2 hours later:

Jerith awakens from his slumber with that typical dry mouth feeling telling him he's been out for a while. He turns over and rolls off his bed onto the floor with a thump. Sighing he stands up, brushes himself off, and walks out of his room into the living room to watch some tv, but as he leaves his room he hears the tvs already been turned on by Marina who is thrown on his couch like a doll staring blankly at the screen. Boredly he walks to his kitchen area and gets himself a bottle of water which he takes a drink from before placing it back in the fridge. After the drink he walks over and sits down in a chair in front of the tv.

"So... mind telling me what it was exactly you did to plss off those lizards?"
He asked.

"You tell me, for I have no idea" she remarked not even looking at him.

"Then why were you on your way here?" Jerith persisted.

"Work." she stated.

"What kind of work?" he pushed.

"I'm not telling you... unless... you tell me something about yourself." she sneered.

"Fine... let's see hmmm... well I am a bounty hunter you know hunting down the crooks who have a price on their heads." he said as he stared at her. She seemed to be interested in this development, her eyes told him that she was expecting something out of him.

"Wow... that must be a great job, I mean you get to travel the world, right? You know the other hunters too don't you?" she asked.

"I know a few yea." he smirked finally having some ground for leverage. "What's it to you?"

"Well, I was wondering then if you knew this guy here?" She asked as she dug in her new pockets to find the picture of a bounty hunter she was looking for. She held the picture up for Jerith to examine before she put it back in her pocket "I've been looking to get him to help me out, but I haven't been able to find him yet... I've looked for 3 years."

"If I were you I would stop looking, you'll never find him." Jerith replied coldly looking away.

"B-but I need to, please help me I-" she studdered before getting interrupted.

"Don't waste your time no one can find that man ever again, believe me I've tried myself but there is no way to find him." he confessed.

"And why not?!" she demanded.

"BECAUSE HE'S De@D!" Jerith snapped.