Byako Inquirer

A Warning to Blue Rose Lane

Residents should be on the lookout for a strange mist. Sightings of this mist eating away magic have terrorized the district and those with magical powers are warned to stay away from the area until the threat is neutralized. It seems to use balls of light to entrap the unwary and devour them without a trace...
With no confirmation on what the monster is, a bounty poster could not be compiled and a charity is currently in motion to pay the Hunter Clans extensive extermination fee.

Again, we warn everyone with magical abilities to away from the area until this thing has been dealt with.

A Look into Clan Operations: Jarian Edition

We ran a study of how the clans operate and the Jarian Clan's unusual nature caught our attention.
In short, they are a clan best known for their weapons.

At first glance, it seems that the Jarians control several of the smaller businesses about town, requiring people to have a license to own a store
and extort money from them while pursuing their weapon hoarding goal. Through further research, however, we have discovered that most of these claims were blown out of proportion without any care for the truth.

The Jarians are actually an organization who long ago created a merchant union to organize the various businesses in a time of chaos and put a stop to the frequent thefts, extortions and brutal corporate takeovers. To do this, they created a set of laws and brought about order and protection to the businesses and craftsmen of the city. This union is free to join, only requiring some paperwork that asks for a set amount of your earnings, depending on a variety of factors such as total income and type of business. These requisitions, which they call 'taxes,' are not only used to maintain the group, but also keep businesses independent and safe from the mob-like 'corporate conglomerates' that have come to see them as a threat.

Aside from protecting the Jarian Business Association and keeping the peace, they also maintain strict weapon laws. They are the ones who ban weapons such as mind-controlling sentient swords or souleaters that people would be incapable of controlling, keeping such weapons and those of similar apocalyptic nature away from the public for everyone's safety.

The Jarians have been around for a long time and have gone through a number of leaders, but the only thing that can be said for certain is that each of them had different goals and plans for the city. What are Lutia's? We will have to wait and see.

Schools Around Byako

We took a look at the educational curriculum of the city and singled out four of the schools around Byako. Each of them varies in its teaching methods, but all are dedicated to the higher pursuit of learning. As they all have the same goal, no one school can be considered better than the others.

Kinnick High
A high school that offers students a basic education which will help them survive in the big city, teaching students such things as algebra, geometry, geography and how to use there innate powers for self defense. This school is an excellent place for anyone needing a basic education and a handle on there innate powers.

Gunlock Training Academy
An academy offering a wide range of classes in language, mathematics and chemistry. However, it is better known for being a training academy for mercenaries, bounty hunters and soldiers. Graduates from this academy receive job offers from some of the most prominent people within the city and even from beyond the city limits. Its intense training program may seem too difficult for some, but it is very rewarding for those who succeed.

Doublass University
A university that allows you to select classes at your leisure. They will combine two of them and teach you powerful arts from those two styles. It's a new age school which teaches some of the most powerful arts available. What makes this school different from others is that its classes are actual battles
and exams ferocious terrors (alright, not so different), meaning that you literally have to tackle each class with the same fighting spirit. If you want to learn some new abilities, this is the place.

Ninja Academy
The premiere school for the ninja arts, this school built in a European castle style is an ideal place for ninjas of all
levels of training to come to learn, train, teach, or merely reminisce on lessons of the past.

Byako Railroad

It has recently been discovered that through some bizarre twist of fate, the Kanareshii Clan has acquired ownership of the Byako Railroad through an inheritance. The railroad, which has become rather run down over the years, used to run throughout the city transporting people and goods, always on time.
Now it has been reduced to a single track leading out of town that stops at the main station. What do Cadwallander and Clan Kanareshii plan to do with this place? We cannot be certain what, but knowing that unusual fellow it's going to be radical!

Rumors of Brewing Trouble

Our sources have hinted that there is now an alliance between several major players in the city's grand scheme of things, all sharing the same goal. What could this mean for the future of the city? What force could be strong enough to hold off a united attack? Regardless, we will give you more information as the story develops.

User ImageGuild Interview with Toaster's Well

Reporter: Eviltwinears, your guild has been selected for the guild interview. Tell us a little about it.

Eviltwinears: Well, my guild, Toaster's Well, is planning to be the premiere resource guild for roleplayers. Hmmm... That doesn't say much does it? I'll put it this way: Byako is the "City of Everything" and focuses on the roleplay. Toaster's Well will be the perfect counterpart to the roleplaying aspect of Byako. It's a place where one can meet and learn from other roleplayers. That sounds like a roleplaying school, doesn't it? It's not really a school as much as a meeting place. Is there anything else you'd like to know?

Reporter: Very interesting, indeed. What inspired you to make a guild based on such an overlooked concept?

Eviltwinears: Well, to be honest, the very fact that it's so often overlooked. I, myself, have always wanted to be a part of a guild based off that concept. You know, a place where, in one thread, you could bounce plot ideas off of other people, another for names, another for settings, another for posting styles, another for working on upping your literacy level, another for general discussion of roleplays that have worked and why, and for ones that didn't and why, roleplaying contests, and a whole slew of people who you can trust to help keep you from Mary Sues, and other roleplaying mistakes.

