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Newbie Noob

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:09 pm
Here's another weird old dream:

A lot of stuff happened before it came to this point, but I can't remember any of it. All I know was that I was in a house, only this house was awful. It didn't just look dilapidated and un-kept, it looked foul: as though it were covered in feces, urine, and blood. The wall looked old and rotted but moist, damp even. The word that keeps coming to mind is "soiled." I only remember the hallway because I was running down it trying to get out. I don't what I was running from but I know I was fleeing for my life. There was a disgusting white door at the end of the hallway. The screen kind that you usually see on southern houses. Screen itself had holes and tears, and rust spots all over it. I didn't want to touch it so I just kicked it open.

Once outside I froze in my tracks. I was facing a huge yard with short yellow patchy grass, and some areas there was just dirt. From what I could see the yard was square, and was bordered by a giant chain-link fence that was topped by some kind of wire. I was so freaked out that my first instinct was just to climb the fence and who gives a s**t about the wire. I darted for the far left corner. I could see that beyond the fence was just forest. Deep dark forest. Hurray. I hate forests. Everything had an orange hue to it, so it must have been sunset or something. Suddenly I could hear barking, and when I turned around I could see that the gray crocked house of hell had let loose a dog. I want to say that it was a Rottweiler, but I really can't remember. All I do know is that I was so scared of it, I couldn't turn back to face the fence, so I just ended up running backwards trying to get away from the beast.

That's when I fell. Only a few feet. When I got up, I could see that I just missed some torn bushes, and when they moved. They seemed to sweep away from me, kicking up dirt and dried yellow grass. But when I looked at them I could see that they weren't just moving brush, but people. Steve Martin to be exact. Each bush was Steve Martin, except that instead of hair, thorns were growing out of their heads, and it made and afro of thorns, but it was also coming out of their backs. They had no legs, more that their torsos sprang from the ground. And instead of hands, from the wrist the only had long thorned vines that wiped randomly like a cat's tail. Even their skin was weird: pink and green, but covered in a white dust like a powdered donut. I started to back away from them when I saw another on "growing" by the fence. It reared up and put it wrists by its face so I couldn't see its mouth, and released what looked to me like a wasp. The bug darted off to my right, but instead of seeing where it went I couldn't help but stare at the rushing cord that connected it to the bush. I couldn't make it out because it was moving so fast. But then it stopped, and pulled tight like a guitar string. I could see now that it was razor wire, but it wasn't steel, it was plant. It had the same pink and green coloring with veins and everything.

I don't why but it was driving me mad, so I cut it. I don't know if I used my hand and it broke easily because it was plant, or if I had a knife. I just know it broke clean. The bush from whose mouth the string had come died. And when I turned to see the other end, the wasp landed at my feat, covered in blood, and quite dead as well. When I looked further to the right I saw a skinny naked black man with blood pouring from his mouth as he wailed. He came at me screaming from the top of his lungs "Why did you do that?! It just wanted to fish for worms in my mouth! It just wanted to fish for worms in my mouth!" And that's when I woke up.

Still one of the weirdest I've ever had.

Recurring themes of disembodied blood or things bleeding a lot is a sign of depression. If you're having a lot of dreams like this you should probably get some counseling to talk about it with friends who are smart and trustworthy.


blaugh God no! I've had half a dozen or so in my whole life. That's why I remember them so vividly (that and whenever I have a weird dream, as soon as I wake up I type out what I can remember on my computer). I think if I had dreams like this on the regular, I wouldn't be too psyched about goin' to bed. I appreciate your concern though. wink  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:36 pm
I remembered another weird dream. I had this exact same dream every night for like 3 weeks:

I'm running down the street I live on (I don't live there anymore but it was the one I lived on when I had the dream) but it doesn't show what I'm running from. Then it shows that Walt Disney's levitating head is chasing me. I'm going almost 20 miles per hour and he's going like 3. Then these two big human-like black things (they looked like shadow ghosts if you've ever seen those) pop out of the ground in front of me and they both grab one of my arms to hold me. Then Disney catches up to us and bites the side of my neck. He pulls back really fast and rips my whole digestive system out of the one hole in my neck. I felt no pain other than the bite though. I'm still alive but I have to watch in horror as Walt Disney eats my organs. Then the dream's over.  


