The Scorpion's Den
"For all your creatable wants and needs."
User Image

The Scorpion's Den is a business that is owned by Naoto Takabiru. The building, located in Amegakure's Earth Sector, was once owned by a previous smithy. In the years since he closed his shop it was left abandoned to rot. Naoto used his own tools to create items for various shinobi in Amegakure to accumulate the funds needed to refurbish the establishment and purchase the deed. Since then, it became a fairly profitable establishment considering the short amount of time that it has been opened. Naoto has hired a bit of help to run the business while he was off performing other duties; however, he still visits the shop regularly to collect funds and occasionally take on commissions from higher priority customers.

Business Title
Link to Owner: [ x ]
Business Type: Crafting
Current Size: Name Brand
Purchase Amount: 20,000 Ryo

Checks and Balance Sheet

Reputation: C List Local Hero [1.2x Profit Increase]
Weekly Payout: 6000 Ryo
Collection Check In Report: Dates that are crossed out represent collection visits.