In fact, they should change the name to "ULTIMATEEDITINGTOOLOFDOOM!" pirate
blaugh Then people will have even less respect for digital artists than they already do! There are already too many people out there who think that you can do ANYTHING in Photoshop instantly and with zero effort xp

As for the 'CS' thing, it stands for 'Creative Suite', and all the new newest versions of Illustrator, ImageReady etc have that on the end of them... something to do with being able to identify them as more of a package kinda thing, I think 3nodding

On a seperate note, I DID, in fact, buy Photoshop(actually, I got the Creative Suite 2). I got it this Monday. It.. is.. good. domokun It's not magic, but it's a very good program. 3nodding And no, it's not the ultimate editing tool of doom. xp But, yeah. All I use is the brush. Why would anyone use Dodge or Burn for shading? Crazy people. Use a brush, and your brain. o_o

EDIT: Oh yeah. I'm pretty sure Adobe recently bought out Macromedia. What can't do Flash now? wink