Wheezing Humorist


PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:37 pm
The only dreams I really remember both deal with this sorta end of the world/war scenario where I'm searching for my current love interest in the wake of all that is happening around us.

In the first, I'm in a sky scraper reminiscent of the Twin Towers and I'm looking out onto the city through this large, open window. Everything is grainy like an old movie, all in shades of gray, and the entire city is desolate. There isn't a single sign of life. However, this doesn't shock me. I never wonder, "Where have all the people gone?" Instead there's a sense of tranquility and peace. I can't even feel the wind. But then there's a loud, thundering explosion that rattles the entirety of the building. I stand there for a moment in shock. Then it happens again... Then again. The time between each explosion keeps getting smaller and smaller. At this time, I look to my right. I'm staring down a series of doorways that lead into other offices and hallways. But a distance away there's a single closed door. I don't know what's inside I just know what I'm looking for is inside that door and I must get to it. I begin passing through doorways until I reach the door. I open it to find my current love interest, at the time, inside as if she had been waiting for me. I embrace her as bombs are falling from the sky around us and then everything whites out.

Another one I had: I was inside a large military building of some sort. More like a refugee complex and it was cold inside, with ices patches here and there. Imagine a super Wal-Mart stripped of all the things that make it a store and then turn it into a freezer. Anyway, I was inside along with my family and we're all dressed sort of ragged, in some old fashioned winter clothes. My family is talking about something, however, I don't care enough to listen. Instead something else grabs my attention. I see (once again) my current love interest, of this time, walking along with her family as they enter into another other room where some other people and families appear to be waiting. So, I chase after her in a jog. The room I enter has a large, hallway (almost a tunnel) and where it leads I am uncertain. But, somehow she's gotten ahead of her family and she walking alone. I'm stilling jogging to catch up when I pass by her family. I have a brief conversation with her older sister, when my brother chimes in out of nowhere with a punch line of a joke... I wish I could remember what was said. Anyway, I have a laugh and continue looking for my love interest. I see her walking a bit ahead of me when she slips and falls on some ice. I can't help but laugh as I catch up to her and help her up. We have a conversation about the place we're in and how much we'd like to get out. At some point, we begin to hold hands as we walk down this long hallway and once we reach it's end there's a powerfully bright light. However, we continue to walk towards it. Once we've become engulfed in it, we're now standing outside and it's a beautiful, sunny day. There's people around us just enjoying life and everything thing seems to be normal. The end.

I like these dreams, but I haven't had a good dream like them in some while now.

They don't have to be end of the world dreams. You can post any dream that stuck out to you and you felt like posting. I like how you get a happy ending. My dreams always cut off right in the middle of something or right before something terrible is gonna happen.
Yeah, that's sort of what I did. Those two are the only ones that really stuck out to me. The only other dreams I have are too spontaneous to really remember them in their entirety.

But, yeah. The happy endings are one of the things that makes the dreams actually rememberable.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:40 pm
I remembered another weird dream. I had this exact same dream every night for like 3 weeks:

I'm running down the street I live on (I don't live there anymore but it was the one I lived on when I had the dream) but it doesn't show what I'm running from. Then it shows that Walt Disney's levitating head is chasing me. I'm going almost 20 miles per hour and he's going like 3. Then these two big human-like black things (they looked like shadow ghosts if you've ever seen those) pop out of the ground in front of me and they both grab one of my arms to hold me. Then Disney catches up to us and bites the side of my neck. He pulls back really fast and rips my whole digestive system out of the one hole in my neck. I felt no pain other than the bite though. I'm still alive but I have to watch in horror as Walt Disney eats my organs. Then the dream's over.
... That, sir, is ******** METAL.  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:48 pm
Actually, I had an interesting dream the other night. A few nights after I made my "Atheist Closet" thread. I had been thinking my atheism over a lot, so naturally I had a dream about it. eek

