Hello all!

Right so I'll keep this brief and straightforward. I've been RP'ing for well over a decade now. Some of my interests for RPs at the moment include:

Descendants (Disney)
King Ben -w/ Beast beard x OC
Hades x OC
"Vintage Blast from the Past" Hades x Maleficent (Basically pre-Mal and all that.)
Eh....open to hearing other pairing ideas, but be forewarned there's a number of canon ones I'm not fond of or they've been shipped by the fanbase and I'm just like, why?

Dark Fantasy genre ideas

OC Demigod x OC Demigod
OC God x OC Goddess (based on real "lower" gods not "The Big 3" or "main 12" but still their own fictional characters.)

Noir inspired (settings that have a vibe like Moulin Rouge, Chicago, The Greatest Showman, etc really draw my attention. They can be dreamy and romantic at times but also be dark and sinister too.)

Harry Potter / Wizarding World
OC Ravenclaw x OC Slytherin
OC Ravenclaw x OC Hufflepuff
Rowena Ravenclaw x Salazar Slytherin (romance) / Helga Hufflepuff x Godric Gryffindor (platonic)
Next Gen. HP (not cursed child. too much controversy there. Just based off the "19 years later" tiny bit of info at the end of Deathly Hallows.)
Marauders Gen. (Sirius x Marlene is a fave.)
Hogwarts Mystery Gen. (just characters, not story line of the game, as I personally stopped playing after a while and I know others haven't played at all. This generation for those who don't know is in between Marauders and Golden Trio. This is Bill, Charlie, Tonks, and a bunch of OCs essentially.)
OC Horned Serpent x OC other Illvermorny house

SciFi-Fantasy genre ideas (see Saved In Space RP for inspiration of what I'm talking about.)

Mythical Creatures - be it Wizarding World inspired, actual Mythology inspired, or totally made up, it sounds really fascinating.

Superpowers / Witches - I mean there's so many ways this could go.

"Dreamscape" - the world of dreams, one is usually alone in, until they meet their soulmate in them then they share dreams in the Dreamscape together even before they meet.

Pretty much any soulmate AU.

Of course I'm open to others' ideas too. So leave a message or send a PM if you have an idea you think I might be interested in.

I prefer all my RPs to have romance in them. It doesn't have to be the main plot line but having it in there sure does help. So keep that in mind when messaging me.

I'm trying to be on daily/nightly, but RL does come first. Most times it will be weekly and sometimes even monthly, but I do my best.

Also, I do like to decorate my posts from time to time. Not always, depends on who I RP with, but if you want decorated posts with character pictures and song lyrics and such, just mention it when we're discussing ideas. whee

Oh! Lastly, I'm open to playing a "hero" or "villain" type of character. I usually write nice characters, but I used to be a professional wrestler and was only a heel(bad guy) when I did that, so I definitely know how to tap into that demented physic a good villain needs. If you need more convincing I took the official Disney "What Disney Character Are You?" quiz and out of all the good bad and basic characters, I got Maleficent. Enough said. My mom got Jack Sparrow too so you can imagine how crazy our household is at times lol.