So yeah. I was feeling really down last night and this is what came out of my boredom.

I often dream of fountains. The knife drags across the flesh. It hacks into my wrist and I imagine fountains. Fountains of crimson. I open my eyes and smile down at my wrist. There is my fountain. The cut is deep ans surely I will get what I wanted - An eternal sleep.
A single tear forms, slipping down my cheek and mixing with the river of life that is slowly draining from my body. I drop the knife.
It hits the tiles. I slide down against the bathroom cupboard and pull my knees to my chest. I continue to weep as my vision clouds. I close my eyes again and wait for the bliss that is yet to come.
Will they cry for me?
Will they miss me?
Will they even notice I'm gone?

Yeah. It's really short. I know. XD
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