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Kingdom of Alksar is fantasy roleplay guild for everyone. There are no bans, if you don't know how to roleplay or just your english isn't good enough. We accept everyone to the guild and heartly welcome them to the guild. This is and new guild so I got still plenty of work to do, but I hope that you enjoy ^^

Good or Evil?
Choose your side. Which are you good or evil? Evil forces bring destruction and Good's forces will try to stop them. Does the good always win? It's up to you.


In the guild are lands, that one you are in. You can build a house there and get mail there. It helps you to gain items and money. It also shows your inventory...

This guild has some ranks that will be allowed to everyone. You can raise up at the ranks and become ultimate warrior, peace loving hunter, travelling merchant, powerfull martial artist or sneaking thief.

Role Playing:
Create own character, live like your fantasy character. Many things have improved by RP and it's fun. Role Playing is like a dream, where you have own rules. Like a game, that is controlled by you. Like a real live, where you born, live and die.

We have a special money in the Guild. I call it BP, that comes from ''Battle Point''. You can earn them from missions, roleplaying and posting. You can buy diffrent eguipments with BPs.

1. Follow Gaia TOS
2. Things such as cyber, abuse, racial slurs, hentai, porn, etc.. that are disallowed by Gaia's TOS are not allowed in the GGN just as they're not allowed in the rest of Gaia's forums.
3. Enjoy when you Role play ^^
4. Keep the ''bad'' language away from here ^^'
5. NO GOD MODDING!!! God modding will result first with a warning then if God modding continue's it will result in a ban for the God modder.
If you think some one is caught god modding then please PM me or a mod wiith what has happend and if you can a URL direct link to the God modding scene.

We need Rulers to the guild's diffrent lands ^^. Active ones are accepted and auto promotion to crew if you are a Ruler of One land...