So I bought Magna Carta over the summer and haven't really been playing it too much. I'm tempted to erase my files and start over again-- it's a very pretty game, after all, and I want to be able to remember everything that happens, y'know?

The main character is Calintz, the leader of the Tears of Blood-- they're a mercenary group borrowed by the military of the human kingdom to fight against the Yason. The Yason are an opposing race who were on the continent of Efferia before the humans arrived. They're very resentful of the humans' encroachment, and so a war has been on for ages, now.

In Calintz's party are Azel [his follower, a swordsman like he is], Haren [a vengeful but powerful fist-fighter] and Eonis [a highly trained and beautiful black mage]. They are sent to protect the mages who are using the forbidden magic to attack the Yason capital-- the mission fails, but in the process, Calintz meets Reith. She's lost her memory and doesn't know anything other than her name, and how to heal. Because of this, Calintz assumes that she's a Priestess of Amabat and decides to take her there.

Thus! The adventures begin.