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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[Rider] Reh'p of Bronze Traceth [Approved]

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Dramatic Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:07 pm
Name: Reh’p
Age: 30
Nameday: 3576.12.03
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: Reh is of average height, though there is something about his bearing that makes him feel taller. He is covered from head to toe with freckles and has long brilliantly red hair and bright blue eyes. He is very muscular and clearly takes care of his body as if it too were a weapon. He is often found glaring or with furrowed brow and seems to be perpetually dissatisfied at something he cannot properly place. There is tension in every line of his body which never seems to go away and there is always the feeling that he is holding himself tightly back from outbursts of emotion.

When not in his flying leathers, Reh dresses in warm and elaborate furs, with an eye for coloured dyes and imported fabrics when they are available, taking a great deal of joy in looking as intimidating as he can manage. He thinks he looks amazing, but has a bit of a reputation as going over the top to an impractical degree, wearing a full set of scavenged feline teeth around your neck on a leather thong is just something to get caught on things in the heat of a drill. He maintains a very tidy little beard despite the fact it never looks capable of migrating further than his chin.

Reh is a passionate individual strenuously contained - though not very well - inside a shell of self-control. Everything about him feels a little bit melodramatic, every failure is the worst thing that could have happened to him, every success is a victory against all odds and most of all every slight is a grudge carried forward into eternity. He is a man of extremes, black and white, hot and cold, right and wrong and is capable at times of holding seemingly directly conflicting opinions in his head simultaneously. Just like these stark contrasts in thought he has stark contrasts in his potential for good or ill.

As far as positives, if there's something Reh does well, it's caring. He cares vividly and intensely about everything he does and lives in a world of brilliant colours and rich experiences, the lows are low as the valleys and the highs are higher than the tallest peak. He lives for sensations, experiences, and emotions and as such throws himself wholeheartedly into everything he does for the Weyr, for his dragon and for himself. He has a bit of a poetic soul despite his misgivings about that sort of leaning.

He's a notorious flirt but also an equally notorious individual for not following through in the slightest on any of his apparent advances and can border on prudish at times in his attitudes towards actual acts of intimacy.

He is very judgemental and holds people to the same over the top and ridiculous standards that he internally holds himself to, seeing emotion more as a weakness than anything else. Reh judges himself unworthy of every good thing he's ever seen and often despite himself extends that judgement out to the world at large, though admittedly to a lesser degree. He finds it easier to forgive other people than himself for missteps. Still, he considers himself a fair arbiter of justice regardless. He is a blunt weapon of a man and says quite openly what he thinks, often to the detriment of his interactions.

Naturally empathetic, Reh can perceive a great deal about the emotional state of others, paying close attention to how they are feeling with surprising observance and memory for details of their day to day life. Sometimes he uses this knowledge to hurt people when he feels they are deserving of retribution, but at the same time has a natural inclination to assist the beaten and downtrodden when he internally judges them undeserving of the pain and suffering they are experiencing. He is rarely ignorant to the impact of his words and when he uses them it is with cutting intent or generous kindness depending on his mood at the time.

Reh is never content and if you have it, he wants it. The grass is always greener on the other side for this rider, and he spends much of his time looking on the world with a sullen sense that everything would be better if only he had some other turn of luck in his life. Perhaps he should have bonded a blue, or a brown, perhaps he shouldn't have bonded at all, everything looks more desirable than the burden of living up to the difficult expectations of his dragon and of his peers. He does little to obtain the things he wants in life and often would simply rather wallow in his own internal mire of resentment.

Older now than the troublesome Weyrbrat of his youth, Reh has mellowed out somewhat and learned ways to cope with his inherent nature without getting himself in trouble, but he’s still got a long way to go.

Positive Trait List Loyal, Empathetic, Passionate
Negative Trait List Judgemental, Aggressive, Jealous

