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Pfft, as if I haven't seen on before. But anyways, I was in Hot topic school shoping. But I don't ever shop there. Not really my style. I just check out some of the anime junk they got. 8D So anyways, I walk in, and he comes up to me. This gay dood, he had tight pants on, and his voice was all girlish. . and he's like " All our skirts and bottoms are 1o% off. " IN THIS ADORABLE GAY VOICE. -Sucker- So I have this HUGE DORKISH smile on, because he talked to me. And I kinda nodded my head, looking like a tard. So then while I was walking around I was like STARING at him. Like stalker-like stare. xDD

Then he came up to me, and my huge dorky grin appeared again. And he was like, " Are you finding everything okay? " And I just nodded and said " yeah" BUT MY GOD HE WAS SO SEXY. -drool- But he's gay. . . for sure.

So um yeah, lets talk about seeing a hawt guy and acting dumb around them. Like I did. =/ Oh, I asked my mom if I could hug him, but she said no. Apparently I could get an STD from hugging? O___o

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