Well I really hope this is the right forum for this kind of thing. I hope it is, considering the characters are based of an anime/manga... but if its not, I guess I'll just wait for a mod to move it.


rigght now I'm actually holding a voice contest for the main characters in a fanfiction entitled Sailor Moon Eternal Dreams If you want to try out for one of them, you can follow these steps.
1. read the characters profile on the webpage (note: there are more characters than profiles are up so you can also email me)
1a: For Gaia; PM me
2. Email me at ingelasr@yahoo.com telling me what character you want to try out for. Or email me (same adresss) and I'll give you a profile for another character if you don't want to try out for one of the characters shown on the webpage.
2a: For gaia: email or Pm it doesn't matter
3. Once you've decided your character I will give you a scene, or scenes, you may choose. It is your job to read your chosens character part (you have the whole scene so you may see if its emotional, serious, etc)
4. Once your comfortoable with the scene record your part.
5. Send recording to me via email

Note: I haven't decided what the reward will be yet. gomen!

and my webpage...please visit icon_biggrin.gif
