The Helpdesk (Quick Questions and Assistance)

So, your house is haunted, and you want to know ways of banishing the ghost(s)? You're looking for Pagan podcasts, or articles on Asatru? You need to know the names of the angels of the watchtowers? You had a particularly nasty vision and you want to know why? This is the place for your questions.
Naturally, this board is similar to the Research subforum - however, the crucial difference is that the questions you ask here aren't for a topic you intend on keeping people up to the minute on, or they're magickal solutions to mundane problems - that kind of thing.


  • Be clear, concise, and write well. Chatspeak means that folk will be less inclined to believe you when you beg them for spells to destroy the demonic legion that's out for your blood.

  • Be polite. I don't think this one warrants much explanation.

  • Make sure your question hasn't already been answered. Peruse the Essays, Research and Q&A boards just in case.

  • Make the title/subject of your question clear! None of this "Can someone help me???" business here - the subject line is so you can give us a quick summary of your problem. Not everyone has time to wade through posts that turn out to be on topics they know nothing about.