Hello! My name is Spec! I also go by Aria and An, whichever is your poison. I'm a 21-year-old female in college, currently aspiring for a Psychology degree, with a lot of downtime. I like romance roleplays with a sprinkling of drama and angst to keep it interesting. I mostly do MxF, with me playing a female role, but I'm also open to FxF, however I won't be playing MxM unless you're okay with me playing a more feminine male.

I will admit it's been a while since I've done more descriptive rps, so I may be a little rusty on Multi-para, but surely with enough practice, I can get back into my grove. I will say though, if you are Novella, I will probably decline, only because I don't want to waste your time! (I do aspire to be one of y'all one day though)

I generally prefer forums, but if you would rather do PMs that's fine as well. I simply lose rps less if they were in forum format. I also use IRL Face Claims, but if you'd like me to use Anime/Drawn, I definitely don't mind!

Anyway, enough talk! Here's my plot list. Ask me for any current faves or ones that haven't been done all that much.

A Patient You Can't Save - A is a doctor, married to B. They had been married for years, so it was starting to become obvious to A that B's current state was more than unusual. She seemed to be in pain, and a bit more dizzy than usual. There had been a couple of moments where she nearly fainted, and he had to catch her. He insists she gets this checked out, but she casually refuses, blaming it on lack of sleep. But soon enough, A goes into work one day, hearing about someone who was recently admitted to the hospital after they unexpectedly fainted behind the wheel. They're fine, one nurse says, but they were extremely ill from the looks of it. Curious, A goes to see, only to find out it's his wife lying in that hospital bed.

The Return - What happens when your best friend suddenly runs away without a goodbye and leaves you on your own? What happens when they suddenly come back many years later, pretending that everything is just like before?

Lost Bloom - A human has lived in a town that was next to a clan of forest spirits. One day as he’s exploring, he notices a girl, covered in vines and flowers.

The Unexpected Lovers - A Mafia Boss must protect his beloved from countless threats made at her after his enemies find that she is his only weakness. Will this man protect the one he loves, or will she be taken from him and possibly murdered?

Starry Skies - Two teens decide to pack up and leave one night to travel the world, not caring where they end up. Shenanigans and hilarity ensue, and perhaps romance?

Floral Blood **Self Harm Implied** - You get flowers on your body when your soulmate is injured, how do you react when you wake up late one night to roses blooming on your wrists? (There are other possible starters for this)

Witness Protection - A girl sees something she wasn't supposed to, and is now on the run from a gang. Little does she know that one of the members is now her roommate. But will he kill her like he's supposed to, or will he fall in love with her?

Failed Disguise - Two college students go to school together. One happens to have a secret identity as the local hero, fighting countless enemies. The other doesn't know about it. That is, until one night when that same friend needs saving...will the superhero's cover be blown?

Kidnapped - A young princess is taken away from her home to marry with one of the most spoiled King/Princes in the land. He is cold and heartless, not caring of the heart break the Princess faces from being away from home. She instantly hates him, yet fears him whenever she's in his presence. Will they ever fall in love?

I miss you - After one messy break-up, A and B are left in an odd state of confusion. They loved each other to no end, yet after one heated argument, they are left without a clue what happened. How do they hold up? How will A react when B texts them one night with the message: "I miss you."

Betrothed to Another - A princess is betrothed to a prince from a far away land. However, she doesn't love him. She believes he isn't worth her love, but her parents believe she's just being a child. Will she end up loving someone else, even though she is betrothed to another?

Very Important Secret - The daughter of a very important official is now stuck with a bodyguard. Will they butt heads, or fall in love?

I'm home **Kidnapping TW** - A was kidnapped and was missing for a year. When A is suddenly returned to B, how will they live when A is a broken shell of what they were? Will A ever be the same again, and will they ever tell B what truly happened?

Skies Fall **Abuse TW** - A new girl moves into a small country town. She moves into an old house that's secluded from everyone else and she seems like she's pretty reserved. Will one of the locals talk to her?

Done with love - A has been broken too many times, and was done with relationships. B is their friend, and is upset to hear that A is giving up. Will they attempt to change A's mind?

It's your job - [Main Plot will have to be planned, as I don't have one] A is a police officer and B is stuck at home. What problems will they face as time goes on?

