The coconut collided with his head and sent the young man off the tree crashing into the ground.
"Lazy bum."

Dragging his face out of the sand he looked up at the attacker.

"What was that for?" Sora mumbled through the sand that had collected in his mouth.

Riku shrugged. "I was bored."

"Thats not a reason!" Sora shouted.

Riku laughed and shook his head. "Idiot."

"Jerk." Sora said and stuck his tongue out at him. They stared at each other before breaking up into peals of laughter.

Riku kneeled down next to Sora and quickly offered his hand. The spiky haired kid stared at it for a little while.

"You gonna take it or what?"

Sora quickly looked up at his silver haired friend. He smiled, nodded, and grabbed his friend's hand.

Riku pulled Sora up to his feet. The keyblade bearer stumbled and managed to trip and fall onto Riku, sending them both crashing onto the ground.

"Argh! Sora!" Riku shouted.


Riku groaned and and moved till he was on top of Sora. Shaking his head, he looked down to see the brunete staring right at him.

A slight blush graced boh of their cheeks. Sora's gaze quickly moved away as he turned his head.

Riku looked down. Both said nothing.

A scream brought them back to reality. Both shouted at the same time.


"Sora! Riku!" Kairi shouted as she barely dodged a lunging heartless.
"Kairi!" Sora shouted as he ran. He soon saw the heartless and his keyblade quickly appeared in his hands.

The heartless lazily spun their heads around.

A moment too late.

The keyblade sliced them clean in half. They dissapeared back into the darkness.

Kairi collapsed onto ground. Riku quickly ran up and knelt beside her. She was unconsciuos.


More heartless apeared. Sora quickly cut one down and shouted to Riku.

"Help me!"

Riku took one more look at Kairi before silently nodding. He stood up as more heartles appeared around him, surrounding him. His keyblade appeared in his hands.

Sora knocked away another heartless before he saw Riku outnumered.

"Riku!" Sora shouted before more heartless appeared in front of him. "Damn it."

"Im okay!" Riku shouted as all the heartless lunged for him at once. He swung.

A second later, they fell to the ground in peices. He smirked. "Just try and keep up!"

Sora cut down another heartless before nodding at his friend. More appeared. Some airborn ones apeared and started swooping down on them.

His blood boiling, Sora cut down more and more.

Riku was the one to notice the heartless' plan.

"Sora! They're trying to push us away from Kairi!"

His words were ignored. The brunete kept attcking each and every heartless that he saw.

What the?

Riku smacked one heartless away and made a break for Sora.

His eyes widened as he saw a black aura begin to envelope his friend.

Distracted by the sight before him, he never saw the large heartless.

The Large Body collided with him and sent him flying. He cried out in pain.

His voice cut through to Sora this time.

A helpless heartless was crushed and thrown out of the way as Sora spun around and saw Riku land onto the ground. The black aura began to recede.


The heartless that were previously foucusing on Sora suddenly made a break for Riku.

"Troublesome kid."


Sora spun around with his keyblade, slicing the heartless that were closest to him.

His gaze fell onto two men. One dressed in black and one in white.

"The Organization? I thought we got rid of you all.What do you want?" He asked and swung his keyblade, its blade ginting in the sunlight.

"Organization? I think he thinks we're one of those lot who didn't want to help us. Don't you?" The man in black asked his friend.

"I belive so too. How dare he compare us with that unruly and ungratefullot. After all we did to bring them back too." The man in white said.

Sora glared at the and shouted. "What are you doing here? Leave us alone!"

Both men laughed. The man in white spoke first. "Why, your the reason we are here in the first place."

"What do you-" Sora started but quickly cut himself off as he remebered Riku. He spun around to see the heartless all over his friend.

"Riku!" He called out. He immediately made a break for it when more heartless appeared before him.

"You wont save him like that!" The man in white said gleefully.

Sora quickly attacked with his keyblade. The heartless fell before him. "Watch me!"

More appeared, hindering his path. He yelled in agrivation as he continued to cut them down.

They're endless!

Everytime he cut one down another apeared to take it's place.

His anger rising, Sora lunged out with the keyblade with even more determination. He made it a few feet closer before he was stopped again by more waves of heartless.

"Tisk tisk tisk! That wont work my little determined specimin!" The man in white shouted after him.

Sora spun around, his eyes wild with rage. He made a break for the two figures.

Heartless appeared before him but he cut through them in a fury of rage. He began to swing his blade as he rapidly aproached the man in black.

"That wont work!"

The man in white quickly appeared in front of his friend, a beam of light erupted from beneath his cloak.

Sora's eyes widened as he saw it.

It collided with his gut and sent him fluying upwords. The man in white quickly shot up. When he reached Sora he raised another arm as lighted erupted from it. He quickly brought it down on Sora.

As he was sent flying down, Sora's mind could only foucus on one thing.


He collided with the ground and roared out in pain.

"Poor boy. I think I went too hard on him." The man in white said as he landed next to the man in black.

Sora gunted as he slowly got up, using his keyblade as a support.

Panting, he spoke." I wont let you get away with this."

He slowly pulled his keyblade from the ground and stood on hisfeet."I wont let you hurt Riku!" He shouted.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about Kairi?" The man in black said.

Sora froze. He slowly turned his head towards Kairi when the man in white apeared and blocked his view.

He spun around and connected his foot with Sora and sent the kid flying.

"Whoops! Too late I guess!"

Sora slowly got up, his eyes even more wild with rage. "You... YOU!"

He threw the keyblade towards the man in white. It spun dangerously as it whistled through the air.

"Tisk tisk tisk." He said as he lightly smacked it away from him with his beam sword.

"Havent you learned-" He started but quickly stopped when he saw Sora making a break for his friend, the keyblade reappearing in his hands.

The man in black didnt move as Sora quickly closed in on him.

He jumped and raised the keyblade over his head.



A loud clang erupted. Sora stared at the man in shock as he brought out out his weapon.

The man was holding the same keyblade Sora had seen a long time ago.

The keyblade made out of the princesses' hearts. That meant one thing.

"Kairi..." Sora whispered.

The man quickly pushed Sora away and swung the keyblade upwards, connecting it with Sora.

The keyblade bearer was sent upwards briefly before he fell down...

And the keyblade plunged through his heart.


Darkness began to blossom along his body.

"Very good. We did it." The man in white said as he walked up towards the one in black.

He nodded and quickly flicked his keyblade, sending Sora's body flying.

He fell limp onto the ground. The darkness continued to blossom around his body. A single word slipped past hips lips before he was completely consumed.


The darkness covered his face and completely enveloped him. It began to swirl around his body before slowly begining to set in.

The body slowly began to move. Darkness whisped around its hands and feet.

Standing on it's feet, it stayed hunched over, much like the shadow heartless.

A voice whispered."So-ra?"

The figure slowly turned its head towards the sound of the voice.

Riku stared at the black creature before him that still retained the shape of his friend.


It shook it head slowly before opening its eyes.

Two golden eyes rested their gaze on Riku.

The silver haired boy slowly stood up. "Sora..."

The creature turned away from Riku.

Two black portals appeared behind the two men. They turned around and quickly stepped through.

One more portal apeared before the black creature.

"Im not letting you go." Riku said and began to slowly walk towards the heartless the was once Sora.

It stayed still before quickly jumping through. Riku quickly made a break for it.

"I wont let you go!" He shouted as he jumped through as well.