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Journal of An Eternal - 6TH REWIND FINISHED NOWZ ;D

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Angelic Gatekeeper

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:48 pm
Okay, so i've not done too much fanart for the series, because I obviously just can't get down drawing Link, so I decided to do a fanart of a different kind. I keep a journal, and have all my life, and I was wondering one day as I started playing Majora's Mask, "What if Link kept a journal? What kinds of things would be in it? What would he write about?" And as soon as that thought began to cross my mind I was flying to my filing cabinet for some paper, I threw myself into the game, and pretended I was in the adventure myself, and wrote down anything and everything on my mind. Some, yes is a re-enactment of the game, but it's simply because that's what he did, what he went through. The first game I journalized (like my new word? ^^) was Majora's Mask, mainly because since this being my first time doing this, this game helps me better accurately keep track of time and dates. I will continue to do other games, but I just felt maybe I should do my favorite first ^_^V. So, without further a'do, I introduce: "Journal of An Eternal, Volume 1 - Terminal Trial"


November 11th:
I'mma start keeping this thing attatched to me at all times, I am really slacking on the writing for this. I've decided that I'll be journalizing A Link To The Past next. Also, I'mma go make a feedback thread, seeing as I have nowhere for peoples to post about this thing here in the thread xD. Lawlz I R genious cool
PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:49 pm
Date: I don't remember...
Time: Don't know...

........ It feels like it's been forever since i've left Hyrule, and still no sign of Navi. I think i've been riding around in circles, that or this forest is just huge. There's no civilization out here and i'm really hungry, but Epona seems to be doing good, good thing she's a herbivore, heh. I have no clue where Navi could have gone, I hope I can find her thou-----

Date: Day 1
Time: 6:10 am

........ Great goddesses, I can't even begin to describe what's happened! First off, the uncompleted last entry- I was interrupted. I was just writing and strolling along and all of a sudden Epona kicked up and threw me off, it knocked me out for a few seconds there, too. When I woke up, there was a skullkid wearing a weird mask and two faeries messing with my ocarina! I attempted to lunge at him, I don't know, it seems like it was all a giant blur... jumping toward him, being drug on the ground as him and Epona ran off, but I soon fell off and I lost track of them. When I finally caught up to the skullkid my horse was gone, he said he "got rid of it for me"! He then started babbling about how I was no match for him and whatnot... I don't even know this kid! Why's he harassing me? I just want my freaking horse back! While I was in thought about losing Epona he caught me off guard, all of a sudden I was surrounded by deku shrubs, hundreds of them! They were everywhere, I couldn't escape, I felt like I was running in place, and the moment I opened my eyes, I was... I was one of them! I was A DEKU! The skullkid then laughed hysterically and left me there, but one of his faeries was left behind. Her name's Tatl. I think the only reason she's even following me is to find her brother or the Skullkid again. She told me she had an idea of where they might have headed, and it's not like I had anything else to do at the time, so I went with her. She took me through some underground passages, and we ended up inside a tower. As I was about to exit, the Happy Mask Salesman came up behind me and started to talk to me (why or how he followed me here I have no idea...). He explained that the mask the Skullkid was wearing was how he got his powers, and that the mask originally belonged to him, and how he would help "return me to normal" if in exchange I got his mask back for him. Well, I don't plan to stay in this shape forever, so I agreed to it, and here I am. This town is called Clock Town, in the land of Termina, Tatl told me. The salesman also pointed out that he would be leaving in three days, and that he wished to have it back before then, pfft, yeah right buddy. So, I guess I'm off to get my ocarina back first so he can fix me, because I highly doubt I can even fight looking like this. Okay, updates later, Tatl is yelling and insisting we start moving.

Date: Day 2
Time: 4 pm

........ Okay, it's already the second day and I have yet to even get close to the Skullkid. I guess I'll keep track of time and stuff just for fun, in case, I don't know, it's not like the world's going to end! Haaaah. But, I do have a strange feeling about it because there's a giant moon hovering over the town, and I think it's lower than it was yesterday. So far all I've been able to do is talk to the townsfolk and explore, they say there's a carnival coming up the day after tomorrow. The tower opens and they all wear masks and such. Wait, I saw the Skullkid on top of the tower today in the Observatory, maybe that's where he's hiding! And it opens in 2 days? I have to find a way into that tower!

