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After parting ways with Karuto, Toki moved over to the island's queen. At this point she was holding her grandson, speaking a language he didn't understand. When he heard chuckling from the man who was still a little older than he, the grandmother smile and finally took her attention off of him. It was then that Ohishi came in, and the two lovers swiftly moved into each other's arms and moved away from the docks. A look of gratitude reluctantly escaped the general's face as Toki smiled back. When the two were out of sight, the queen turned back to Toki and resumed her composure, straightening her back enough that she was once again taller than Toki.

"I was admittedly expecting you to take a little more time to recover my grandson. I am afraid that I do not have the information ready for you yet about the rogues who currently attack your new home." She said honestly. Toki chuckled as his hands rested on the back of his head, leaning slightly back. "I figured. Who knew that this was going to be speed ran the way it was?" Toki straightened himself back as he looked around. "I'm down to wait a little bit. I am a little hungry after you know, launching an immensely powerful water ninjutsu to push back all of the ships, followed by performing a dramatic musical to disarm a politically charged civil war." Toki didn't repeat these gestures in a manner to completely mean bragging, but he also wasn't not bragging about his recent feats either. It was incredible how immensely powerful he became since starting his ninja career. A couple of weeks ago the simple task of making the mist pour in would have been enough to exhaust him. Clearly the massive boon he received came from Zelel, as she was rewarding him for following the virtues of her religion and living in the moment. However, as he daydreamed about his recent exploits, the queen cleared her throat with a loud cough.

"Only a fool rest on their laurels. You are about to fight a threat to your village. Do not forget your goals." The queen's cold glare pierced through Toki and forced perspective to return to him. The boy's humorous antics ceased as she loosened her icy gaze. "Toki Suntory. How familiar are you with the creatures known as Yokai?" She asked softly. Toki pondered for a moment, put a finger to his lip, but then shook his head. "That doesn't surprise me. Uzushiogakure was guarded by the elements, and Konoha has the blessings of Evergreen to keep it safe from monsters. However, for the people of Saishowaji, the monsters of the yokai are both our natural enemy and our source of salvation. We pride ourselves on slaying the vicious beast which hunt our island, and then creating weapons from their bones. It is a right of passage among our culture." She explained. Toki thought back to the weird swords that both the queen and Ohishi clashed with during their brief skirmish. They were significantly stranger than anything he ever saw in his life. He thought about any creatures he dealt with, and the only one he could think of was his pet turtle, Akashi, who he learned to summon back in his academy days.

"And all of these creatures are evil? Like, you never met a 'yokai' who was just chill, and wanted to fish or something?" Toki asked confused. He couldn't imagine why everyone of a particular type of existence would be prone to the same evil instincts. It was one of the reasons why the rogue group who assailed his home left such a distinct memory with him. The queen shook her head. "Not every yokai is evil, no. Some even live harmoniously with people, although those kinds are not familiar to the people of this island. There is one such example, and that is what I wanted to discuss with you." After saying this the queen snapped her fingers, and one of her retainers disappeared. He then re-appeared and had something in his grasp. It was wrapped in holy looking bandages, and as he handed it to the queen, she gracefully unwrapped them, revealing a strange, small blue device. Toki was then handed the device, which was lighter than a kunai.

