Name: Xandros
Age: 57
Nameday: 3519.01.01
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: E'ros-sexual (homosexual)
Craft: Fighter, mercenary, bodyguard, pitfighter
Rank: Master
Location: Wherever he needs to be.
Physical Description:
Xandros is either a mountain sized man or a man sized mountain. Either way, he's immensely tall and strong, probably among the tallest such man most people have met. Once considered quite handsome, Xandros is now scar covered and battle hardened. With tan skin, sea green eyes, an expressive face, and silver threaded bronze hair, he is still quite striking in his way... if your tastes run to the type.
Personality: The world of Weyrs and Holds has never really been home to Xandros, for all that he can ostensibly fit in anywhere. He truly does not quite feel at ease unless in E'ros's company, where he can at last feel at home. A quiet, sober man, Xandros has never been one to call attention to himself. Unless, of course, he's being paid to do so. If ever there was a man to be counted upon to do his duty and do it well, it would be this man. Though he may at first appear uncomplicated, Xandros is a man of deep thoughts and with great depth of emotion. In his secret heart, he is a true romantic.
Positive Trait List Stolid, focused, giving
Negative Trait List Single-minded, self-effacing, overprotective
History: As a young man growing up in a traveling mercenary band, there was never any thought of another career for Xandros. Whomever his parents might have been, he certainly never met them. Found orphaned in the streets of Ista Hold, little Xandros was only too grateful to cling to the semblance of sympathy from the mercenary company. All he knew was that he had food, clothes, and a place to rest his head - even though that place happened to be a bedroll on the ground with the open sky for his ceiling. A small band, and without concrete leadership, the Faranth's Folly did not outlast his childhood. A former Folly man, he nevertheless was able to find work in diverse ways.

Xandros took to the life of a sword for hire as though he'd been born to it, and when that didn't make ends meet he turned from time to time to pit fighting in Nabol, Bitra, and Rivercrest, to name a few less savory venues. Though the legality was questionable at best, he had grown into an immense man, and certainly knew how to work a crowd. When it was evident that one on one combat was a little too easy for the young man, he found himself thrown into fights against pairs and groups of opponents. Though he spent many Turns as a mercenary, it was there in the pits where he acquired the majority of his scars. Nevertheless, he walked away from the fights most often the victor - and after one particularly memorable occasion, moonstruck.

For in the crowd was the most beautiful courtesan he had ever laid eyes on - the at-the-time-Journeyman E'ros. From that moment on, he dedicated his fights to the man, or rather the pursuit of him. It hadn't been the first time they'd met - actually, he'd visited a particularly fancy brothel one time to find the lovely young man the only courtesan willing to share his bed for the night. Seeing him again had stirred up feelings he'd long suppressed, and though he knew that chasing E'ros was as effective as trying to hold moonlight, he found himself tightening his belt just for the chance to see him one more time.

It was actually this pursuit that pushed him back into mercenary work fulltime, for however competitive his fights might be, as a mercenary for hire he made his full wage. Considering the sacrifice in time worthwhile, he sometimes would campaign for months on end just to secure enough marks to visit his favorite courtesan. Timor's Delight's fees were by no means cheap, and Xandros found himself the most busy he'd ever been just trying to afford a trip or two a turn. Perturbed by the brothel's cut of the profits, Xandros had taken to bringing along gifts from his travels so that the journeyman might better partake in spoils himself.

Not that all of his time was so occupied, to be sure. He had begun to shift his focus away from simply signing up with the most high paying client to seeking out jobs that particularly suited his talents - more often than not playing bodyguard for wealthy or important individuals. From time to time he would run into E'ros on these sorts of assignments, and on one memorable occasion they both wound up serving the same Holder - although in quite different ways. Dogged as he was, the mercenary found himself rising quickly in the esteem of his patrons. It became easier to pick and choose between different assignments.

Truth be told, he didn't love bodyguard work, although he was very good at it. Oh it was fine on a temporary basis, but the longer stints tended to outlast even his longest campaigns. This did not suit his ambitions particularly well, but certainly gained him some acclaim. However, when eventually the newly minted Master courtesan E'ros hired him into that self-same role, he was only too happy to accept the job - though it did take him awhile to figure out that E'ros was his patron, as E'ros was not forthright with naming himself as the client. Fitting into E'ros's household was easy - he didn't mind keeping company with Miran or even Ciberon, for all that the latter was often busy with the duties of a Holder. Semi-retired, Xandros now works for his love, dubious a decision as that may yet prove to be.

Other: Xandros could probably lift a table full of beautiful men without breaking a sweat... and would certainly enjoy the challenge, such as it is. More of an opportunity when you think about it.