Night Rain55

YEH! That guy! That guys F***N annoying!!!
Hah really? ALright!! BURN!!
And I think that girl may have been Korean
Ah I see..

Maybe she was... Because she didn't seem fluent at Chinese. Well, who am I to judge? I don't know Chinese at all too. xD

They can vary from teenage to 20's I think. Just like any other gang. But I really don't know. Actually, I think it mostly concerns teenagers? Evil teenage Chinese gangsters were about to kill a father who thought he lost his son with Chinese swords... Poor man... But the mother jumped out of nowhere and had a gun armed on her. Muahahaha... That's right you Chinese f*ckers... >=D I mean evil Chinese teengage gang f*ckers... >=D

Wow, I want to see Dragon Boys...