"This village was built at the base of an inactive volcano. At the peak of the volcano is an ancient seal. It is held in place by three celestial stones; which we call armors. If you present this device to the armors, then they will be sealed into the device. You will then release a yokai spirit who has fought alongside the people of Saishowaji in times of the Jashin invasion." Toki's head was spinning with the amount of information presented. His confusion reflected on his blank face. "I'm sorry, the Jashin invasion?" He said in almost a gasp. "Like, Jashin, the enemy of all life Jashin? The one who is followed by all of the crazy blood cultist and wants nothing more than the death of everything because they're evil and ugly?" Toki was incredibly away of Jashin and the lore around him. Being raised by Zelel and her lover made her painfully away of how dangerous Jashin was in the greater scheme of things. He made an attempt on the world before?! He thought that Jashin was bound beyond the boundaries of this reality? The queen didn't give him long to be in his thoughts. "The very same. When Evergreen ascended to the divine deity of this domain, she required the aid of other beings. Zelel, master of time and destiny, assisted in the fight. The other god who arose from this was Utu; the former light king and god of power. When Jashin slipped into the world in the form of the demons, and those demons took the first ever demon host as mindless servants, Utu fought those servants with divine chakra. This clash merged into a yokai who was loyal to the will of the people. And that yokai was granted by Utu three set of armors to better combat the demon host. After the tensions ceased the creature was sealed in the volcano to only be used again when the world needed it. And that is the very creature you will unseal and take with you on your endeavors."

Toki was speechless. He had read about various pieces of the lore, but never heard the stories with such articulation. To think this knowledge was held on such a random island in the middle of the land of fire. Let alone this apparent former avatar of the former light God Utu. It was then that he realized what the queen was asking of Toki, and he immediately shook his head. "There's no way I can take this warrior guy! Isn't he like, super important to your culture and way of life?" He asked. The queen sighed as she looked over in the distance, where Ohishi and her grandson were still huddled among each other. "While there would have been a time that I said yes, and that the yokai must only be unveiled should Jashin return to our people, my philosophies are dying. Had Ohishi slain me in combat and took over as the new leader then he would have performed the same unsealing, and used the power of the yokai to smite Chahito from existence. That was never meant to be the intention of this power, and it is why I need you to take it off of this island with you." The queen grabbed Toki's hands and wrapped his fingers around the device. "Go to the top and perform the sealing. When the creature bonds to you, return down and I will have the answers to the rogues who attacked your people."

Toki felt conflicted as he felt the device pushed into his grasp. On one hand, if this creature was powerful enough to combat demon host then it had to be essential for Toki's upcoming trials with those rogues. On the other hand, even though he had a connection to these people, he was still very much an outsider. To take something so powerful from them could cripple their ability to combat a threat like Jashin if it somehow returned to this reality. On the other, other hand, if Jashin did return, then Toki would have to fight him. There's no way that the boy could allow the envoy of the end to exist in his reality! He hadn't even had a boyfriend yet! Therefore, a new confidence coursed through him as he strengthened his grip and locked eyes with the queen. He then disappeared into a body flicker as he maneuvered toward the top of the mountain.

The mouth of the volcano was crusted over. The ground had a faint warmness, but nothing of concern. As he arrived, he found the space mostly barren except for a strange shrine at the dead center of it. In a triangular fashion there were three pillars ritualistically placed around the shrine. On each one was what he assumed to be the armors, but they looked more like eggs than armor. Nonetheless Toki moved over to the first egg; this one red and yellow with a strange horn sticking out of the top. Without much of an idea of what's going on he instinctively held the device toward the egg. There was a slight gasp from Toki as a light shined from the device and the egg armor thingie disappeared into a puff of smoke. Toki looked back at the device and checked the screen. Sure enough the egg was now on the screen, with an option to move to three other slots. Out of curiosity Toki unsummoned his familiar turtle Akashi and then held the device to the turtle. Just like with the egg there was a bright light followed by Akashi's disappearance into smoke. When Toki checked the screen he now saw that he had the option to select Akashi as well as one of the armors.

"Incredible! So Utu must have made these armors with the same nature like essence creatures from the sage lands exist with. And this device allows for the transfer of that kind of nature chakra to be broken down into a seal." He said amazed. This technology was never established at the academy, and the fact that a god managed to devised it thousands of years ago must have shown his incredible brilliance. Well, either his, or the wise wisdom of a certain time goddess who undoubtedly helped him make the technology. Unfortunately, Toki got a little too wrapped up in his experimentation, and remembered that he still had two more armors to seal. It was for this reason that he moved over to the second pillar and held his device over a black egg with another horn extruding from it. Once again the device sealed away the egg, and now that he was used to the practice did not halt in moving to the final armor. This one had no horn, and the armor was golden in color. It was significantly different than the other two, and Toki surmised that this one must have been Utu's strongest armor. He made a note of this as he held his device to the egg and sealed it away. At that point he felt a shake from the ground, followed by the shrine in the center of the three pillars to suddenly sink into the volcano.

