Tiger Hat, perennial loser of Cartwright Strong Style, had arrived at the arena early. Deciding to forego his master's limousine, he had instead traveled in a less flashy cab, and had skulked quietly to his private locker room. After a less than stellar showing all around for his stable, he was in no mood to speak to them, or anybody. He seethed internally whenever he thought of Apex holding all the gold. A part of him wanted to chastise Omen for not getting the job done, but at least he had hurt Avari; the same couldn't be said for Tiger, who had lost to Bison outright, leaving him free to shill his garbage drinks while Tiger ran away with his tail between his legs.

After a while of Tiger Hat sitting on his own, sulking, he hears a light knock on the door, tapping a whimsical tune. It was rather unlike the usual knock of WWF:G's resident interviewer. Cautiously, Tiger raised his voice.

"Come in."

The door creaked open, and in wandered a familiar friend. She was a small, tanned girl, still young, but far more experienced and mature than when she last walked into WWF:G. It was Tiger's old comrade - Tiger Girl. She looked jovial as she began to chatter.

"Well hello there, stranger! Are you a Tiger or a horse?"

Tiger Hat looked confused for a moment. He shrugged, nit understanding what she was getting at. She put her hand up to her face, waving it in a downwards motion.

"... because of the long face. Get it?"

She laughed as she sprung forward, sitting next to Tiger Hat.

"It's been a long time. It's good to see you again. How did you even get in here?"

She grinned merrily.

"I'm a former tag champ, you know! Turns out that gives me some sway. Glamazons for life!

Tiger Girl made a peace symbol with her hand, putting it up to her eye as she stuck her tongue out playfully. Usually her happy-go-lucky attitude was contagious, but Tiger Hat was still gripped with melancholy, and did not respond, keeping a rather dour look on his face.

"Say Tiger, I've been watching you for a while now. And you know we'll always be the closest of bestest buds, but... I've gotta say, I don't like what I'm seeing. What's gotten into you lately? This whole Apex thing? Throwing your hat in with Cartwright? This isn't like you.

What happened to the old Tiger we know and love? Yatta!?"

Tiger turned his head away. He could barely face looking at his old friend. His rage was consuming him, and it didn't take her pointing put the obvious for him to see it.

"It's... too late. I've got to see this through."

Tiger girl's smile faded, as the pain of her old friend spread through to her. He shook her head.

"I'll get the old Tiger back somehow. You'll see. Just... don't do anything stupid, okay?"

Tiger's response was silence.