Alright, Yes...these houses will be your own. Sadly there are a few rules..

1. Keep it at least PG-15 and and i don't mean your interpretation of it either.

2. Keep overly intimate scenes in PMs. It is part of Gaia's ToS, live with it.

3. Keep it smaller then The Captain's house. I say this because my house is the local fudal lord mansion, the largest building in the village and discovered with the village.

4. Follow the rules established by the home owner. they have the right to ask you to leave their thread and if they do, you must listen.

5. Follow the Gaian ToS. As I said in the Guild rules, that may seem like a no-brainer, but there are stupid people out there.

6. Follow the Guild rules. This should be a no-brainer.

7. Have fun.