well, youre still pretty young so i really dont see the need to cry yourself to sleep and s**t like that..anyways, if you really do want to do it, then go..but if they said that he likes you too, then you also have the option to wait til he asks you out..but hey like i said youre young, theres no need to rush into the dating scene just yet.. 3nodding

I ask myself alot of questions which make me end up sobbing. Such as: What if he and his gf visit on the weekends? Why hasn't he asked me out yet after a whole friggin year and in two weeks Ill be gone for the summer? What if he doesnt even like me? Am I even the slightest bit attractive? gonk
i see..well have you tried not asking yourself stuff that depresses you? stare well there is the possibility that he really doesnt like you and he's just telling you that to be nice..in which if thats the case, id recommend trying to forget about him..youll just end up hurting yourself more tying so hard and end up in failing..anyway its your choice..as for the am i attractive thing, well im 17 and i think yer pretty cute..but then again maybe you should ask someone closer to yer age..

I've been known to date older guys emo And thats what makes my tummy grumbly is that he doesnt like me D:

its just so lame.he's young too so many things can happen to both of ya. dont just waste ur time pushing yourself to him.he'll realize someday that he needed you as well.