I Just Wanna Die Anywhere Else - There's been this girl in town that has always been so cold, does one of her classmates finally break through her tough exterior?

She's always with me **Murder TW?** - A man's wife recently died, leaving him alone in the mortal world. His wife becomes a ghost and haunts him, hoping one day that he'll notice.

Shattered Memories - After a horrible accident, A loses their memories of everything, including their friend/significant other B. Will B try to get them to remember?

Her protector - A princess and her personal guard had fallen in love with each other, but what issues will arise as they try to keep their love a secret?

Mockingjay ~ A couple in the Victorian Era are investigators; what kind of antics do they get into?

The Girl Next Door ~ Someone new has moved into B's apartment complex!
Does he say hello?

Boy in B34 - A new girl to town is quickly picked on by the school's bullies. She's pushed around to the point of tears, until one day the school's bad boy suddenly begins protecting her. Though as time passes, he slowly begins to realize he's rubbing off on her.

Circus Angel *Abuse TW* - An angel falls from the heavens and is soon taken in by a circus troupe. They mistreat and harm her, Until one day a human stumbles upon her...will he help her?

Trapped - A rich man falls in love with a model. Their relationship isn't picture perfect, but they have their moments of bliss. One day, the model gets into a situation that gets her harmed, and as a result, she is forced to stay in his home and not go anywhere. Will tensions arise between the two?

Far From Human - In a small town, there was a legend of a super odd family that lived in the area. They lived in a big mansion off upon a hilltop, and no one ever heard from them. That was until rumors started roaming around saying that one of their relatives were in town. And sure enough, a new girl walked into class. And she seemed...different.

You're an Animal (20's or Modern) - A girl from the country moves to the city in hopes for work. She finds some, not knowing she's going to be working for one of the most powerful Mafia bosses in existence.

We're Animals You Know **Violence TW** - An underground doctor and a Mafia member find themselves in an interesting situation as they find themselves falling for each other little by little. Do they pursue this romance or keep it strictly professional?

The World Lies To Me - A college student had been friends with a superhero for years. One day she goes missing, only to return weeks later, completely different. He wonders what caused the change, but soon after she had returned a new villain shows up in town, and she looks a lot like her.

Wilting Flower - In a small kingdom, it was said that shortly after the princess was born, she died from a fatal sickness. As the years passed, however, that didn't seem to be the case. When a prince decided to visit for business, he'll realize there's more to the story.

Forced Bond - Forced by their parents, a married couple seems to find themselves stuck with one another. Will they deal with the cards they have been dealt, or will they try to find another?

In the Limelight - A new idol finds herself lost as fame washes over her. It seems that her manager is keeping her afloat, but as they start to get closer, feeling start to bloom. And what happens when her childhood friend gets thrown into the mix?

Not In Love - A Couple Struggles to continue to love each other, resulting in an awkward downfall in their marriage. Will they learn to love each other again, or will they search for affection from another?

Lost In Thoughts **Murder TW** - When a group of Profilers get called in for a case about serial drownings, one of them seems a bit more off than usual. Questions arise about her past, and if she can handle the case.

Little Songbird - (20s or Modern) A is a regular at a small bar, where B sings for. B always seems to notice A, and always goes out of their way to smile or look at them while they perform. One day, B approaches A, and starts up a conversation after a performance.

The Witch - In a small country town, rumors go around about one particular resident that owns a small shop. She always seemed tired, worn down, and pretty snappy. Though as one of these residents will come to find out, there’s a little more to her than people think.

I’m not for you (20s or Modern) - The daughter of the owner of a big hotel finds herself engaged to the current manager of the hotel. Neither of them are interested in each other, and soon she finds herself falling for one of the workers.

Fairytale - A human boy meets a creature of the forest, and they become friends. After years of separation they find each other again as teens/adults.

Blood and Crowns - Vampires have been constantly terrorizing a human kingdom. As an offering in an attempt to get them to leave them alone, they offer their Princess to them.

Game of Chase - A is part of a spy organization that combats different crime groups. B is part of one of these groups. While attempting to catch B, A slowly starts to become enchanted by B, and wants them to be theirs, despite them being a criminal.

King and Queen - A is the Leader of a Mafia group. B is a rival of theirs, and after a long while of being against each other, they finally decide to make an alliance against a common enemy. B however, wants to make this agreement in person, and A has never seen them before. How will A react when they finally meet B, only to find out they want to be more than just Allies?

