AS OF 6/30/06
We currently have 0 (ZERO) positions open for crew.
Feel free to aply, but don't be discuraged if you are not accepted, you can aply as often as we have openings. What we are looking for is someone who can level-headedly find the origin of a dispute and help bring it to a satisfactory and fair end. If they have a problem with another user, they will report it to me or aradia and bring in another online crew member to take over in ending a dispute if they feel they cannot fairly end the dispute. We will not hire based soley on friendship. Please be honest with your aplications because we will keep them on record for later review of acceptance untill they are accepted or user is banned, PMs myself AND Aradia saying they do not wish to be crew any more or leaves the guild.

You will be informed of your aplication status before the next month.

Aplications are always welcome.

To aply, please PM both myself AND Aradia with:

~Your Screen Name (yes, i want you to retype it in the PM)

~Your Role Playing Name

~How Often You are On

~Reason You Think You Would be a Valued Crew Member

~Refrence(s) (people who would recomend you for this job) if Aplicable