"s**t!" He shouted as he turned around, thinking he must have messed something up. However, from the new hole in the volcano, a blue light radiated from the volcano. This light pierced the sky as a strange, blue lizard started to float out of it. It was a creature unlike anything Toki had ever seen. In addition to its dimensions suggesting a bipedal nature, it looked to be the height of a small child, and its dimensions looked more friendly than fiend. As the creature settled onto the ground it slowly upon its eyes. A large smile crossed his face as he proceeded to rabbit hop around Toki. "I'M FREE! I'm free I'm free I'm free!" He chanted loudly and enthusiastically. He grabbed Toki's hand and the startled boy shook in shock at the beaming excitement. "Thank you SO much kid! You have no idea how stuffy it gets in the heart of a volcano. I have such a cramp in my leg that I don't know if it'll ever get uncrinkled!" The creature said as he started to vehemently shake his right leg. Toki took a moment to reflect and gather himself.

"Are... you the great warrior of Utu? The one who fought demons and all of that jazz?" The boy asked in disbelief. The creature smile and nodded. "Yep! The name is Vee Might, but you can call me Vee. Well, at least in this form you can. I like to swap names around based on the armor I wear. Keeps me fresh and hip with the kids." He said with a thumbs up manner which in no way made him seem cool with the kids. This caused Toki to break into laughter as he offered his free hand out. "Toki Suntory. Absolute pleasure to meet you." He said with a smile. Vee Might shook the hand with a boon of excitement as he let go and looked around.

"So why have I been released? Is the tyrannical Jashin rummaging through the world and threatening the fair maidens of the kingdoms?" The lizard asked dramatically. Toki rolled his eyes as he said, "Well, there are people who still have demons, and according to the queen that means they still have the potential to be tools of Jashin. But for the most part the people of this island want to weaponize you, so I was asked to have you come with me instead so that you weren't exploited." Toki answered honestly. The enthusiasm died down from Vee Might as he looked up concerned at the boy. "And you? Do you plan on exploiting me?" Toki's heart sank as he immediately moved over and grabbed a hold of the lizard. "Of course not! I mean, if you want to help me then that's great, but otherwise I don't ever want you to do whatever you don't want to do." Toki felt like his words weren't reaching Vee Might, who suddenly felt very distant despite the proximity of their two bodies. He thought for a moment before he came back to his virtues.

"The queen said that you used to work with Utu, but the goddess I worship is named Zelel. She teaches us to live in the moment, and don't push your ideals and ambitions on others. Let everyone choose what is right, and then meet in the middle to understand what is true. So you don't ever have to worry about me trying to make you someone or something you don't want to be. I already love you are, and would never ask you to change!" Toki's words radiated with a passion and love only a true believer could radiate. It caught the attention of Vee Might, who looked up at the boy with confusion. "But, Zelel is a guy." Vee Might said blankly. Toki rolled his eyes. "Everyone gets that wrong! Like, did you actually meet Zelel?" He asked Vee Might. When the yokai shook his head the boy continued speaking. "Well I have! And she's beautiful! She's so smart and powerful. And I think people think she's a man because of mysogyny and that limp d**k stuff."

