To Katinchen012: Yeah, could you imagine them screwing up all the names as bad as they do on 4Kids? I think I'd cry... cry

X________x I don't want to imagine this! Luckily we don't have any 4kids anime here. RTL2, our main anime broadcaster, cuts like mad, but at least they don't change the character's names.
And changing names in manga would be... horrible. Absolutely horrible.

I think ive said this before, but it seems with a lot of anime and manga translations, the translators know nothing about the series.
It seems professional translators were hired, the Japanese script handed to them and they went to work for their pay check.

Why dont they at the very least do a little research into the series before hand?
Ask some fans, then theyd get petty things like names right...

it wouldn't be hard, just spend a few hours on the internet.