i gots 3 poems here. brand-spanking-new. and i'd like some thoughts, criticisms, or whatever else you can dish out. Thanks, enjoy..
**NOTE**: if i catch you stealing my stuff you'll regret it!!

oppostie views
Everyone GASP
i know a secret
and this secret i wanna tell
that there's no such thing as hevean
but we're all goin to hell!
it's contradictory, i know
but, honey, wait for the show!
when the day comes and the time is right
we'll all go for a little flight
take it down, WAYY DOWN
to the depths
where the darkness creeps in
and you can't find you're way out
but you're not so stuck
this kind gentleman with the horns and tail
is here to give a choice, don't act bewailed
this man comes to me first and whispesr in my ear
"thanks for bringing them down, you've been so good my dear"
then he laughs so manically
and i see you cringe in fear
then he looks about the "room" and tells everyone here,
"i'm giving you a choice, my sweets, please tell me if you will
would rather live with me, or in hevean with the ill?
i hope you understand me, cause i know this seems quite odd
but there's something you don't know about your oh-so-awesome god."
I step up and say my peace:
"he's fed you lies this whole time
and hevean is not the place to be
No, your views are quite the opposite
it's really simple, don't you see?
that hell is truly paradise for you Pariahs out there
and hevean is the hell for all who have made you a sufferer
so please, won't you join us in this "hell" quite like your own
and let all those bitches know where you're gonna go!"
they look around and murmur
Satan and I smile to ourselves
then a brave, little girls stands and says:
"I will ride into Hell!"
and all the others yell and cheer and aplaud
for now you know where the pariahs go
and who is truly God

the gates
No more bloody broken hearts
i've thrown away all those darts
so stab me with whatever you can
but don't beLIEve the things i've said
abortion of my lonely heart
emotional from the bloody start
X across the road to freedom
but bleeding in my path to death
so lifeless and so dull
the paleness of life awaited
me with open arms
but i denied them
disagreeing with all their lies
and teaching the little ones how to fly
i left for a world much more suitable for me
this world not overwhelmed with electricity
this coloured life i enter now
hells gates await me
cuz hevean won't take a hellion
and limbo won't let me dance
so i've condemmed myself on purpose
to see if this offer still stands
but my time now is short
for i enter a new life
and what will become of me, who knows?
but i'm turning away from the light

Simply Simplified
gasping, grasping the bloody heart held in my hands
left alone by a telephone
but no one calls they dont care if i'm home
grasping, gasping for the air brought out of me
the breath has left forever now
and i am stuck here to bleed
they came home and wondered why
i died without a tear in my eye
and they said she'll live on forever in our hearts
but as of tonight
i've simply died