"Limp d**k?" Vee Might repeated. "It means dumb man stuff." Vee Might nodded at the answer. "But yeah! If you want, I can help you find your faith with her. That way, you never have to pursue a path you don't believe." He said with a smile. Vee Might thought about it. "You know, I never really thought about the gods. I was made by one, but I never really thought about what that god stood for, you know? We just kind of threw fist at the bad guys and kept it business." The yokai said. This caused Toki to beam excitedly. "That sounds like an excellent reason then to get involved with following a god! Make a choice and then follow it! Do that, and you'll never live with regret." Toki smiled. Vee Might thought about it for a few minutes before he returned his attention to Toki. "Alright, I think I will follow this Zelel lady. And I'm going to make my goal to protect you! That way, I don't have any regrets either."

Toki then beamed with passion. He excitedly started to explain more of the mechanics of the religion, such as the philosophies of wind ninshuu. As the two conversed, they both recognized that they both had the powers of the wind release. It was for this reason that they decided to bind themselves to the philosophies of wind ninshuu with one another. Wind was the element of freedom, and it was freedom which Toki and Vee Might both acutely represented. The two discussed this for hours until the sun started to set. It was then that Toki gasp at the passage of time. "Oh no! We still have to go down and talk to the queen." Toki shouted as he turned to Vee Might. "Come on, let's go!" He said as he disappeared into a body flicker. Vee Might followed, and the two returned to the base of the island. The queen remained by the port side as she looked gracefully at the water.

"I was wondering when you would return. When I saw the blue light arise from the mountain, I was curious how your bonding was going." She said as she turned back now to Toki and the yokai creature. Vee Might nudged Toki and whispered to him, "She's the queen? I thought queens were supposed to be pretty?" Toki chuckled nervously before he gave the lizard a firm little shove. "We bonded very well up there. Clearly no secrets between us." He said as Vee Might was confused as to what that meant. The queen nodded and looked back at the two of them. "Our sources did find out some dangerous truths. As you are aware through your history books the group which decimated Uzushiogakure was a rogue group known as Kogarashi. Although that group has petered out of existence, at least one of the members remained. This villain, Naoki Uchiha, still exist in the world. We don't know the extent of her involvement, but we have confirmed that she's around."

Toki froze like a deer in the headlights. The name Kogarashi rushed through his body like the winter breeze the evil organization was named after. Horrific memories of meteors descending, children screaming, and sanctuary failing crippled him internally. His mind immediately locked onto the black flames of the tower, and how the anbu told him that there was another group of rogues. If Naoki was part of that group, or at least knew of the group who attacked his people, then that could lead him to the truth. Vee Might felt the tension within the boy, and softly reached for his hand to give it a light squeeze. Toki snapped back into reality and smiled at the small lizard. He shook off his anxiety as he bowed. "Thank you, Queen Kirin." He said politely. The queen nodded back as she gestured toward a modest boat. "That will return you to the mainland. I don't know where this group resides, or what their name is. But I do know that Tanigakure is where most rogues reside. That should be the next stop of your journey." She said. Toki thanked the queen and Vee Might followed with a similar formality. The two left for the boat to take them to the next part of their journey.

Toki:Chakra: 2,665 l Stamina: 2,665 l OOC:
Stats: Strength: 8 l Speed: 10 l Agility: 12 l Endurance: 8
Vee Might:Chakra: 3,850 l Stamina: 3,850 l OOC:
Stats: Strength: 8 l Speed: 10 l Agility: 10 l Endurance: 10
Akashi:Chakra: 255 l Stamina: 255 l OOC:
Stats: Strength: 0 l Speed: 0 l Agility: 0 l Endurance: 5
Actions (Toki):
▱▰▱ Body Flicker Technique [ Shunshin no Jutsu ] | Rank D
The user moves, using chakra to accelerate their movements rapidly. The user vanishes in the blink of an eye, often leaving behind leaves, sand or some other debris behind them that is kicked up from their action. This allows the user to travel instantly up to fifty feet within combat but cannot be used in conjunction with an attack during this action. In combat, this technique is able to be maximally used three times. Alternatively, this can be used to freely escape combat into another topic to another within the subforum. Outside of combat, the user may move the same distance as if escaping combat with this technique.

