Static cackles as the radio tries to get a stable signal, the one female reporter of the crew comes on.
Is it stable? We are sorry to interrupt your now static radio for this Nation wide emergency! Earthquakes have rocked the land all over! It has seemed to have not missed a single area, the whole Numbers society has been thrown into utter panic with millions of PP worth of damage. The higher ups are still discussing amongst themselves of what to do. We have barley managed to repair our broadcasting equipment and where able to send it to all the radio signals across the country. We have also heard from people they could hear the earth mourn itself, or at least something close to it. We have a witness who claims they heard this here at the station we'll let them talk now.
Static over takes the radio once more then comes back on with a older sounding female voice.
I was in the old meditation temple when i heard at least five different voices that sounded angry and sad at the same time, as if they where fighting something or other, i tell you it scared the bejebus out of me!
More static and the female reporter comes back on
Thank you Penny from vion town! home of the old meditation temple itself! People! please stay tuned, we will be giving updates shortly