression and grief. Over time her kin drifted away, one caravaner leaving after another. It was probably O’dyn who pulled Orryxa out of her depression, or rather, O’dyn’s grief. It suddenly dawned on her that the way he was throwing himself into his work was not quite like him. Perhaps her desire to fill his emotional void was instinctive, or borne out of a childish wisdom. Water the reason, her life once again changed. She tried and succeeded in adjusting to their new lot, living life just a little more than most so that her papa could see her thriving.

Dennox needed her too. Protective of her younger brother, albeit without seeming to be so, Orryxa tried to jolly both father or brother up. If she acted happy, then surely a little bit of that would rub off. She soldiered on with a forced happiness, trying to make her papa laugh, trying to somehow ease the terrible burden that he carried. While he trained to return to full rider duties, Orryxa practiced her cheering charms on the children in the creche. Sometimes with mixed results, truth be told. Still… in spite of a secret longing for her old life, life did move on. Over the turns she grew to view the Weyr as a sort of second home, and has become accustomed to the way of things there. Buoyed by Ansheth’s contentment at their return, Orry watched O’dyn slowly heal.

Adjusting didn’t mean no longer needing the peace and quiet she’d once known, however. From time to time the girl sneaks away to be alone in the outside world. She doesn’t go far, especially with the return of Threadfall, but being out in the wide world reminds her of happier times. Times when she didn’t need to pretend at an ease she doesn’t always feel. Yet easy or not, Orry is now a fully fledged member of the Weyr. She’s stood as a candidate at a number of clutches, and is ready to take her part in Pern’s greater tapestry. Maybe even one day be a hero, just like her papa. With a mixture of independence and a lingering need to protect her small and shattered family, Orryxa carries on with a cheer that is slowly becoming her new normal.

Other: Orry loves colorful fabrics and embroidery, and is more than fond of tassels, bells, and beading. Anything to make a particular outfit just so. She enjoys spending quiet moments alone in the wilderness, and can often be found with her nose in a borrowed book. Also, good luck keeping her out of the kitchens for she has a penchant for sweets.

-O'dyn - Father
-Denyna {deceased} - Mother
-Dennox - Little brother


art by PrinceSawyer on dA

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No