Everytime she yells at me
I hold a gun that she can't see
I hold the barrel to my head
Pull the trigger and I am dead
There's no body on the ground
Nor any blood all around
I've commited false suicide
I didn't really do it
I haven't really died

Everyday I commit a suicide
That isn't really there
But people think that I have died
They stand over my grave and stare

Deep cuts crawl along my wrists
But they are fake, they don't exist
The blood trickled down my arm
I felt no pain, I did no harm
There's no pool of blood on the floor
My arm does not hurt, sting or sore
I've commited false suicide
I didn't really do it
I havent reallly died

Everyday I commit a suicide
That isn't really there
But people think that I have died
They stand over my grave and stare

The pain inside my heart
Is tearing me apart
These people spoke of suicide
Said "I'm O.K" even though they lied
There is something in me
(I can feel it in my brain)
Make me always feel so lonely
(And I can't stand this sort of pain)

Everyday I commit a suicide
That isn't really there
But people think that I have died
They stand over my grave and stare

Everyday I commit a suicide
That isn't really there
The people around are watery-eyed
And I've realized
Someone really cared

I wrote this after I underwent "psyciatric therepy" I was a hard-core cutter
and I went to the hospital because I almost "succeeded" once. They hospital refered me to counsuling and they told me to write what I felt. I wrote this song after all the time I had spent there. But as A lot of people know. old habbits die hard. So right now my parents don't know what I'm doing, but I do feel guilty about it. But it was a way of life that is really hard for me to break. This song is just a way to relinquish my guilt and pain. The "she" in the song is my mom by the way.