I was sitting at a bar type table with stools. Me, and two friends I recognized. One sort of like me. He questions his faith, doesn't really believe, but his parents are religious. My other friend is more spiritual in a non religious sense. (Tarot cards etc.) So it was interesting that those two where in my dream.
But the third person, an adult male who was a stranger to us and I didn't recognize, was talking to us about religion or something. My friends had their heads down, listening I guess. He seemed really pushy and arrogant. Then he said something along the lines of: "It's all those damn atheists!" And he started talking smack about atheists! I started listening in, getting angered at his ignorance. Meanwhile my friends, who knew I was an atheist, kept their heads down and didn't speak up for me, knowing how much I hate people like him. Then he mentions how "atheists are blah blah blah" and insults them. At that point I turn my head and glare at him, but still keep quiet. Seeing this, he looks at me a little surprised, but eager for confrontation, and says to me: "No...you aren't an athiest are you!?" I continue to glare as he moves next to me, then he realizes I was because I didn't protest. So he immediately starts going on and on about how I'm wrong yada yada yada. Then I clearly remember yelling back: "I ask questions!" (As in how I don't blindly follow faith) Then he moves behind my seat, getting angry, and I flinch to defend myself, putting up my arm in case he felt the need to harm me or grab me. Once he leaves off, pissed at my rebuttle, my dream ends.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:34 pm
stare Atheists have weird dreams...

Mine wasn't so much weird as it was just plain creepy as hell. I had it probably 2 years ago, but it still makes me shudder.

I was pregnant and pretty close to giving birth because I was in a hospital bed speaking to a nurse. The doctor came in to administer drugs, but then he told me, "you don't deserve to have a child!" and stabbed me right in the stomach. Somehow, all the fluids drained completely, and the child was still alive inside me and you could see it's shape flailing beneath my skin. I wanted to save it, so I began to run all the while cradling it... while never actually giving birth.

Still freaks me out. I don't even want kids, but in the dream I was crying hysterically and when I woke up I thought it was real and I couldn't stop crying. Stupid psychological mind-tricks.  



PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:20 am
Man, everyone has all the cool dreams. Even if they were scary or ******** or something, at least they're cool. My dreams are always plain text, and almost never enigmatic. The only dreams I can recall seeming out of place are the recurring tidal-wave-on-the-beach-with-my-dad ones. And no, my father wasn't killed by a tidal wave, let alone near an ocean, let alone EVER. The rest of my dreams are stuff like "Hey, this dream is about stuff I enjoy, like arcades and roller coasters! Oh, look at this dream! I'm going back to school in this one, and first period's on the wrong side of the hall! LOL! Wait, did I just break my best time on a Rubik's Cube? What a thrill! I hope I never wake up!"  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:04 pm
A while ago I had a dream it was the apocolypse. (a bit morbid, no?) Pretty much everyone I know is Christian, so they were all saying 'Thank goodness we believe in God! We'll be saved! God told us to go to the beach!' Fearing that I was going to be left below during the apocolypse, I began to question whether or not being an atheist was the right choice.
While I was pondering, I headed to the shoreline along with everyone else, where there was a HUGE like, 400 foot wave forming in the ocean. I stared at it thinking '********, why is everyone saying we should be on the beach? We should be getting to higher grounds!' Nonetheless I stood under this giant pier-thingy with everyone else. Suddenly some random old lady came up to me and handed me some manga, saying 'Don't worry. Read this and it will explain everything!'. She left, and when I looked at the books I saw she had given me Volumes 3 and 4 of whatever manga it was.
But it was too late to think about that, 'cause the wave came crashing down! (oh no!) Of course it went right over everyone on the beach (we were protected by that pier) and flooded the rest of the world.
After that it went blank, and the next moment I was sitting in a lighthouse with my friends laughing at stupid birthday cards. And their were hamsters there too for no reason (the were named Near and Light, like in Deathnote)

Slimy Hats


Newbie Noob

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:53 pm
xd Okay, it was about a month ago that I had this funny a** dream.