Actions (Vee Might):

Actions (Akashi):

Personal Attributes (Toki):
▱▰▱ Fast as an arrow | Toki's mastery of thrown weaponry allows him to perform the bukijutsu style which uses a bow and substitute it with kunai. This swap does not apply to any techniques which utilize the bow itself as a weapon, and only replaces techniques with a focus on the arrows fired.
▱▰▱ You didn't see anything... | Toki is able to amplify the smoke effect which befalls using the sealing and unsealing technique. When he uses named techniques he is able to have the smoke expel from the scroll and cause tier one blindness to everyone within ten feet of himself.
▱▰▱ Gotta go! | Toki is able to perform body flicker without need of hand seals. The technique exclusively also cost five chakra less.
▱▰▱ Tricky Tricks | Toki is able to utilize a kunai as a substitute for the visual stimulus necessary for visual based genjutsu.
▱▰▱ That should have hit! | Whenever one of Toki's kunai fails to hit a target, his next kunai based attack adds on an additional +2 to speed. This benefit does not apply if the attack was negated through a collision with an offensive or defensive technique.
▱▰▱ Sleight of hands | Allows for Toki to seal away anything on his person, even while in combat. Typical rules for the enclosing technique still apply.
▱▰▱ Always prepared! | Toki can use a kunai or dagger in lieu of a katana focused fighting style when performing bukijutsu techniques.
▱▰▱ Beauty and the Beast | Allows for Toki to reduce the the amount of missions required for monster taming by two to a minimal of one.
▱▰▱ Master Tamer | Allows for Toki to reduce the the amount of missions required for monster taming by two to a minimal of one.
▱▰▱ Inner Devotion | Allows for Toki to reduce the the amount of missions required for religion by two to a minimal of one.
▱▰▱ Rewarded Faith | Allows for Toki to reduce the the amount of missions required for religion by two to a minimal of one.
▱▰▱ Always prepared! | Toki can use a kunai or dagger instead of a katana / one sword focused bukijutsu style. Cannot be used with any techniques of which it would not make any sense to the technique applied.
▱▰▱ Anime Armor | Allows for Toki to manifest his chakra in an aura around himself based off of his chakra color. This manifestation takes the properties of heavy armor, which includes all of its positive and negative features.
▱▰▱ Genetic Palette | With intensive genetic therapy and strong blood, this character is able to possess more than one transplant. This allows the character up to two transplants total, of any of the three categories.
▱▰▱ Blessings of Valor | As a world-famous hero, you are forever bestowed with an extra reward in arc, timeskip, and guildwide events.

Personal Attributes (Vee Might):
▱▰▱ Connected | Vee Might is able to combine himself into the summoning scrolls unique to the custom scroll crafting. This allows him to take the unique features of the summon (the additional chakra / stamina, the additional stats, and the abilities and unique moves to it) at the cost of the summon and the pet acting independently. Only occurs while a summon is summoned.
▱▰▱ Vee Endurance | Vee Might's endurance is increased by 2 to a possible maximum of 10.
▱▰▱ Heroic Spirit | Vee Might is able to gain legendary armor summons gain one rank lower than the rank of the tamer.