Date: Day 3
Time: 11:58 pm

........ Well it opens tomorrow, or in two minutes, haha. I seriously hope it opens in two minutes, that moon is even bigger and closer now than yesterday! Maybe that's the reason why the Salesman said he would leave in three days? I dont kn..........ow. The tower just opened! I'm going to go look for him!


Angelic Gatekeeper

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Angelic Gatekeeper

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:41 pm
1st Rewind

Date: Day 1
Time: 6:18 am

.......Okay, I am officially keeping track of time seriously now. When I got up into the tower, the Skullkid still had my ocarina. He rambled some more about how he was unstoppable and that he wasn't returning anyhing. What is with this punk? Tael, Tatl's brother, said; "Swamp. Mountain. Ocean. Canyon. Hurry, the four who are there, bring them here!" and even though I had no clue what he was talking about, the Skullkid got enraged and smacked Tael for it! He let out a ferocious scream, and the moon began descending rapidly! What... no HOW am I supposed to fix THIS? The only thing I knew how to do in that body was spit bubbles! So, I tried it! I knocked my ocarina out of his grip, what a lucky shot. When I picked it up, I remembered the song that Zelda had taught me before I left. Song of Time? It opened a door back in Hyrule, why would it all of a sudden rush to my head? It couldn't do a thing to help me right now! Zoned out in my memory, Tatl smacked me on the head and exclaimed that we needed more time. I looked above me and the moon was a mere 20 feet away! Time... I've done some big things back in Hyrule, but I can't control time! But, what if this song could? Call it a hunch, but I had no other ideas at the moment and Armageddon was hanging right above my head. I played the Song of Time as loud as I could, hoping someone or something could hear me over the rumbling of the Moon. I nearly get the last note out and in a flash of light the scene erased and re-created itself, and I was standing in front of the tower again. The moon was higher in the sky, the tower the people were building was back down to one story, and the Clock Tower wasn't open anymore... time had rewound! Tatl reminded me that the Salesman would heal me if I were to get my Ocarina back, so that's the first thing I did! Yes! I am human again! Tatl said the four places Tael was describing were the sleeping grounds of the country's guardian deities. I guessed seeing as how I was a deku not long ago I'd check out the Southern Swamp first, Tatl thought it was a good idea too. So off I go!

Date: Day 1
Time: 9:49 am

........There's a Deku colony here in the swamp, and they seem to be in a bit of a predicament. Their princess has gone missing, their water has been poisoned, and monsters have appeared everywhere. Well since all the water is pouring out from one source, I' assume that source is the problem. I ran into a monkey in captivity while I was in the Palace, and he said that's where the Princess had been taken too. So since everything points to the top of that waterfall I'm going to go there first. They call it Woodfall.

Date: Day 1
Time: 1:01 pm

........ I've found the temple, but at first it was a bit confusing! The monkey taught me a song back at the palace and said I needed to play it to open the temple, but I didn't know he meant the thing was underwater..... hah. So my next entry will be after I'm through here.

Date: Day 3
Time: 9:58 pm

........Wow, wasn't that place fun? There was poison water, man-eating flowers, spiked turtles, and a big Indian hippie at the end named Odolwa. After defeating it, I felt like I was in a dream momentarily, and there was a tall, tree-looking figure in front of me. It sung a song and said "Call us", then it vanished. I'm assuming it was one of the "four" Tatl and Tael were talking about. I found the Princess in a holding cell near the rear exit of the Temple, and returned her to the Palace. They rewarded me with a mask... a measley little mask. But then again, the Great Fairy rewarded me with one too. And when I was healed from being a Deku the spell turned into one too, so maybe masks are a... treasure to these people? If so, it's not a bad gift then. But anyway, I have 4 now. I'm going to go back to town and do some things, see if I can figure out where to go next.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:31 pm
2nd Rewind

Date: Day 1
Time: 6:10 am

........ Well, I found a bunch of stuff with the few hours I had left in town. There's money hidden in every corner of this place... and they have a bank here to put it all in, but that kid looks kind of creepy. A few minutes before I rewound I saw the kid putting a huge stack of rupees in another sack, con artist. Anyway, Tael suggested we visit the mountains next. The fact that it's the only part of the map with an odd weather condition tells me something's going on there.