So I was having this dream that my best friend and I were at this zoo, and at this zoo there was a large monkey cage with all kinds of chimps. One of the chimps had a big nasty thing on his head, and when I looked closer I could see that it was this scabby, pus covered, bloddy growth. I kept complaining about how absolutely sick it appeared, and then my friend reaches in the cage, rips it off the monkey's head, and take a bite out of it! I was in complete shock and disgust, and I was in the middle of saying "Aww man that is sick," but when I opened my mouth to speak, he shoved the remaining piece in my mouth!!! I was to repulsed I just started spitting as hard as I could, and appearently I was doing this with such ferver, that when I woke up, I was spitting on my pillow. stare My dream made me hock a loogie in my pillow.

I was so pissed, even the next day when saw my friend I said, "Dude, you're a d**k." xd  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:48 pm
My dream is romantic ones. I found my gf in a beach and give her a hug from behind. Then suddenly everything dissappear and i left in a mist. I dont know. Maybe just a representation of me missing her.

alpha male tayo


PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:36 am
Well, heregoes.

What dream should I start out with...hmmm...

I'll do this one.

This is one I had a while ago, so it's a little fuzzy...
So I'm running through the forest and I am protecting this stone, this all importaint stone, which for some reason has been mounted on a ring, and this tall, skinny lady in pink is chasing me (if I look behnd I can't see her, though) so I am running and I come to this round lake/pond with an island in the middle. On the island is a small silver trailer. The pond is frozen over, but not to thickly. I hear her behind me, so I have to cross the lake/pond to the island over the ice. I start out over the ice when she appers behind me. She does not dare to go out on to the ice, but instead tempts me to come over to her. Natrilly I refuse and keep heading over. Suddenly, the ice cracks and I plunge in. the water is cold, a freezing, scalding cold. I have a big fir (ewww...real fir) parka on so after I swim to the island thing i get rid of it. I knock on the door of the trailer. They answer and see me sopping wet so they invite me inside. After changeing cloaths I sit down with the family in their living room and tell them my story (that I'm running from evil person "A" and need to keep the stone away from her.) They agree to help me. There is a knock at the door. They tell me to hide. I run to the bathroom and jump into the tub, pulling the shower curtan closed, hoping she won't find me. I hear her and she walks in, seeing me in the tub. I roll backwards. I am now somehow under some sort of cabanet in a bedroom. She walks in. "I know you're in here..." she calls out. She stops infrount of my hiding place, as if she heard something. She is wairing some sharp (as in pointy not good-looking) pink stilletto heels. She bends over, like, in half,and grins at me evily. *gulp*
Then I woke up. Scary, huh?
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:58 pm
I've been having a lot of erotic dreams sweatdrop
They scare me. Whats wrong with my noggin?!



PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:11 pm
Dead Daisies
I've been having a lot of erotic dreams sweatdrop
They scare me. Whats wrong with my noggin?!

Nothin hun. To be honist I wish I had more.

But that's just me and my sick little world.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:49 pm
Dead Daisies
I've been having a lot of erotic dreams sweatdrop
They scare me. Whats wrong with my noggin?!

Nothin hun. To be honist I wish I had more.

But that's just me and my sick little world.

xd I second that.  


Newbie Noob


PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:10 pm
Any time anyone ever asks a question like this, the first one that comes to mind is one that I had years ago. It goes like this:

I was in an orphanage for girls, of a sort, and we all snuck out to go ride this really scary roller coaster at a specific theme park in our area. I didn't want to go on it, but the girls talked me into it, and I went on and I thought "Hey, this isn't so bad". Then dinosaurs came and were trying to eat us off the ride, and then in a "first you're here and now you're there" switch you get in dreams, we were all in this big huge inflatable hall you could bounce in, but there were gaps between the walls and the floor, so the dinosaurs were swiping at the gap, and snatching up girls. You didn't see anything besides them being grabbed, so it wasn't gruesome, and there was only the small, excited feeling of danger like you get when you're playing tag or something and someone's right on your tail. But anyway, so then we were running from the police for some reason, and we were running back to the orphanage through alleys and I broke through a window and woke up. But not because it hurt. So it's weird. And I always remember my one friend, Lilia always has the weirdest dreams. Once, she was telling us about one, and I swear, she went on and on for like 10 minutes with only about as much detail as i used. The only part I remember about it is that somewhere, they came back to their house and someone had taken it over and the sun turned into Harry Potter's head.......she's weird... xd rofl  
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