Reporter: It sounds like it will be a well-received addition to Gaia. Any specific plans for Toaster's Well in the near future?

Eviltwinears: Well, to get it started, really. It's a very new guild, and as such, has almost no members or content. Remember, a guild is only what you put in it!

Reporter: That is very true...How do you see your guild in a year?

Eviltwinears: Hopefully full and thriving!

Reporter: And if you could have help with one thing with your guild, what would that be?

Eviltwinears: Really, just some solid members... There's not much in there now, but with enough good members, it can be amazing.

Reporter: Is there anything you want to say to our audience?

Eviltwinears: Layering clothing is a good way to stay warm in the cold!

Reporter: closing, do you consider yourself and Jasae similar?

Eviltwinears: In some aspects, yes. His silly balances my serious, though more people get his jokes... icon_sweatdrop.gif

Reporter: icon_sweatdrop.gif icon_xd.gif Thank you, this has been a very rewarding interview!

Eviltwinears: No, thank you. It's been a pleasure.

Pub Party Panic

Though widely publicized, the party at the Plushie Palace has turned out to be more of a disaster than a celebration. Advertisements were spread throughout most of Byako, ensuring a large turnout. However, in an act of short-sightedness, invitations were given to many of the rival clans.

The first act of violence was when the Lich King arrived at the party. A known despiser of the doorways to hotels, the Lich King knocked the door in with a powerful evil spell. There was a slight lapse, but the Lich King was provoked by the complaining of a Hunter Clan member and launched an attack, which failed. However, he then calmed down for reasons that are yet unknown.

There was another tense calm following this, but a viral plushie had infiltrated the building and began to infect guests. This pushed the already unstable Desta over the edge, and all hell broke loose. Details are vague, but what is clear shall be reported. A specter appeared and is now chasing after Desta. Several inter-dimensional portals opened and sucked in unsuspecting victims, of which most still remain unidentified. The Jarians in attendance mysteriously vanished, only to reappear near the Orange Mechanism store in Mecha Main Street.

Events calmed only to reveal a far worse situation: the remnants of Data Towers had sent in a squad of mechs and androids to crash the party. The Jarians were attacked by a figure known as Shroud and his summoned minions, resulting in a disastrous fight that is still raging in Mecha Main Street and threatening to claim many innocent lives. The Lich King was seen heading towards an unknown destination accompanied by many undead, who later returned to the Necropolis without causing any property damage or physical harm. We will follow up the aftermath of this event in the next issue.

Clan Leader Lowdown: Ansem

here we are with our third edition!
at first it apeared that our report on ansem would turn up dry with our inability to find records on him
until a cult of fangirls informed us that clan leader of tenth sea library is actualy former super pop star ANSEM ANSEM ANSEM
renowned for his song "joe and the button factory" that drove teenage girls across the city into a bishie obsessed frenzy
'he had the dreamiest eyes' one of his dedicated fans exclaimed
and indeed he was well renowned for a mysterious charisma and a strange climate effect surrounding him scientists refered to as
'bishie sparckles' he was one of the most memorable people in the genre
from interviews with him in the past we know he spent frequent time with his head in the clouds (literaly) spending his childhood
in kabina and acording to some witnesses 'ansem and aki made the cutest couple'
until he hit it big with songs that made the top of the charts one after another as his tour took him across the entirity of byako
where thousands of fangirls flocked
but he had mysteriously desapeared on a vacation within kabina without a word suddenly one day and nobody knew why.
some fans theorized that he had been abducted by aliens (no specific party could be identified)
to captured by mole men (they were found inocent for lack of evidence)
and was even spotted with sasquach (which was in fact an impersonator who just said that to get on her good side)

and with his desapearance such hits as take the Plunge, Kingdom in the Clouds and Flying Away were being grabbed up as soon as the hhit the shelves
indeed with that blindfold and his new look many fans didnt reconize him when he made his reapearance at the big clan race
though we are certain this is the same person many have to ask how he went from famous pop star to one of our cities leaders.
sources within the library refused to comment.

well to go into his abilities we know he had a marvelous singing voice though there are doubts that it was unatural it deserves
a mention.
we know from several concerts that he was able to summon invisable hands that would function as crowd control and we theorize
for 'other purposes' as well
tragicly we cannot discern what aditional abilities he may have aquired in his absence but the tenth sea library is known for it powerful
individuals and for haveing a near unlimited collection of books on all manner of subjects
so it is logical to assume that he has aquired something.....
as for weaknesses:
well hes a bishie pop star and as we all know that automaticly maes him a poor fighter
and there are those who seeing his new fashion accesory believe him to be blind which would be a great disadvaantage

our report wouldnt be complete without finding out his plans so we asked him if he would revamp his music career and this was his reply
Ansem: We'll have to see about that. If the fates smile upon us, I would love to."
tune in next issue when we look into cadwallander the lead of kanareshii!