I hate vectors so cliche. I perfer photo minap, its a much more serious style and if your a photo grapher its even better.

First I must react strongly to this quite ignorant post. Using vector graphics is an essential part of a graphic designers daily life and makes the workflow so much more efficient than only using bitmap graphics. Just take fonts. Producing them in bitmap only would mean having huge fonts in order for them to function on larger prints. All layout would suffer greatly from not using vector graphics. Also, photorealistic stuff is not impossible to create using vector graphics. Just take a look here.

Also, vector graphics is not a style, it's just a way of displaying and working with graphics, and therefore noone can say that they like or dislike it as a style. 'Nuff ranting about that.

I personally like minimalistic graphics when done right, but there is a lot of bad minimal graphics out there. I also like jugend (art nouveau) a lot, especially thick curves and bold simplistic designs. The more flowery part of jugend isn't as nice. A lot of japanese sumi-e is nice too, it's minimalistic and they have a way of captyring detailed scenes using two strokes on a paper.

Grunge can be nice too, but that - if anything - is really overused. I guess the same thing applies here as everywhere else: Grunge done well is nice, grunge done bad is just tacky. Grunge should most often be paired with a retro design to work well.