Katsumi Yamazaki [] N/A [] D-Rank
=Puppeteer - Puppeteer =
[[Stamina: 200]] = [[Chakra: 600]]
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Two-hundred years ago, it all started with a falling star. A meteorite with expansive power collided with the planet, and was recovered by what would become Hoshigakure over time. The ages past, and the star from above guided the shinobi and kunoichi of the small, and remote village. The power brought them success over foes, and it was with that power that their hopes were carried on through the years. Hopes for prosperity, greatness, and recognition echoed out through each generation of the Hidden Star Village. Each prior before withering away to the chakra-borne radiation sickness, that was the cost for their hopes and dreams, a blessing and a curse. This was Katsumi's inheritance from the time she was born, along with the children born close to her, the next generation of the Hidden Star. However, things were not to go according to the cycle as it had. No, a broken cycle of death, desperation, and unfulfilled dreams cast upon a fallen star was not the future that this child had in mind.

Katsumi was born into the line of Yamazaki, a clan of ninja who had been part of the founding of the small Village along with some others. The Magnet Release jutsu of the family had been passed down, from father to son and mother to daughter, in this particular fashion. Though it was during her training that the young Star Kunoichi began to notice the grim destiny that her progenitors had in mind for her. It would also shape her viewpoints, and help mold her into the lonesome wanderer she is today.

Each day, during her lessons with her mother, the patchy, purple skin that was degraded by the radiation of the Star Chakra became more and more noticeable. Her mother and father were slowly withering away to the same power they used to strengthen themselves, and it was a painful experience from what the young Katsumi could witness. Her parents were not long for this world, and that much was evident by how hard they pushed the young five-year old to study the family techniques.

"From star dust is our power granted, and into star dust does it return.", was the line of brainwashing fed to all ninja of the Village. It was the painful reminder that the same strength that gave the Star Village it's ability to stand tall among the minor Villages would eventually consume it. It was the faith and belief in this power, though, that had given the Village leaders the bold idea to try and join the Great Nations. Though, it was a doomed proposal as it was rejected by the other nations, and their small point in the world remained as such. Katsumi was taught to excel and prove herself above the other ninja in the world by harnessing her talents, and empowering them with the aid of 'the star' so that one day the other nations would see the power for what it was and grow to regard Hoshigakure as a Hidden Village worthy of recognition by having an official Kage.

At the age of ten, Katsumi graduated from a Trainee to a Genin of the Hidden Star Village. She had demonstrated a particular skill in the realm of mechanical constructs, and even the tricky art of kugutsu, the puppet arts. It was a relic of ancestry, and a talent bred into her, and those before her of the Yamazaki family, but it was the first session before the star that was coming on the wings of her success in the Academy. Her father and mother were both frail and dying to the chakra-radiated cancer that had riddled their bodies from the Mysterious Peacock Method, the jutsu by which the Star Chakra was harnessed. A fate that the young Katsumi had no intention of sharing with them, or anyone of this Village.

It was with her superior intellect and reasoning that the young kunoichi had come to a conclusion. The Village was doomed to this cycle of life and death, all because of a flawed technique that had never evolved. "In two-hundred years, not a single technique was developed to protect the body from the devastating effects of the Star Chakra radiation. It is all unforgivable...The deaths of my parents, and their parents, and their parents before will be on the shoulders of those with no insight.", she said to herself with a clenched fist. It was a firm resolve that was ignited by the painful choice. She was going to break down the illusions of grandeur that the self-proclaimed 'Hoshikage' had been driving the Village with. It meant casting off the Village and striking off on her own, possibly making her subject to the perils all Rogues faced, but it had to be done. If the Hidden Star was to rise to greatness, then it would be by another 'falling star' so to speak.

It was at the initial meditation ceremony before 'The Star' that Katsumi struck her blow against the Star Village. Everyone took their place before the radioactive chakra-infused meteorite. In a circle they all began to focus on drawing in the star's power, all but Katsumi who had been planning her rebellion carefully as a ten year old, schooled on nothing but combat and fighting could be expected. It was when the adults and everyone participating closed their eyes and greedily soaked up the Star's power that the trap was sprung. By using her Magnet Release, Katsumi broke off a piece of the star, and pulled it to herself, carefully disintegrating the metals of the object before she held a chunk in her hands. It was time to move, so irreverently as she tossed down a smoke-bomb, the act created a spark of outrage and confusion as she dashed out of the building under the cover of the disruption.

Katsumi clenched onto the chunk of the Star Chakra Meteorite she had stolen as she dashed into the darkness of night. Alarms began to sound as the gongs and bells heralding the guards and ninja of the Village into action. It was highly likely that her defection and theft had been noticed. She had abandoned her mother and father with this act. Though it was a painful choice, she did not have much time to reflect on it. Even a Genin knew that the few experienced Jonin and Chunin would be on her tail soon enough, and it was the means by which Katsu had fled that she had hoped she had bought enough time to give her a head start to move in a concerted direction South to the Wind Country to begin an exile in the desert....

Lasting Memory/Trauma: "Becoming a Fallen Star"
Sentences: 44 - Paragraphs: 11