A union between life and death - Life and Death never really see each other that much, despite relying on one another. Life suggests they should see each other more. What will come out of it?

Set Her Free - *Abuse* Someone has known about a friend’s abuse for months, but everytime they ask them about it they deny it. How long does it take until they have to step in? (Usually merged with Floral Blood)

Confessions of an (Accidental) Killer - She murdered someone, and now has to go on the run. She falls in love in one of the towns she lands in, and now doesn’t want to leave, but doesn’t want him to get hurt.

The Nightmare - A has been plagued by Nightmares about B, usually with B getting hurt or dying. One night after these nightmares it seemed more than real, and A frantically calls B, only to have them pick up after a couple of rings. A feels a lot better, but doesn’t want to worry B.

It’s you - A Cop has to deal with a troublemaker, so much so that they’re on a first name basis. From Fights to Noise Complaints, when he gets called to her apartment complex, he isn’t surprised when it’s her behind the ruckus.

Blindfolds and Zipties **KIdnapping TW** - The daughter of a highly successful business owner finds herself kidnapped by a mafia/gang he owes money to. She knows they're her captors, but slowly begins to fall for their leader.

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Witch ( Modern, Possibly other eras idk) -
her name is going to be Rhiannon and she's never really left her house, she was homeschooled by her mother who is a witch. Her mother didn't like the people around town even though they weren't that bad but told Rhia that they were horrible people and that she shouldn't interact with them

So her mom dies when she's a late teen, but she's not too hurt because her family had a belief about death that I haven't figured out yet but she's not like sad, but she still doesn't leave the house because she's been conditioned to think she shouldn't, and only leaves for very short periods of time

Two Options : Human or Demon/Supernatural Being
If they're human I'll make it to where they moved into the neighbourhood and Rhia takes an interest in them but is too shy to really speak to them, so she starts leaving little things on their doorstep, like charms and potions with little notes attached that say what they're for (for example one will be like 'You have some bad spirits in your home, use this to get rid of them -R") and whenever the person looks around to see who left it they'll always notice her looking through the curtains

If they're a demon-like creature, Rhiannon is going to summon them, but once they appear she's going to block her eyes, and state that she's afraid of demons, and kindly asks them to change into a state that's not scary, as she simply had always feared them and it didn't help that her mother was always summoning them. But when they switch forms (probably a human form or whatever) she's going to ask to make a contract with them, but the contract is just that she just wants a friend
And for someone to teach her not to be afraid of the outside

Arrow through the heart - A is constantly finding themselves in an endless cycle of first dates, one day after a failed date, they find a person sitting on their couch. This person claims to be a cupid, and claims that their job is at stake because A can’t keep a date.

The Doll - A doll that was given life by a renowned toymaker is bought after sitting on a store shelf for ages, to the point where her price is lowered. Her new owner doesn’t think much of her at first, but soon comes to realize she’s more than meets the eye.

Mermaid and the Pirate - A mermaid and a pirate form a bond as he passes her home in the sea. Soon she decides to travel with him, mainly staying in any body of water he has on the ship.

Troupe of Monstrosities - A circus troupe is run by a pair of cruel siblings. They use creatures of all kinds of their show, showing them no care. One of these creatures is a mermaid, trapped in a glass box. She falls in love with one of the others, and the try to get by as they long for their escape.

Out of my Element - A small town girl moves into the city, getting a job at (Burlesque Lounge/Bar/Something else). She catches the attention of a wealthy man, and soon moves in with him. She finds his world a lot different than hers, and struggles to get used to it.

I don’t want to lose you - Something with a princess and a knight that protects her, war probably, they probably get separated a lot or something, EMOTIONAL REUNITING AAAAA

Caught in the Crossfire - A girl gets mixed in with the wrong crowd, at first she was a shy, docile girl, but is slowly influenced by the local gang. Her friend notices her change and slowly distances themselves from her, until one night she appears at their home, crying, scared, and bleeding.

My savior **Abuse TW** - One night a hero appears at the doorstep of her nemesis, bleeding and dazed, appearing as if she was drugged. As she looks up at her rival, she whispers, “I had nowhere else to go,” before collapsing on the floor.