Passive Abilities (Toki):
▱▰▱ Integrity | Grants the user 2 PAs, +5 Technique slots and +25 Chakra and Stamina per Body Rank starting at D. They are able to reduce a single status effect excluding mental statuses and trauma by one tier, to a minimum of Tier 1. Additionally, the user can utilize the Block/Dodge system for one rank lower than a single incoming collision once every two posts - This does not stack with the Scholar's Discipline Infinite Perception and cannot be used at the same time as it unless used for a separate collision.
▱▰▱ Knife Flow | The user becomes more accustomed to all combat revolving around small weapons combat. The user's speed and agility when wielding a small weapon is increased by [1] point.
▱▰▱ Dirty Reflection | With proper training and time put in, the user has learned how to angle their blade so that each attack reflects light at the opponent. After each technique, light shines in the opponent's eyes and reduces their agility for that turn equal to the rank of the technique used by the practitioner. Additionally, once every three posts the user can cause tier one blindness on the target.
▱▰▱ Two-fer-one | The practitioner is now accustomed to performing techniques they have mastered with either one or two knives. Once per post, the user may use a single D-Rank or lower technique involving small weapons as a supplementary action.
▱▰▱ Blade’s Edge l The user has learned to utilize projectile weapons with this style, allowing their small projectile weapons to be interchangeable with small weapons for this style. All projectie weaponry get the benefits of Knife Flow.
▱▰▱ Manipulating Line l After casting Retrieval, the user is able to tack on the additional chakra to the same activation of Retrieval. Instead of calling these weapons back to the user, they are able to be manipulated by the chakra threads they are attached to in a similar manner to puppet strings.The chakra threads attached to the weapons remain active for three posts and techniques can be executed from the Manipulating Line technique as though thrown by the user if desired.
▱▰▱ Collaboration [ Korabo ] | Rank X | Passive
technique allows the user to combine two techniques together in order to create a single, stronger technique. Both activations of the lesser techniques must be paid along with their original cost from the person casting the technique. If the techniques combining originate from separate individuals, both individuals must have this technique and be able to use techniques equal to their partner's body rank. Two techniques of equal rank fused will become a technique of power one rank higher. So two B-ranked techniques fuse to make one A-ranked technique. Furthermore, two techniques separated by one rank in power will take the rank power of the higher rank, but will eliminate any potential weaknesses of the two techniques, and give the fusion the property of overwhelming. So if a B-ranked an a C-ranked technique were fused through the use of Korabo, then the technique would be B-ranked power with the property of overwhelming to techniques of the same rank. Finally, the rules for what techniques can be fused are as followed. The first rule is that the two techniques need to fulfill the same general purpose. For example, two projectile techniques can be fused together through the use of Korabo. However, an elemental shield and projectile technique cannot be fused together. Second of all, if two techniques of the same elemental property, or the same technique performed twice, are fused then the two techniques maintain their elemental strength and weaknesses. If two techniques with differing elements are fused, then the fusion loses all elemental strength and weaknesses. Finally, techniques can only be fused of different elements so long as they are complimentary elements, aka elements which have no elemental strength or weakness against each other. The only exception is if you fuse a technique with one of one rank higher, and the technique of one rank higher is of a weaker elemental property than the element which is stronger. An example is if you wanted to fuse a C-ranked water ninjutsu with a fire ninjutsu, then the fire ninjutsu would have to be B-ranked. In this example, the jutsu would treat the B-ranked fireball as C-ranked, and thus two fused would act as a B-ranked technique. Techniques fused either have to be of the same rank, or one rank difference. Finally, despite the leaning toward ninjutsu, this technique allows one to fuse complex and spiritual tai and bukijutsu as well. For complex techniques, treat it's fusion with ninjutsu as the example with two opposing elements fusing, (aka, if you want to fuse a B-ranked complex punch with a ninjutsu, then the ninjutsu would have to be C-ranked). Medical ninjutsu can also be korabo'd, but only with other medical techniques.
▱▰▱ Seal Connection [ Fuuin Tsunagu ] | Rank D | Passive