Date: Day 1
Time: 9:47 am

........ Ran into Kaepora Gaebora just a minute ago, did he leave Hyrule too? Maybe he's watching me... but either way he led me to a floating island that had a Lens of Truth hidden away in it. Now either there's more than one of those as well, or my vision is really playing tricks on me. Everything and everyone I saw in Hyrule has so far had a counterpart here in Termina. Eh, that's bigger than I have the time to figure out right now. Back on the mainland there was a Goron spirit, and I guess he was as shocked to see me as I was of being able to see him. He asked me to follow him, and he's led me to the foot of a steep cliff. How'm I supposed to follow him now, I can't fly! ...Oh wait, just pulled out that nifty new item I picked up, there's rails here.

P.S. Note: (10:15 am) I got his mask... this thing rocks! I'm so fast and tall now! Not like that tiny, waddling deku body. But ouch I sink in water now, had a bad run-in with that on the way back down the cliff.

Date: Day 1
Time: 2:39 pm

........ Okay, might as well make a whole entry on it, there's more. Being a goron and all now, I figured I'd go find more of them to see what's going on with the mountain. The ghost, Darmani, told me about a monster in the temple, how he died, and how to get to Goron Village, so I promised him before I healed him I would pick up where he regrettably left off, so to speak. There was a little ...hut filled with Gorons, and one Goron kid who was wailing for his father, and as he was telling me his father had left, I remembered running into (no, literally, RUNNING INTO) a snowball with a Goron frozen in it (I was testing out the new body and decided to smash some things, okay? Hahaha.) I also remembered the grave cave oddly having hot water in it, so I put two and two together and hurriedly whooshed off in my cool new lightning-speed body (heheh) and ran to thaw him out. I found out that he was in fact the kid's father, but he thinks I'm a ghost. Apparently he knows Darmani died. The father and son thing was significant to the adventure though, because I learned another song. And just a minute ago I learned what the purpose was for this song, I couldn't get into Snowhead without it. Now all that stands in front of me and the temple is all these snowballs, but they're no match for me! Off I go!

Date: Day 2
Time: 4:39 am

........Yet another wild adventure, holy hyrule that tower was so confusing, I can feel my head still spinning. So many rooms, so much rolling, too bad aspirin hasn't been invented yet. This time, Tatl asked the giant tree "What are you guys?" and it replied "Guardians". ...Then that means they are the "four" that Tatl was referring to! Because there's one in every compass direction, and they were protecters or guardians of some sort, glad I got that figured out. But, One thing randomly popped up in my head while I was in the temple, there was a suspicious-looking hut or house in the swamp but I couldn't get in, but now I can! I found some fire arrows in there. I'm going to go check up on the Gorons, then head that way.

Date: Day 2
Time: 12:23 pm

........ Okay, a little freaked out now... but first other stuff. They held a little race and I won some gold dust, don't know what it's for, and I also got some huge bomb, a powder keg, that thing is way superior over any other bomb! I went back into the temple and rescued all those fairies laying about, and she gave me more magic as a gift. Now to the important matter... the swamp, it's poisonous again! I decided to wade through the water and take a shortcut to the hut, and after i got past the big Octorok (which I believe I already got rid of) I was dropping to my knees in pain! I could've swore the water was normal after I beat Odolwa, because I dove off the waterfall cliff outside the temple, and it was fine! Now the poison is back, those pesky dragonflys are everywhere, those giant mushroom-flowers are back, and guess what? The temple is back down in the water and the monkey is tied up with the princess gone again! What in the name of Din is going on here?

Date: Day 3
Time: 6:05 pm

........ Well, blew a whole day off doing other random stuff. I went to that little ranch outside of town, and there was a girl there just looking all dazed and confused, and there was an older girl in the barn crying about her cows, wonder what happened there. Oh, and they HAVE EPONA! I'm going back as soon as I rewind again, to see if I can get her. Which reminds me, rewinding time, does that mean that everything i've done rewinds too? I was a little mad yesterday when exploring the spiderhouse (that's what it was, by the way), but all that rage came in handy, as I was punching stuff spiders came flying out from time to time, heh. If when I rewind this time the Mountains reset as if I did nothing, i'll know that that's what's going on. Luckily though, I ran a little experiment. I raised Woodfall back up and went in, and went all the way to the boss room, and he wasn't there. There was a stone altar on the floor at the entrance, and in it I could see Odolwa inviting me to challenge him again, but I guess he only reappears if I enter the altar. At least the bad guys don't come back, i'm glad for that. I got a few hours left now so i'm going to do some hunting around, maybe i'll go find some more masks. Seeing as how I have a small collection, maybe having more will do me some good. Ta ta.