History: Reh grew up never knowing his mother and when his father was lost in a tragic drill accident courtesy of some misdirected firestone and worn set of riding straps, he decided that he deeply resented dragons and would never have anything to do with them ever again, that they were just dangerous animals. The idea of trying to bond to one for a long time to him seemed ridiculous, and he decided he'd never do that either. It would take him many turns to come to terms with the fact it was more avoiding rejection than a genuine dislike of the creatures that drove him but ultimately he made his peace with the reason for the accident being nothing more than simple ill luck. He found himself working for one of the crafters in the Weyr, helping with the grunt work involved in Tannercraft, which helped to assuage the aggressive young man's boundless energy somewhat. As a boy he was always in trouble, always causing hassle in and around the Weyr, but in spite of this nature never quite overstepped the mark, his issues were minor and easily chalked up to too much energy and a burgeoning personality finding its place in the world. Reh was given a little leeway by some riders who had known his father and several of them over the years intervened to try to steer him away from the life of crime he seemed to be on a steady trajectory towards and redirect him back to the path his father had hoped for him. It was these individuals, who wanted success for all the children of the weyr who ultimately invested the time to listen to his grievances and talk him out of simply taking his anger out on the world and himself. He was taken to be presented on the sands as a candidate, though no one expected too much. He took up the offer, seeing it as a way to cleave himself from his father's legacy one way or the other, figuring that if he was rejected by the hatchlings then he'd know for sure that this life wasn't for him, and if he was then he'd need to face up to everything he'd been avoiding for so long.

The hatching he attended in those days was one of the more brutal and unfortunate ones, with clumsy and quite dangerous hatchlings who did not know their own strength. He was passed up by a green, like his father's dragon had been, and in a moment of bitterness was about to turn and leave when a ferocious bronze careened from his egg at a tumbling pace, all claws and flailing wings, killing one of the nearby candidates in a tragic accident. It was in a hurry for something, and there was a moment when Reh found himself in its sight that he thought he was going to be the next casualty in the way of wherever it so desperately wanted to be.

But then he locked eyes with the hatchling.

At that moment he knew he was averted him from the easy path forever, sent down one where together with the beast he would have to face his innermost insecurities and work against everything that was inherently part of his nature to become something better and more than before. The bond had a profound effect on him, bringing him out of his shell and out of the lingering sense of grief and injustice he felt towards the world. Having a companion that would never leave him and who loved him deeply and unconditionally worked wonders, giving him little reason to lash out at the world when he had someone else to live up to. Traceth presented the calm firm hand he required and both of them assisted one another, the rider helping the dragon restrain his naturally excessive appetite and to push his hesitance at times, with the dragon helping Rep to pause a little more and to question why he responded the way he did to issues he was faced with.

Their relationship was what saw him through the difficulties of fully falling into line with the expectations of the Weyr and learning to work alongside others. The pride he felt in Traceth and in their teamwork gave him a more positive direction to throw his energy into and his care for the beast was concientious in the extreme, determined never to neglect Trace's care or maintainence in any way.

Other: Nothing other than I am excited! smile

Name: Traceth
Age: 6
Color: Bronze
Size: 46’
Physical Description: Large even for his colour, Traceth is nonetheless a surprisingly elegant dragon, with a deep peripheral awareness of his body. He seems to consider every movement with caution and displays none of the brashness of his rider. He has a bright burnished quality to his skin and it gleams in dark but brilliant hues in varying light. He has a set of narrow features, with long ossicones and quick sharp claws. He is somewhat nimbler on the ground than in the air. In the air he is still learning to deal with the large surface area of his wings and is constantly working on keeping himself in peak physical fitness. He naturally is inclined towards indolence and it is only by virtue of Reh’s efforts he is as fit and strong as he is, with sleek muscle rippling beneath his gleaming hide.
Personality: Calm and a little sarcastic when the mood takes him, Traceth is a patient creature with little tolerance for rudeness but endless tolerance for those who earnestly wish to improve. He endures Reh’s mood swings with a sigh and is always willing to chat through whatever slight has set him off this time or provide a voice of reason in the heat of the moment. He is the truest critic Reh possesses and when the dragon has something to say against his proposed decisions, it is generally for a good reason. Unlike Reh, Traceth is a gregarious creature, always happy to spend time with the other dragons in the Weyr and actively engaged in keeping track of the trivial pieces of gossip that fly around as part and parcel of Weyr life. However, being a dragon he is less interested in rider drama such as promotions or scandal and more interested in which dragon has taken umbridge with another or who was late with dinner.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=25343307&page=10

I have put down for a dragon in the link above!  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:35 pm

Baneful, when reading over Reh'p and Traceth there are a few issues that stood out.

Post-Impression I would imagine that Reh'p gained a greater degree of control over his emotions. His dragon would be helping him to temper it, but also Impression can heal many things. Including, for example, the sort of grief and pain that he felt after losing his father. I'm not going to force you to go that route, but I would encourage you to consider the impact that Impressing a dragonet could have made on him.