Allows for the korabo, or the dual activation, of two activated seals. The seals may be used as two separate attacks where only one requires an activation, or allows the user to unseal their seal and combine the two attacks together into one korabo strike. Standard korabo rules apply. The rank eligible for this technique is defined by the rank of korabo the user has.
▱▰▱ Flame Breathing Pattern [ Kaen Kokyū Hōhō ] | Rank D | Training
The user is accustomed to the unique and various breaths that it takes to perform physical attacks as well as to channel chakra. This allows the user to passively detect when an offensive action is about to occur, giving them a [1] point increase in agility per body rank of the user. Additionally, once every three posts, the user is able to defend against an offensive activation without utilizing an activation.
▱▰▱ Sight through Smoke [ Kemuri o Tōshite Mieru ] | Rank C | Training
The practitioner grows accustomed to the way smoke flows around them and others. The user's vision is no longer hindered by smoke or fog.
▱▰▱ Keep Silent [ Shizukani ] | Rank S | Training
During a post where a smoke related technique is utilized and the user is concealed within it, the user is able to remove all hints of their presence. Opponents who are attempting to locate or interact with the user have the same difficulties as though they were suffering deafness and tier four blindness, additionally removing the smell of the user. This effectively removes their presence from even sensory class ninja and dojutsu.
▱▰▱ Order Secret: Redirection [ Chūmon no Himitsu: Ridairekushon ]| Rank A | Training
The user's tireless training with the Shield as a part of their everyday combat kit has taught them to effortlessly direct the force of an opponent's strike so that any of their added strength boosts being used when interacting with a shield is nullified.
▱▰▱ Order Secret: Arcane Wisdom [ Chūmon no Himitsu: Nankaina Chie ] | Rank S | Training
The user has mastered their chakra during combat. This focus and chakra control allows the user to deflect ninjutsu with shield techniques equal in cost and strength. Additionally, the Empowered Guard Stance is now able to block ninjutsu equally with their complex application
▱▰▱ Armored Shinobi | Rank S | Training
The user must complete 5 paragraphs of training per tier of their armor ( Light, Medium, Heavy ) in order to reap the benefits of this training. The user is able to move with their armor as though they did not have it's restrictions or drawbacks.
▱▰▱ Armored Champion | Rank S | Training
For each tier of armor ( Light, Medium, Heavy ) the user is wearing, they gain a [2] point increase to their endurance while in combat. If an armor piece is broken, this buffer is negated.
▱▰▱ Undertow | Rank D | Training
This training focuses on using movement when you attack, carrying that much more force. After this skill is trained, any attack that follows a dodge or evasive technique is treated as a counterattack, and the user's total bonus to agility can be attributed to the strength of the next attack. When this ability is performed it cannot be used the following post.
▱▰▱ Repeating Wave | Rank B | Training
The user's training has focused on their agility ability to strike while avoiding harm. Once every three posts, the user may utilize an offensive technique that targets a specific part of the target's body that would disrupt their attack. This offensive attack deals damage regularly but allows the user to use their remaining activations as offensive as well.
▱▰▱ Heavy Punch | Rank E | Training
The basis of the style, punch hard, punch first. The user is able to spend stamina in order to increase the strength of their punches for no activation. For each rank applied, a [1] point increase to strength is conferred.
▱▰▱ Invigorating Kaiser Armor Training | Rank B | Training
The user's armor retains it's former effects. Now, the armor emits a crackling, bright, white hot chakra that appears like a thin aura around the user. The chakra causes mild burns on contact. In addition, the user gains a [1] point increase to strength and speed per rank of the armor.
▱▰▱ Bolstering Kaiser Armor Training | Rank A | Training
This training adds to the previous effects of the Kaiser armor's technique. In addition to that, the target's armor now allows them to regenerate 10 stamina per rank of chakra applied to each technique while the armor is active. The user may not generate more stamina than their reserves may hold.
▱▰▱ Kaiser Armor Mastery | Rank S | Training
The final stage of training for the Kaiser Armor. In addition to it's previous effects, the Kaiser armor now causes searing burns upon contact that blister due to the crackling chakra. Additionally, the user's strength and speed are increased by [1] point per rank of the armor instead of it's original [1] point. Taijutsu and bukijutsu techniques used while this armor is active create shock waves five feet in the direction of the attack per rank of the technique.
