So.. like I said. I just sat at my computer and wrote. ((typed)) I gave it no title, no pattern, and no rules. I just plain old wrote. I took it straight from the top of my head.

How many hurt
From these toils I see
How many cry
From those bleeding

You seem to just walk
Away with your pride
And leave me here
To breathe no more and die

Who the heck are you
To say who I am
I want out of here
From your sick little game

These bleeding walls will hold
What you cannot
To hold me again
And tell me those lies

Those lies they just
Make me laugh more
Cause no one believes
The fool that let me go

They all see you now
They see who you are
They see that you are
Feared by yourself

Who will fear
When fear is fearing
When those things in your head
Seem to actually exist

I lay back and watch
Watch you sit in your head
Watch you cry from the pain
Take it like I did, fool

This is nothing compared
To what I went through
Went through with you
It's nothing

That demon laughing is
Only showing you dead
Showing you that
This entire thing came from my head

((comments are loved))