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Cackles could be heard echoing down the deserted corridors of the abandoned hotel, giving the already creepy atmosphere more of a cause to be called creepy. For anyone inside, it would be very difficult to pinpoint where the noise was coming from, bouncing off the walls as it were. Almost as if there were two voices at times. And many kitsu had claimed over the years to have heard two voices at the same time, one on either ends of the hotel. But of course no one believed them. Not even that they heard voices to begin with. For no one lived there. No one had for many, many years. Not since the owner of the place had disappeared, leaving the hotel to go to ruin. Anyone inside at the time had thought the placed cursed and quickly left, leaving everything but their own luggage where it was. The wallpaper was peeling. The flowers had long since wilted and decayed in their vases. Glass littered the floor in spots from smashed doors or windows. A few walls even sported holes, as if something had crashed through it. If you watch closely, maybe you'll see a stretch of what looks like blue fire pass by your sight.

The hotel was quite large, reaching up four stories with a once beautiful front and balconies all over. Half of those had already fallen, laying neglected on the ground, scattered among the desecrated flower beds. Here and there a few hopeful colors tried to sprout among the mess, twisting their stems around the boards and their fallen brethren. If the flowers could once more retake the place, it would truly transform the spooky nature of the place. At least by a bit.

The cackles evolved into a manic kind of giggle, as crashes could be heard throughout the hotel. Eventually, the noise seemed to reach the bottom floor, sounding close to the doors. Through the boarded windows could be seen a streak of blue.