Additionally, it would have been the rider's responsibility to tend to his own riding straps - of course his son can have misguided anger, but this is well known in a Weyr setting. As a weyrbrat this is something he would have known and possibly depending on his relationship with his father prior to the accident he might have even helped him with such chores. Grief does some interesting things to people, so who's to say how he might have taken it, especially at a young age. Yet to grow up in a Weyr full of dragons and hating them would he have been considered eligible to Stand as a Candidate? If he truly felt this way I think that would unlikely. The Weyrleadership must give their approval to any weyrbred Candidate to Stand, and of course they would also rely on their dragons' judgement as well. Again, something that should be kept in mind when reviewing the history.

That said, they are not infallible and could have made a mistake or overlooked it due to his father's position. Still, with a history of causing, it's definitely questionable. I want to make sure to work with you on this because I know you've put a lot thought into it. I think you mentioned when we spoke that his trouble never fully crossed the line - if that's the case, if his father happened to, for example, be a bronzerider, he might've been given leeway than some.

I'm concerned with the mention that he doesn't have a good sense of right from wrong - this is something that is the underpinning of the Weyr. All riders and weyrfolk are expected to behave honorably (although this doesn't mean that they have tempers or flaws, etc), but at minimum they'd certainly be taught at least the Weyr's idea of right and wrong. Maybe he just has bad judgment regardless or doesn't agree with their ideology. The problem with this taking place at High Reaches is that in particular High Reaches is known to have a strong militaristic culture. Children would likely be indoctrinated from a young age.

Honestly, I think you could just remove that line "while having only the most tenuous grasp of right and wrong." The rest of that paragraph reads fine to me.

The profile reads well, but I just want to emphasize some of the potential issues as outlined above because it's unclear how this will manifest in RP. Also, can you add something to his history post-Impression? It doesn't have to be long, but I'd like some idea of what he did for the next six Turns with his dragon - keeping in mind that he Impressed just before Thread returned. How did he handle suddenly having to face the reality of being a dragonrider? Also please know that no one would have held babyhood actions against them. You didn't mention that, but in the past we've had people who assumed that it might be the case.

Please DM if you have any questions. He's a great character. c:


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Dramatic Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:29 am
Mr Cheri

Made another few tweaks in there. I hadn't even noticed I'd only really written up to impression, added a bit afterwards because for sure the companionship of a dragon would have completely game changed his attitude. A lot of his bitterness came from lonliness and a resentment of his own limitations, being chosen by a dragon would have given him a sense of self-worth previously completely lacking from his life. He'd see himself more through Traceth's eyes and less through his own hypercritical lens.

His issues with his father would be more irrational emotion than anything solid or logical and much of it he would have kept to himself for that reason. Him blaming the straps would be as much him blaming himself for not assisting with them and blaming the dragons would be much the same. I think the dragons would be able to tell his attitude was more an attitude of fear, like a fearful hatchling than something deep rooted and malicious, and he would grow out of that kneejerk response as his mind matured with age into his twenties. By the time he was eligible to stand, it wouldn't be fit to be called a hatred, more a lot of him telling himself he wasn't really worthy to be around them, something that would be dispelled by the actual moment of Impression. He had a lot of emotional issues he had to work through and not a lot of them would have been logical.

His father would have been a bronzerider I imagine and Reh's attitude issues relatively minor in nature. Mostly he just likes to argue with people and rankle them, possibly the odd hand to hand scuffle when he was younger. It wouldn't be anything particularly dangerous to others. A bit of defiance, a bit of figuring out who he really was. After Impression there'd be far less reason for him to do this, any time he was inclined to argue, Traceth would mentally step in and urge him to calm.

As far as right for wrong, I've taken that part out because I didn't think it eloquently expressed what I was trying to say which was that Reh has less emotional attachment to action and consequence than most. He won't go out of his way to do the wrong thing, he's just less moved by things when others do them. It's in contrast to how judgemental he is about other trivial things in others. Mentally judgy about how someone styles their appearance but indifferent to actual wrongdoing is more or less how I looked to frame it. But yep, it's out of there at least. The militaristic bent would just highlight this to him, he would be pretty happy to just defer to other people's orders and not have to concern himself with it. He's not the kind of person who would question some horrible morally grey order is mostly what would happen.

Also yep, assumed it wouldn't matter at all to people after the hatching regarding the accidents, it just seemed to make sense to me for Traceth as an example of that early energy he possessed.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:32 pm



Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

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