What Is This Sub-Forum?

This is MUCH different then the regular forums. This is where you have
control over your pokemon (the mods are still checking that your not cheating) levels and attacks. Kind of like the anime, you can interact with other trainers better in this and no more training posts! You can have up to 3 different trainers.

How Do I Get My First Pokemon?

Just like the anime your home town professor gives you your first pokemon to raise and train how you like, then you can go out with the couple of potions and pokeballs you got to start out with and have your own adventure! But you don't have to be a trainer you can be a regular citizen just living it out in the pokemon world, or maybe wanting to be a breeder or something along that line. If you started a new character and are waiting for the next batch of pokemon to come out in the lab, or just don't have a pokemon, you can have a pokemon find you, but please do this very rarely cause its not fare to other people if you catch all of your pokemon with them coming to you, you can do this if your a trainer to.

How Do I Buy Stuff?

You have a set amount of currency when you start out so you don't have to use your gaia gold for two different game/roleplays. You can get more gold by winning trainer battles to where they give you gold and you can work at different places

Whats Up With The Npcs?

Npc=Non Player Character

When there's a little thing that says Npcs or Moderator Npcs in a thread on the first post means that there are non player characters on that thread that can be played by people if it says moderator npcs that means only the moderators can play as those, and if the characters are under just npcs that means that anyone can play as them as long as they have a character they play as to. If the npc has a + sign beside it with a pokemon name that means the npc has a pokemon that can be played as, as well. You cant play as the npcs drastically just enough to get what you want done, done. You can make up other npcs as long as there not to big of character.

Any Rule Changes?

Just follow the regular guild rules along with a few other rules.

1. You cant be two places at once

2. When you leave please make sure to at least sit down somewhere so you don't leave people you where rping with hanging

3. We ARE watching you so don't go and think you can cheat

4. Don't go and fight one battle then evolve your pokemon wait for awhile before you do.

5. This is like the anime sort of so your pokemon dose have more then 4 attacks at a time just please make sure you don't go overboard on the uber attacks though and even it out between it all

6. There is no hp for this so fight it out fairly and know when your beat, please don't make it so you win every single battle.

7. I say again NO GOD MODDING!

8. There a thread that's not there that you think there should be? post it! just make sure there isn't one already, and your free to make up your own towns as long as they don't have a gym in them and that there aren't to many already, who knows? maybe as this progresses your town will have a gym in it eventually. Please make sure to include your threads location like south of axe forest and east of cool beach.

9. Notice that there's no elite 4 or league champions? well i know no ones that far yet so we will add them as people progress that far

10. Got an idea for a new pokemon? pm one one of the moderators and tell them about it and perhaps they'll ok it to be a real pokemon in this roleplay!

11. No chat speak! and use 3rd person and no ** or -- for actions and use these "" to speak!

12. Please start from your home town when you start your adventure

Got any questions? post them here! wink