Angelic Gatekeeper

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Angelic Gatekeeper

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:32 pm
3rd Rewind

Date: Day 1
Time: 6:37 am

........I'm at that ranch now. I had to run back to town and get a keg because it was blocked, oddly. The girl here (the older one, that is) was really happy to see me, I wonder how long they've been blocked in here? Now the younger girl? She's asking me to help her fight off "ghosts" tonight, I doubt she's even halfway serious. Got Epona back, thank the goddesses, I thought I lost her there for a while. What am I going to do now? Well, I can get over that fence blocking the canyon, might as well go. I'm sorry, I don't really believe that girl about the ghosts. I've seen some very odd and suspicious stuff in my travels, but they've been real, know what I mean? So, off I go.

Date: Day 1
Time: 10:22 pm

........You know it feels really awkward writing Day 1 and 2 and such over and over again, i'm not exactly used to reliving time, heh. Anyway, i've spent all day in this graveyard, I ran into a giant stalfos, got another mask from him too. It's cool, I can talk to the other stalchildren with it, they evidently think I'm their general, heheh. I learned a new song here also, funny though because it's the same Song of Storms I learned in Hyrule. I'm beginning to think that this world is almost an exact mirror-world of Hyrule. I can't find a way up the canyon because there's a giant cliff in the way, with a mysterious man perched on top. He says i'm "not properly equipped" to enter the canyon. Maybe I missed something somewhere. There's still the ocean to visit yet, that second ranch, and I'm not entirely sure i've scoped out the town all the way. Well, i'm really tired, although rewinding undoes time and events, it sadly doesn't undo my drowzyness. I'm just going to camp out here with the stalchildren seeing as how they fear me, i'll write more in the morning.

Date: Day 2
Time: 11:58am

........That was mighty refreshing, I feel ready to fight some more baddies now! I'm on my way to that other ranch. I don't know why, but i'm getting a weird feeling about the first one.

PS Note: (1:03 pm) Got yet another mask from the freaky farm, but that's not the reason for the insert!: I'm rewinding to see what happened here at the Romani ranch, something DID happen. Could it really be ghosts? Maybe this is what I need to fix to get to the canyon.

4th Rewind

Date: Day 1
Time: 2:26 am

........ Romani said our operation started at 2, but it's already almost 2:30. I'm going along with the whole "ghosts" thing for now, because she explained how they go for the cows, and when I arrived here yesterday, errr, before I rewound, the cows were gone, so maybe she's not lying? I don't know. Wait, here she comes.

Date: Day 2
Time: 4:57 am

........Whaddaya know, there were ghosts, and they WERE going after the cows. If I hadn't have stayed they would've got them again. Afterwards, i just stayed and took a nap. The older sister Cremia gave me a ride back into town a while ago, but good thing I was there for that too, because she got attacked. What's wrong with them? First they get blocked with a big ol' boulder, then aloens invade them, THEN the ranch next door attacks them! They don't seem like bad people though. Hold on.... okay. Had to pause for Epona to get over the gate, i'm heading for the ocean seeing as how I can't get in the canyon.

Date: Day 3
Time: 7:32 pm

........ There's not a lot here, a fisherman's hut, a spiderhouse, and some kind of cave on top of a waterfall. I went ahead and searched the spiderhouse, some kid came flying in after I cleaned it out and begged me to let him have it, not like it was mine anyway, so I just left. You know, I haven't been swimming in quite a while, maybe i'll just take a little swimming break, heh. CANNONBALL!

PS Note: Rewinding, RIGHT NOW! Holy triforce.....

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:49 am
5th Rewind

Date: Day 1
Time: 8:14 am

........ Now the rewinding is REALLY making me angry, there was a Zora floating along in the water (I found him right after I jumped in) and he was severely hurt. I pushed him to shore, but he only took five steps and he was down again. He said he got attacked by "pirates". He, like Darmani, was asking me to heal him, so I did. But here's what makes me mad; Darmani was already dead so he wasn't actually in pain, the monkey was caged and tied up, but minor pain, but this guy has been brutally suffering and possibly dying OVER and OVER AGAIN? If I had known this I would've helped him first! No wait, I would have no means of getting to him... but this is not right! He's been going through this for *scribbles in the next 3 lines- 5 rewinds times 3 days per... 5x3=15!* FIFTEEN DAYS! And all because I've been rewinding! Who else have I been torturing? OH MAN the Skullkid is SERIOUSLY going to pay for this!
...Okay Link, calm down. Being angry isn't going to fix the problems. I got a mask from him, I'm going to go check out the Zora people, seeing as how I look exactly like Mikau (that was his name) maybe they'll talk to me like the gorons did me as Darmani.

