A heads up: I was in a dramatic mood, so it's a bit more dramatic than most of my other roleplay intros.

Imagine this: you’re stuck up in a tree, you have been all night. I guess you stupidly decided how high you could climb without falling, and once you reached near the top, you were too terrified to climb down. It’s freezing outside, and you could swear that your lips have turned from red to blue to purple to black. Bad enough, right? Well, to add to it, you’re wearing nothing but faded black jeans, beat-up black Converse shoes that have been doodled all over, black and white striped fingerless gloves, and a black Happy Bunny tee that reads “I know it’s too loud, I just don’t care.” With a yellow Happy Bunny holding a red electric guitar.

That’s the exact situation our dear Cinderella Waver was in at the moment.

Quite peculiar how she can get into such predicaments, isn’t it? No matter, she just shivered and sat on a branch, staring down at the ground. When she climbed up there, she was wearing a coat as well as some strange earmuffs. They had been earmuffs that had skulls on them, and the same thing went for the jacket.
Yet, as she was climbing up, the coat got snagged on a branch, and ripped. So, Ella took it off and continued the long journey up the tree, yet she had to take off her earmuffs since they were annoying her. Those things can get quite uncomfortable at times- or maybe Ella was just too irritable. Once she had reached the top and realized she wasn’t going back down unless she climbed down, she had regretted those choices. now, all she wanted was to reach the icy floor that now seemed miles away from where she was. Oh, Lizzy was going to get it once Ella had gotten down. The annoying eight year old cousin she had, just had to dare her to climb to the top of the tree.
"Go on, El. You're not chicken, are you?" Lizzy said mockingly, looking at the tall evergreen tree. "I dare you to climb the tree."
"Isn't it a bit... big?" Ella replied, staring at the tree with bug eyes. A bit big was an understatment, since the tree was huge.
"Big?" Lizzy questioned, looking at Ella doubtingly. "Yeah, right, El! I've climbed bigger trees than this! In fact, twice the size! And I'm way younger than you, scaredy cat." Lizzy had just lied for her own amusment, of course. She knew Ella gave into peer pressure easily, yet why did she dare her, then? Just anothre devious thought of Lizzy's, similar to when she had thought up to dye Ella's hair purple. Play innocent, and you'll be safe.
Ella grinded her teeth, she couldn't help but want to climb the tree. If an eight year old wimp could climb a tree, couldn't she? The teenager looked at her little cousin, and frowned. "How much money would you give me?" she asked simply, actually considering climbing the tree.
"How about fifty bucks?" Lizzy repsonded, and Ella raised both of her eyebrows. How in the world could a kid get that much money? No matter, Ella needed the money. Not even she had fifty dollars, probably from too much shopping.
That was when Ella made the biggest mistake of the entire year- the biggest mistake of last year caused Ella to get a broken leg. the seventeen year old grabbed the stub of what used to be a branch, and pulled herself up onto the tree.

So here she was, stuck in a tree. Snow covering her whole body, and her purple hair was sprinkled with snowflakes. She felt trapped, huddled up into a little ball. To make it worse, snow had begun to fall quite a while ago. Ella didn’t bother to shake the snow off of her head, for it would just fall right back on sooner or later. Glancing down at the ground yet again, she sighed. Her breath was visible.
Strange, isn’t it? The teenager thought so, as well. Perhaps she would end up jumping down from the tree, or maybe she would just die up there. That’s when it hit her, the word she dreaded the most- die. Such a strong word. She never wanted to die, and most definitely not up in a tree, held back because of her fears.
No, she wouldn’t. She couldn’t just jump out of a tree like that, could she? Ella looked at the trunk, and to her dismay, she absolutely could not climb down. Everything was covered in snow and ice, and she had more of a chance of getting hurt that way then jumping off.
Ella gripped the trunk, and decided that she should probably climb a bit downward and then jump off. Cautiously, she grasped the branch she was sitting on, and slide down to the one right below her. So far, so good. Letting go of the branch she held on to, she just stood on the stable branch she was currently on. Hesitantly, Ella jumped down to one diagonal from her, and went down a couple more. Now she was quite closer to the white landscape that lie beneath her, so she jumped down from about eight feet up.

The teenager winced as she hit the ground; her knees felt like a knife had just been driven into them. Closing her violet eyes, she shook her head. Terrible landing, she had thought. At least she was safe, with no major injuries. She now was on the snow, on her hands and knees. Ella had a mouth full of snow, and her body felt even more tense and frozen that it did up in the tree. Slowly, she stood up, brushing the soft snow off of her clothes. Normally, Ella loved snow. Currently, though, the seventeen year old despised the white stuff. Her left ankle and both knees hurt, but nothing too serious. Maybe just a sprain, or even less than that. As for the knees, what could she say- her family had a history of weak knees. Nonetheless, she found a nearby bench and sat down.
Right now, she didn’t care so much about being warm, but more of regaining her energy.