I'm pretty sure its from the game... I''ve never played it befor but I'd imagine it is...
Soo....heres my question...
Is that..... Sora and.... Nanami!?
o.o;; Y'know, I heard that in the game depending on your choices Sora can end up with a number of the other characters (Even Matsuri, haha, I wanna see how that'd turn out! ^w^ Would it be cute?) but even Nanami, huh? But, what really confuses me is in a bunch of the group pictures, it looks like the pairings are predetermined.... Like, if you were playing the game, I don't know where they'd fit random group pics in, so the group pics must be from like.... I dunno, covers, ect. things like that, y'know?
Here I some groups pics....
Maybe not the third one, but in all the others doesn't it look like is a NaoxSora and NanamixShinichiro pairing? With this how is SoraxNanami even a posibility, and....
O.O;; Even more confusion. Nanami fell in love with Shinichirou and relized the work he was doing with Aizawa was wrong. And heres a game pick of NanamixShinichirou. o,o;; HOW IS NANAMIxSORA A POSSIBILITY WITH ALL OF THIS!?! Wouldn't a Sora and Nanami pairing mess with the story-line?
Okay, and with all of that, could somebody please explain that picture to me? ^^ Its oh, so confusing...
~~its hard to imagine any body else with Sora, other than Nao. ^^ They're to cute. *sigh* I wish they'd get more lovey-dovey in the anime. ^^