Red, it is the colour of blood,
Blood, the most wonderful thing the world has to offer to us,
Us, meaning everyone who has ever lived
Lived, that is when you have been born and you have had a death,
Death, it is a sad yet pleasurable,
Pleasure, The thing that keeps a human going,
Humans, the specaise that shall distroy the world,
World, the place were we live.....for now.

This is my world, this is me, this is my nightmare, so welcome to it.

Nothing matters anymore,
I lie here crying,
Pain it over takes me,
Why can't you beleave,


Nothing matters anymore,
Because you hit and scream at me,
Why do you hate everyone?
What did I do?

Nothing matters anymore,
I lie here broken,
Blood surrounds the floor,
How can you not see,

That I am gone,

My life doesn't matter anymore