Dosn't matter really, what kind of respectable fan girls (and perhaps boys) Would we be if we couldn't use our imagination XD.

yeah, but some fangirls/fanboys take it way too far and believe that their way can be the only possible way for things to turn out, and of COURSE they're a couple and of COURSE they have hot mansex because they WANT it to happen.

Frankly, Kaori Yuki has said she never intended for them to be a couple, whether or not that has changed as the series progressed is up in the air (I doubt it, she has a happen of drawing tempting innuendo into everything, but it rarely means anything), but it seems so ludicrous to me, so cliched, so cheap an ending for them just to suddenly become a romantic couple.
I like to think their love is something that trascends basic lust :Þ
A love between friends...a love between soulmates? And that doesn't have to be a sexual love. It seems more beautiful that way.

Yeah, it is way prettier that way, but you still just stamp on my fangirl dreams with a spiked hamer.