▱▰▱ Acrobatic Mastery | Rank D | Training
Having practiced their art with great concentration, the user has learned to change direction of their whorl technique.After this training is complete, the user may use up to one technique per post that would lower the stats affecting their speed without suffering that reduction. The user gains the ability to use Somersault to evade once every three post without it consuming an activation, but only against opponents whose body rank is at or lower than the user’s.
▱▰▱ Perfecting Balance | Rank C | Training
Due to their various training requiring parkour style actions, the user is more stable. This training allows the user to withstand off balancing effects or knock back effects as though they were one rank lower in strength.
▱▰▱ Parkour Mastery | Rank A | Training
The user becomes one with their momentum, learning how to harness their body as an almost perfect machine. After completing this training, the user’s agility gain any and all bonuses afforded to their speed.
▱▰▱Spectral Movement [ Yūrei Idō ] | Rank A | Training
After countless hours of practicing skills that utilize chakra pathways, the user is capable of leaving phantasms of their own body at the end of every phantom slayer technique they perform for no additional cost. These are considered E rank phantasms, effecting only sight.
▱▰▱Flame Attunement [ Chōsei Sa Reta Honō ] | Rank C | Training
By practicing the style's many forms, the user has learned to reduce the chakra needed for equal results by finite control. This reduces the required chakra by 5 per rank for complex techniques that channel elemental powers. In addition, this does not reduce the potency of the user's techniques in collisions.
▱▰▱Flames of Deception [ Kyogi no Hi ] | Rank C | Training
Once per post when using a technique from this style after the user completes this training, a C Ranked elemental clone of the user may be created in their place as they move out of sight in some manner through role play. This costs no activation but requires a C Rank amount of chakra each time done. These clones have access to C Rank and below Basic Combat Skills. In addition, each of these clones, upon being stricken with a value equal or greater to C Rank explode, sending their specific element flying outward fifteen feet. Each clone requires an E Ranked Upkeep per post.
▱▰▱Shuriken Hunter | Rank S | Training
The user's scavenging skills ensure that they are always able to find new shuriken lying about and retrieve their used weapons. This ensures they never carry less than 200 small projectile weapons.
▱▰▱Cluster Training | Rank C | Training
The user's lengthy use of the bow has taught them to seamlessly fire an additional arrow for each arrow they would fire normally for a technique so long as they have the reserves to do so.
▱▰▱Shrapnel Arrow Creation | Rank S | Training
The user takes a knife, widdling away at an arrow to create weaknesses in it's design. Doing so allows the user to create shrapnel arrows. These arrows cost nothing additional during a technique to be used with them however upon contact they explode and send wooden and metal shrapnel into anything within five feet of it's location. This technique may be used outside of combat to create arrows for later use. Converts arrows at a 1 to 1 ratio.
▱▰▱Cicada Shell | Rank B | Training
After learning the Shadow Clone Technique from the maruton list, the user may cast the Shadow Clone technique in conjunction with techniques from this style to replace mirror images with the clones. Casting Shadow Clones in this manner does not consume an activation.
▱▰▱ Mist Vision Technique l A technique usually used with the Hidden Mist Technique, the Mist Vision technique allows the user to see through the heavy mist, steam, or any other condition caused by water in the air. The technique is passive and activates when the user's vision would otherwise be obstructed by mist. When within a fog or mist, the user must use D-Rank chakra during the first post of use followed by an E-Rank amount as upkeep, this allows the user to see through all mist or steam as long as this is active regardless of rank. Does not consume an activation to be used. Negates any blindness status caused by moisture in the air.
▱▰▱ Multi-Mirror Image Training | Rank A | Training
The user has learned to control their chakra in a fine manner which allows them to create an additional mirror image per rank of the technique it is executed with. These additional images do not increase the strength of the parent technique.

Passive Abilities (Akashi):
▱▰▱ Return
Toki is able to substitute Akashi with any thrown weapon attack. Akashi can then return to the Toki's shoulder immediately after with an E-ranked amount of stamina.