Roselite Blade
Sicne Endymions' guardians were brought up, I should state this:

They are not Generals. They are KINGS. They are called the Shitennou (Four Heaven Kings), and help to strengthen my theory of when the Silver Millenium took place. Rome conrolled most of the known world, and had King-Generals in charge of each area. I believe the Shitennou represent the highest leaders below the royal family. They controlled the North, South, East, and West countries. (Google Shitennou and find out what they represent in Buddhism to see why this is mentioned) Kunzite is North (Eastern Europe outside of Rome Proper), Jaedite is East (Middle East), Zoicite is South (The Mediterranean and Egypt) and Nephrite is West (Germany and farther West Europe, etc)

Actually, Jadeite is the the Far Eastern Commander, Nephrite is the North American commander, Zoisite is the European commander, and Kunzite is the Middle East commander. It's stated in the Materials Collection.

Ah, I figured I'd gotten some mixed up. I don't like the ideal of including North America though, because before 300 years ago... Europe didn't know it existed, so the Silver Millenium Earth shouldn't have known either... It's explainable as an AU world, though, I suppose. Or she means that's what they're in charge of NOW in the modern world...

When I write fiction I try to keep it historically accurate (I'm weird like that, dunno why) and write the placements of no further west than Spain and no further south than Egypt. I admittedly should write a note about what Naoko placed them in, since I mixed up Zoi, Jed and Kunz... (Western Europe's as close to America as Ancient Earth knew about, so I don't feel very awkward putting Neph there...)

Scanlations drive me nuts... they're good because you get to read an otherwise nontranslated work, but different fans translate kanjis with diferent tenses or a slightly off meaning that still fits context.

Woah Woah... hey think about it for a minute... you're just thinking about what history reveals... We're talking about Silver Millennium, here... Both the Anime and Manga suggest that there was a degree of high technology in common use among the kingdoms, the knowledge of which was presumably lost during what may be called an "ancient appocalypse"...

Haven't you noticed that in ancient times, things seemed more advanced than by, say, the European Dark Ages? It's almost like, technologically, we started from the top, hit rock-bottom, and are now in the process of rediscovering.

This strenghtens my theory that the "Gods and Goddesses" were actually people from other worlds interacting with our kind... I mean, what would you think if you lived 3,000 years ago and saw someone use a technology you couldn't even begin to dream was psooible?

So how do we know that our fictional "gods and goddesses" didn't possess a physical scan of Earth like we do today?