Date: Day 1
Time: 4:21 am

........ Well I've gotten somewhat far since thismorning's entry, I found out exactly why Mikau was hurt, and it's a bit of a confusing story. He was helping another Zora get back her eggs that were stolen, and the pirates were the ones who had them. He, trying to get them back, was attacked by them. Here's the confusing part: Why did they want them so bad? Not like they're a treasure, they're the girl's kids for pete's sake! That's kidnapping, or in this case, zoranapping (end un-funny pun, haha). Anyway, I've got 3 of them back, and they were all hidden by some rotten seasnakes. I guess the other 4 (one of the Zoras told me there were 7) are with the pirates. Oh that's hilarious, pirates LOST their stolen treasure? HAAAHHH! They're quite the geniouses. Well, I think it's time we go see exactly how big a geniouses they are!

Date: Day 2
Time: 11:26 am

........ I'm standing in front of a giant waterwheel, yes I assume this is the third temple. I found the 4 eggs that the geniouses pirates had (hahah), and when I returned all seven of them to the marine research lab, they instantly hatched and aligned a strange pattern- the researcher said it was a song. So I pulled out my ocarina (which by the way is a guitar with Mikau) and I played the notes they were arranged in. At the researcher's command, I instantly ran to Lulu (the mother of the eggs, who has not spoken a word since I've shown up) and played that song. Surprisingly, she began to sing that song, and the island behind the Zora Hall became a turtle, errr, the turtle came out of hiding in the island, OH you get it! The turtle explained that the open seas were "in need of my might", and that he would take me to Great Bay Temple, where apparently all the trouble has started; the pirates found out of a treasure in the temple > that Lulu's eggs were somehow linked to it > they stole the eggs in an attempt to get in the temple to get the treasure > Mikau tried to stop them and failed, thus his death. Yep, this has the Skullkid's name written all over it with permanent marker. One more thing I'd like to just make a sidenote on before I begin- this mask kicks serious tail! I'm a tall pro swimmer and karate fighter! Not to mention it feels a bit sexy, heheh.

Date: Day 3
Time: 6:49 am

........ I have another nice new toy now, Ice arrows (insert evil laugh here), haha. Surprisingly the temple was shorter than the last, but then again the boss was a bit more difficult. After defeating the masked Gyorg, I was in that other realm again, the cloudy one with the Guardian. This one replied "Save our friend", and I'm assuming he means the remaining guardian. 3 down, 1 to go! But, before I do, I'm going to go back around some of Termina that I've already hit, now that I have new weapons and such, there might be some things I may have missed without them. That, and I'm also a bit tired again, I have to seriously get some sleep tonight.


Angelic Gatekeeper

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Angelic Gatekeeper

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:06 am
6th Rewind

Date: Day 1
Time: 7:39 am

........Well now, I always thought those Gorman brothers were a bit odd since I met them, but that hunch is telling me there's a deeper meaning behind itself. That mask I got from beating them in a horce race, I was trying it on as I was entering the Canyon, and a strange being perched on top of the cliff told me, "With that you may be able to call out their spirits that even now are still wandering", referring to a pack of ninjas from forever ago that spied on the castle here. How the brothers have a connection with those ninjas is beyond me, but hey that's not our main focus right now. Before I climbed the cliff I visited the Graveyard again, that giant stalfos was back. I paid it no mind though because everything else I've done thus far has reset at one point or another so feh, I moved on. Great Goddesses, Ikana Canyon, there's so many things wrong with this place and so many curses and dead things, I think it'd make Gannondorf's hair stand on end. There's gibdos marching around the lone house, there's a castle completely walled shut, and a feaky well crawling with even MORE gibdos. There's also a spring behind the house where a river of water is coming out of, and since it's the only thing that looks like it's safely enterable, I'll give it a shot first.

