Jed's Revenge Inside
The True Hell In A Cell.
Barbwire and weapons surround the cage wall.
Jed vs. JBL
Intercontenental title match
Matt Stone vs. Tyson
::Based Upon Recent/Current Guild Activity & Match Results::
((Is Subject To Change))
World Heavyweight Title
Slash* (with JBL) vs. Randy Orton ~Hell In A Cell~
Hardcore Title
Mad Dog* vs. Clowd ~Thumbtack Ladder Match~
US Title
Grave Digger* vs. Omega ~Submission/Knock Out~
Womens Title
Lita vs. Christina ~Normal Match~
World Heavyweight Title #1 Contender
Hangover vs. Edge ~Tables Match~
Hardcore Title #1 Contender
Kalos vs. Mark ~Hardcore Match~
US Title #1 Contender
Aramil vs. Jarel ~Normal Match~
Womens Title #1 Contender
Janelle vs. Phychogirl ~Bra and Panties Match~
CM Punk vs. Raider vs. The Maverick ~Triple Threat~
Jamie Madrox vs. The Justin ~Blindfold Match~