Date: Day 1
Time: 1:52 pm

........Wow, and just when Ikana Canyon seemed it couldn't get ugler, guess what, it does. I went in that cave and I ran into the elder composer brother, Sharp. The Song of Storms that Flat had taught me earlier really saved my arse (literally), because it woke Sharp up from some kind of curse put on him. He told me I should visit the king of Ikana, and told me how to get there, so I headed for the well. Before I hit it though, that house that had gibdos surrounding it, it was playing an eerie song and the gibdos weren't there anymore. Inside though, there was a man with a gibdo's curse on him (again with the cursing, yeesh) and it took a few seconds for me to realize what exactly to do, heh. Song of Healing; he dropped a mask; his daughter came flying into the house; they were all crying and happy, so I decided to just leave them be for now. That well, oh for the love of NAYRU, so many passages! I went IN with full stock of everything, and came out with only my arrows and a few bombs! Oh, and a new shield, but yeesh, I have to go restock on items before I even ATTEMPT to take on this castle, which by the way I'm in now. With all the twisting and turning the well did, it landed me right under the casle, so there's a bit of good, eh? And with that, I'll give my pulsing fingers a rest from writing and go stock up.

Date: Day 2
Time: 10:11 am

........Ahahahah, I'm a genious! I took a nice hike back to Clock town to restock yesterday, right? Well I dropped by the Milk Bar and guess I kinda sorta accidentally, drank too much and fell asleep, HAAAH! So that puts me a few hours off-track, but hey, I feel really rested up now unlike I did yesterday. Anyway, I'm in front of Ikana Castle again, so I'll update after I tackle this place.

Date: Day 2
Time: 3:27 pm

........Breathtaking, simply breathtaking. I'm now on top, looking down Stone Tower, this place is huge! Who, no, HOW did they build this thing? It looks like I could easily touch the clouds! Yeah, and if I slip and happen to fall it looks like I could fall forever too, man climbing this thing really gets your heart racing. I've found the entrance to Stone Tower Temple, the king, Igos Du Ikana, helped me get here. Well, that is he helped me after I had to go kick his butt, HE was under a curse too. He taught me a song that created a statue of myself when I played it, which came in handy when I needed to puch multiple switches to climb this place- yeah, multiple switches, as in I could make statues for every different mask I wore, deku, goron, zora, and me. It's amazing what the power of a few notes can do. ANYWAY, getting back on subject here, something about the sheer size of this place bothers me, not sure exactly what though just yet. Well, what better way to find out than to move on? I'll update in a few hours.

Date: Day 3
Time: 11:04 am

........Holy FREAKING Triforce, that temple, Oh am I glad I'm out of it. First off the place was huge, second so were the BOSSES, and third I'm going to go get my eyes checked. Yeah, bossES as in there was two at the end, and HUGE as in they were giant worms that were bigger and longer than the hike up Death Mountain! Thank the Goddesses that there was a mask in that place, and boy did it literally save my butt, it made me as big as they were, heh heh. And yes I thought I was seriously seeing things halfway through because it literally FLIPPED OVER. The entire temple, along with the tower it's in, the moon was below me and the ground was above me. Now I have seen a lot of things in my travels, but that about takes the potion right there. Well, I've freed all four giants, oh yeah and this one said "Forgive your friend". I'm thinking he means the Skullkid, but I find that really hard to do right now, seeing just exactly how much damage he's done to this entire land and it's people. All I have left to do now is to confront the Skullkid, and oh yes I'm sure he'll just give in and accept his punishment- NOT. I could just go tonight, but personally I don't think I'm ready, as in I think there's some things I'm missing yet. There's something odd back in town about the missing kid and the innkeeper, I haven't went back to check on the mountains since I finished it, and now that I have neary all the weapons I can carry, maybe there's more to the Swamp and ocean and such. Just for reference, my current mask count is 18, that's a lot really, but now seeing that this country is pretty much based around the things, maybe there's more out there. Another thing, why am I so concerned with collecting them NOW? I mean, back in Hyrule the Mask shop had some and I didn't really concern myself with them. Maybe it's just the fact that they're such an importance here is why I get the notion to collect them, who knows. So, I'm going to give the old journal a break, seeing as I've wrote more in this rewind than I have any other, heh, I'm just going to go retrace some old steps and such. Some extra bottles would be nice to find for the final fight, and maybe a sword upgrade too just in case, I ran across a blacksmith in the mountains. So enough of my rambling, I'll update tomorrow morning.
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